Did it ever occur to all of you that Opie and Jimmy re-signed because it could lead to Anthony returning to the show?

0  2014-10-01 by AnudderCast

Think about it...if they leave, it's definitely the end of their big money deal. But if they stay, Anthony could easily return a few months down the road after SiriusXM has had enough time to save face, and then they're ALL back in the money.

I say Anthony is back by the new year.


Ant will never return to SXM. Face it.

OP works for SXM in the cancellation department.

The "retention specialist" at SXM I spoke with when I canceled had never even heard of O&A. They called me weeks later and tried to give me a deal and the guy calling was almost entirely unfamilliar with the situation. Sad, but SXM don't give a shit.

I thought you were a friend of the show Vixen.

Is this who I think it is?

And who would that be? ;)

So fucking stupid.

I really hope OP is joking. He can't be this dumb, right?

jim signed because Sirius gave him some of the money they saved by firing Ant.

Jim isn't a sleazy cunt at all...

I see you're in the 'denial' stage



It will likely never happen.


Mass murder suicide pills. GET IT STRAIGHT FLUORIDE HEAD.

Kinda funny because someone I tangentially know has been on SSRI's for awhile and was sent to the hospital for diverticulitis and began threatening to murder his wife, all the hospital staff and kill himself. I think there maybe something to it tbh.

That's right, mass suicide murder pills. Too much fluoridation of my precious bodily fluids haha.
I had a friend on those SSRIs and he was a wreck his entire life. That's insane.

Ya don't say!?


Has any corporation ever hired somebody back once they have been fired for something they said? It would be nice if O and J just said they signed a good deal and stopped trying to convince people that Ant has a chance of coming back.


Jesus fucking christ... Is this the new way of trolling us? Ant is not coming back ever. Get that through your skull... better yet get a shotgun shell through your skull.

Hey Fuckhead,

Edit: Hey FuckheadS

What.. Two posts suggesting that Opie wasn't lying when he said there's still a door open for Ant to come back but they "need a little more time" and you take it as trolling??

And how do you have any clue what Ant would or wouldn't do? You don't.

Seriously the Opie hate here is retarded. If you don't like the guy then go back to downloading porn in your moms basement and be done with it.

The mere fact that people go so far out of their way to criticize where things are now speaks VOLUMES.

So... Carry on sir.. Carry on.

This has nothing to do with Opie bashing and everything to do with you being a fucking idiot. Ant said he would only go back if they offer him 10 million dollars and he can still do his podcast, so basically there is no fucking way. Your question is asked every day and it is a dumb question asked by dumb people who are too stupid or too much in denial to move on. Now go and get your fucking shinebox.

So why do you still come here?

And when I say you I'm really saying all the haters since I obviously have no idea who "you" are

You're not even reading my responses.

I was too busy trying to find my shinebox.

I can't find it.

Seriously though I just don't get why this idea is so impossible. It actually makes the most sense.

Without all three the show(s) suck. Period. They all know this. The execs know it. The "fans" know it.

I didn't mean to jump on you but whatever.. I did.

Sorry for being mean.



We all just want mom and dad back together again...

Let the healing begin.