Norman Lear has an autobiography coming out - Do you think he'd do the show?

2  2014-10-03 by moegolden

(OK, it is a memoir, not an autobiography)

Some of the most memorable all-time conversations on the show revolve around discussing Lear's groundbreaking work and how it pushed the limits of tv and society.

Even though he's old, he could be the perfect guest.


He would be the perfect guest...on TACS.

Anthony knew Lear's shows inside and out and could have a really great interview. Jimmy and Opie would ask him the same four questions about All in the Family for an hour.

Jim: Did you get any criticism for creating such a racist, bigoted character?

Jim: It takes some balls to create and stand behind All in the Family. Do you think we'll ever see a show or character like that again?

Jim: What do you think of today's super-PC world?

Opie: You're not related to the jet-plane company, right?

You forgot my favorite jim question

Do you ever look back and think about ____ and go like ehhhhhhhhhh?

Except the guy with a savantish knowledge of every obscure episode of every 70s and 80s sitcom is off the show.

on this neutered show, yes
