Opie confirms they have re-signed with Sirius XM.

21  2014-09-30 by stevenknight


In ottos best voice "who gives a shit!"

I went from not listening to O&J to not listening to O&J.

Gotta love some of the twitter responses. One in particular: You guys handled this situation perfectly!

Because the perfect way to handle this situation is to do a terrible version of your old show where you eliminate almost all of the comedy and continue to say "we are trying to figure things out still!" as your excuse for putting on a shitty show and then announce you have re-signed in a tone where you are trying to get sympathy from your fans for making the decision everyone knew you were going to make all along (so long as Sirius offered the chance). I couldn't think of a better way to handle any of this...

You guys handled this situation perfectly!

Opie responded to this one IMMEDIATELY: https://twitter.com/OpieRadio/status/516986733972705280

ME: Somebody gets it!

See, that's the bit


Glad you're the one that's allowed to dictate what other people do and don't like. I mean you realize this place is a small minority of fans and typically the online fans see the worst and harshest anyway. You think some guy that commutes to work and listens to the show cares as much as anyone here?

Same thing happened with Stern. The hardcore Internet fans on forums jumped ship but is Howard really doing that bad? No.

Right. So you are saying that "people who actually listen and care about the content don't matter.. it's the people who listen no matter how shitty the show gets that matter!".. I agree with you on that. The people who continue to listen do help make shitty radio. This is the same thing that Opie and Anthony and Jim used to trash every October when they would bring a show up and say "I don't understand how these people are still on the air..."

You don't listen do you? I don't care if you hate the show or Opie and want to air a few grievances out, explain why you don't listen anymore, or occasionally rant about the show I just don't get why the same people come here daily to remind themselves of it. Move the fuck on already. It's not going to change. Just accept it. People still do like the show. A small minority of fans think it sucks. This reddit community isn't as big as you think. Also a lot of the Opie hate recently is just reaching and isn't even realavent to the show getting better. It's just a herd mentality and looking for karma. Then it's the whole free pass thing Anthony gets when at times he's been particularly awful. Especially the last couple years when he pretty much phoned it in with racial tirades and gun nonsense. His tacs show has been a refreshing change but let's not act like he hasn't had awful moments too.

Well going on Storm Front podcast was great for his pr.

I don't come here to remind myself of the shitty show that now exists. I come here because I loved a good show that used to exist and don't mind talk about the shitty show that now exists. If people like the show now that is fine. I don't tell people to cancel their subs and I'm not sending a petition to the white house to try to shut the show down. I just talk about the stuff about the show that bothers me. The subreddit about the show seems like the perfect place for that sort of discussion.

If you don't like it, I'll give ya two options.
1) Turn the radio off or listen to something else. 2) Kill yourself with a hammer.

I don't listen to the show. I cancelled my sub in July and only listen to the clips people post on here or point out (and old clips that were funny). Also I bet it'd be pretty impossible to kill yourself with a hammer because you'd go unconscious before you'd be able to finish bashing your head in.


Ahhh man.. are you getting a lil' upset? Why would you care so much what I talk about? I used to listen to every show so I like checking in and seeing if there is anything worth hearing about with the show. If I have an opinion about something I'll say it. Hell, Opie and Jimmy talk about sports and music that they know nothing about and you have no problem with that, apparently. If you get worked up into a frenzy like a bitch because I said something that is totally on you.

Get aids

Jimmy Norton? Is that you 10 years ago?

Yes. I typed that while having a hooker shit on my chest.


Fair enough sir

I let my sub expire a few weeks ago when it became clear there was no more funny to be had. After endless bitching about bring stuck in the mud, it all turns out to be something to do to kill time, not get away from a bad environment

Did ya

How does one implement option #2? Drop it? All day long?

How long until he starts bitching about the same old shit company he bitched about for years. But remember guys, They like the new show.

Meanwhile Ant is living the dream and is now his own boss pretty much.

Who do you think he got the "Is that today's problem?" line from? It's probably what management used to say to him every time they'd bitch about the studio, the mics, the headphones, the guests, etc.

Fantastic! Now with Barbara Streisand getting her own channel maybe we can get a sit-down with Babs!! I can't wait to start my day taking a steaming wet dump hearing that nasel-y voice cackling away.


Whine whine whine.... Bitch bitch bitch.

...and pitchin' a fit?


Translation: Anthony who?

He's a real Jay Leno

Half of me feels bad for Jimmy, like he's trying to make the best of a bad situation.

The other half of me has lost respect for Jimmy, that he's so fearful of losing the SXM paycheck that he's going to stay on this show, which is no longer really any sort of comedy show.

I was hoping that even if Opie re-signed, that Jimmy would walk and go do something better than this - comedy on the road, semi-regular appearances on TACS, his VICE show, etc. I don't know the man's financial situation but seeing that he's going to continue down this path is pretty sad to me.

little Yimmy has been giddy the past few shows. He wont say it, but he is so fucking relieved that SXM offered him another contract and at more money to boot.

He got a 30% raise. Of course he stayed and is happy. You'd take his spot in a second for that pay check no matter how much you hate Opie. It's 3.5 hours 4 days a week.

I can't disagree with that. But there's also the integrity aspect of it. I think of Patrice and how he would say you could always make a paycheck if you're willing to sacrifice your integrity. Jimmy is a comic, and he's signing up to do a show which is basically an interview show at this point, not comedy. He spent years shitting on shows like this, and now he's part of one.

So I understand his decision, but I've lost some respect for his decision at the same time.

Patrice was funny as fuck but he was so self destructive. He quit The Office. He started at the same time as Craig Robinson who is now fucking massive. I weap every time I see him on TV because that should be Patrice.

Hookers into water sports cost more

Who are these douchebags that wash opie's balls on twitter? How do they think the show is the greatest thing ever?

I can answer that!! The ball washers kiss Opie's ass on twitter because for a lot of these people, getting a response from Opie will be the greatest moment of their entire lives! And as long as you praise Opie in your tweet to him; he will definitely give you a retweet!

Sort of like the reason Opie cyber bullies celebrities is he is secretly hoping they acknowledge him and respond, so he feels validated. He would love to kiss ass to these celebrities that he tweets, but he really thinks has the same star power that they do, so he has to bully them like he doesn't care.

They confirmed it on the show this morning.

Some more info here if that wasn't said during the show: https://twitter.com/OpieRadio/status/516990687934697473

He really is turning into stern slowly. Soon he will do three shows a week.

Did they/he bring up the Anthony firing or anything related?

Yes, SiriusXM may bring him back eventually and Jimmy sounded like a big part of him signing was in the hopes of Anthony coming back sooner or later.

If Opie really thinks Sirius will bring Anthony back, he's a bigger fool than any of us have accused him of being.

I think it's pretty obvious Opie is lying through his fucking teeth about that, to keep people from bailing.

But Jimmy also hinted at it. Weirder things have happened. I doubt it will happen soon but it may eventually happen. Obviously I have no idea what's going on behind the scenes but from what was said on the show, it sounded like Anthony is more likely to say no than Sirius at the moment (since he's making money and is doing it from home).

Of COURSE Ant would say no. What they did was insulting and cowardly. Would you go back and work for a company that did that to you? Plus, Sirius does not strike me as a company that would allow him to return.

This is starting to get creepy, Opie and Jimmy are starting to heavily whitewash what happened, and I don't think it's anything more than bait to keep people listening. They're rationalizing their asses off about the new contracts, and it reeks of guilt that they've basically turned their backs on Anthony.

Add this to the fact that they said Ant doesn't want to work with them when he has said the complete opposite on his show.

I would go back if the money was right. What Sirius did was cowardly but also expected. All companies would do the same thing these days.

Somehow i dont see Anthony leaving his 2 hour a day job at the mafia mansion filled with booze, guns, and average looking girls to make the trek over to the city to work for a company of shit dicks that didn't have his back in the first place.



I'm not mad they re-signed. That was obvious. What I care about is the show blows goats. I tried to listen yesterday, and got as far as Opie referring to himself as "The Opester", and I got a massive douche chill and turned it off.

I won't make that mistake again. I like Jimmy, but I don't like him on that show. He tried to do a Chippah, and The Opester steamrolled right over it. Fuck the Opester.

Why is everyone bitching....you do realize that the only way to get Anthony to come back was to re-sign? Without that the chances are slim to none.



Hell will freeze over before Anthony rejoins them at SXM. RIP The Opie and Anthony Show. What an embarrassing, hypocritical, fraudulent moron Opie is. I'm not a "pest" but I encourage anyone who is to destroy the show but target everything at Opie. Jimmy is sort of like Tyrion Lannister in all this (and yes, I know, the comparison is far from perfectly accurate). Cancel your subs everyone, The Opestern will never get the message but we all have to do our bit. Long Live TACS!

Heres the offical statement from the man himself. http://youtu.be/PG-qCyYZRms

Good for him.

I for one haven't listened to the show since Ant left. Garbage show.

It's better to burn out than fade away except in this case of course..

For the last two years he has done nothing but bitch about the place and how they are vastly underpaid. He's an unfunny fraud

" Happy to here Opie. Any word on what the show will be called? Is it Gregg and Jim?"

What a retarded cunt.

OK, now they've re-signed, they HAVE to get Anthony back.

It's great news...time for all you twats to shut down the subreddit and move to O&J or TACS. Who am I kidding, you will still sit here and complain like cunts or try to organize a rally to rub dicks with some other trucker.

Say that again ... only slower this time.

Right. So you are saying that "people who actually listen and care about the content don't matter.. it's the people who listen no matter how shitty the show gets that matter!".. I agree with you on that. The people who continue to listen do help make shitty radio. This is the same thing that Opie and Anthony and Jim used to trash every October when they would bring a show up and say "I don't understand how these people are still on the air..."

You don't listen do you? I don't care if you hate the show or Opie and want to air a few grievances out, explain why you don't listen anymore, or occasionally rant about the show I just don't get why the same people come here daily to remind themselves of it. Move the fuck on already. It's not going to change. Just accept it. People still do like the show. A small minority of fans think it sucks. This reddit community isn't as big as you think. Also a lot of the Opie hate recently is just reaching and isn't even realavent to the show getting better. It's just a herd mentality and looking for karma. Then it's the whole free pass thing Anthony gets when at times he's been particularly awful. Especially the last couple years when he pretty much phoned it in with racial tirades and gun nonsense. His tacs show has been a refreshing change but let's not act like he hasn't had awful moments too.

Patrice was funny as fuck but he was so self destructive. He quit The Office. He started at the same time as Craig Robinson who is now fucking massive. I weap every time I see him on TV because that should be Patrice.