Did they do Jocktober today?

9  2014-10-01 by [deleted]

Eh, what the fuck do I know.


Yes, they jocktobered all the listeners today by giving us horrible radio

I enjoyed today's show

Any show with multiple appearances by Uncle Paul is fucking great.

I tried for about 45 seconds today. I came on and it was all fucking Opie talking with his face in the mic and he literally sounded like he was trying to do a Stern.

What an out of touch, talentless douche.

They should spend their time building people up, instead of tearing them down

-Joe Derosa

They musta spent too long building his fat tits

time that could have been used on the sholders

It's not right to attack someone's livelihood.

Nope. Unless it was some kind of post-modern, meta-type-deal.

Jocktober without Anthony just does not work.

You spelled "show" wrong.

I'd enjoy TACS doing a jocktober of O and J. There's a surprising amount of material after just a few months.

I would like Anthony to do it, but with Jimmy. Don't make it mean by pointing out how shitty opie is, but use jimmy and the other comics' bombs and flubs

It should be so mean that Jimmy is afraid to come back on to the show the next day. He should threaten Gregg's life.

yeah, but you know that won't happen. they're trying to keep it as professional as they can

I mean, I was being hyperbolic, but I would like to see Jimmy shit on Opie a little.

He never would though, at least not for years, Opie was half of the team that gave him a real gig and the opportunity to win over solid fan base, which he did, and we all still love him for it.

Oh I definitely would. I was just hoping for at least something somewhat realistic haha

Ant and Jim aren't/weren't as obsessed with burying other shows as Opie.

Thats what I mean. But they could easily have fun ripping apart jimmy and the other friends of the show with their shit

Remember when Patrice said how Norton is shaped like any container you pour him into? That sums up his entire career. He is great when surrounded by great people. When around Opie, or on his own, he just deflates and slimes outward.

Fuck, I miss Jocktober.

I just started listening a little over a year ago, and I loved Jocktober. I normally listen to the replay when I get into work because of the time difference, but in October I woke up and went into the office early just to listen to the Jocktobers real-time (and I am NOT a morning person). I am sad

You're just a regular Joe.

That would be like a burn victim calling someone ugly

Why would they?

They have no one to attack less hacky and phony than them.

Correction: They have no one to attack less hacky and phony than Opie.

Does anyone on here actually listen to the show?

Sam brought a tape and everything and they did nothing with it.

No. Now it's the pervert and dad show.

haha nailed it

Seriously? Did they explain why there was no Jocktober?

Management is ALL IN with the new direction of the show, which doesn't include making fun of people. No big deal right?

I can't even listen, my favorite show is being destroyed from the inside out.

I think Opie tweeted last week that they weren't doing Jocktober. I didn't listen today so I don't know if it came up.

jocktober is the only thing i care about from that show. this is very disappointing.

Yeah, you missed this site really sticking it to the show.

Since midJuly