Jimmy the sports fuck 2.0 and Opie Choked Up

2  2014-09-29 by ActionBlackson

Seriously, this fuckin dumb shit that gives input on sports doesn't know who Konerko is? Then the dumb ass goes, "How many World Series did he win?" Of course, Konerko actually has one, so Jimmy says, "oh." Not to mention, baseball is a team sport, so that's not really a fair way to measure talent. It's like saying Derek Jeter was better than Cal Ripken.

The entire staff is a bunch of fucking out of shape dorks that have no fucking clue about anything relevant past 1985. Be it music, movies, TV, or sports.


This is why the show misses Anthony.

Ant didn't know everything, but he knew a fuck of a lot more than these 2.

Ant was why Opie could stumble in a half hour before the show, graze newspaper headlines and do a show, and why jim could show up at 6:05 and barely talk the first half hour.

Because they knew Ant could bail them out. Opie brings up a headline, Ant riffs on it because he read the story, Opie agrees and acted like he actually read it.

Sports talk Jimmy is sad, stick to eating ass and scat jokes.

At least he knows about scat. Jim recently said he hasn't watched a sports game start to finish in over 8 years. I'm sure he's had a domina squat one on him this month.

A "domina?" Did you become a shiftless mexican halfway through?

Why would they like sports, they're not fourrrr

Yeah, I used to have a ball, WHEN I WAS FOUR, OKAY? Then I grew up and nowI do mortgages for fun. I'm an adult and I drink sand when I'm thirsty. What am I, a woman or a kid? Water is what babies drink when they run out of milk.

Someone is named Konerko?

Great fucking question.

They don't do it often, but they occasionally try to talk about College Football. That us the equivalent of watching the Lady Di & BoBo Show!

For example, they brought up the Penn State Scandal, and Opie was serious when he said "I take it Penn State is a popular Football school". And, he asked where Penn State was located? With no fucking Irony!!

Then Opie started reading the transcripts. (Because if there is alot of reading to do, you want Opie to be the designated reader). And he said "I guess the student body refers to Joe Paterno as Joe Pa".

How about anyone in the country with only the slightest k owl edge l les Penn state is a Football School. Not a Hockey school, or a pussycat Baseball School. And how about the world calls Paterno "Joe Pa".

I'm an Ohio State Buckeye fan to the bottom of my heart! I have really nice, professionally done OSU Buckeye Tattos all over me that a connect and tell a story in some way.

During the Penn State Scandal; Jay Mohr brought up something about the OSU vs. Michigan Football Rivalry. It's literally recognized as the biggest, and most well known Rivalry in All Of Sports, going clear back to the 1890's Opie didn't have a clue what Jay was talking about. At least Jimmy only pretends to k ow about the Cowboys, which Jimmy really is the Rain Man of Cowboy Football History, and Ant even gave up on trying to care about Baseball. But Opie still thinks he can billshit his way through an in depth sports discussion.

You're a moron if you love your dumb college's sports team enough to tattoo it all over your dumb body.

Maybe you're a moron for judging someone you've never laid eyes on, and know nothing about? I have no clue what your passion is, nor do I care. but whatever it is, I hope it makes you happy! Not only am I a fan of College Football, I also Graduated from OSU. Not bragging; just saying I earned the tattoos. I can talk about College Football all day with incredible knowledge.

However, I know less than shit about baseball, basketball, or hockey; so I wouldn't talk about it for 30 minutes on the radio, when I know nothing about those sports.

I love the buckeyes too but I would never get one ohio state tattoo let alone cover my fucking body in them. Also tattoos are for jigs and white trash

I guess it was a figure of speech. I don't have them ALL OVER my body. I have a few Large Tattoos that are professionally done. I hate shitty "Trashtoos" as well. You get what you pay for, and I paid alot. And it should be illegal for blacks to get tattooed.

And most importantly!, Even though I have a few large OSU Tattoos; They are strategically positioned to where I can wear a short sleeve shirt at work, and they wouldn't be visible.

Hold on hold on HOLD ON - Jimmy is not out of shape. He's been gain' ta the GEM. And eattin' betterrr.

ME: Jimmy is not out of shape.

I'm a bodybuilder. Hearing Jimmie's stupid ass comment on diet and exercise makes me laugh. Whatever personal trainer he has is ripping his dumb ass off and probably charging him a shitload.

Dude, the guy lost like 30lbs. He's doing SOMETHING right. Cmon.

And that's every gal's goal when working out, to lose mass. Who wants muscles?

You really think Jimmy's goal was to be a 50 year old 5 foot 4 inch chinless meathead or do ya think maybe his goal was just to get into shape?

No, but having muscle tone would make him a meat head? I don't think being a skinny wimp is in shape. It's better than a fat fuck, but still not anything I'd want.

He's a comic and a radio personality. Skinny is what he was going for. He never had any sort of muscle tone. Frankly I didn't even think he ever even had any bones.

Why do body-builders all take this arrogant, knuckle-brained attitude towards people of a normal physique? It's pretty mean to call people who just want to be thin and normal looking 'skinny wimps'.

I think people with normal bodies are way more attractive than roidheads with arms like sausage links. And they're more interesting and have better personalities pretty much 100% of the time.

It's the truth

Nah. Fat people and ripped people are gross. Keep curling the childhood trauma away.

Yeah but Jimmy's like 50. I don't think he's worried about muscles, just doesn't want to be a fatso. (Im a bodybuilder too, so Im not totally disagreeing.)

You guys should get together and oil each other's muscles.

Not in a gay way, just a couple of bodybuilding dudes hanging out, oiling each other, agreeing on various matters, taking turns choking one another out in order to climax. You know, guy stuff

I'm down. Let's do it. Denny and I did once. Imgur

Out of all your pics from the Compound, this was the best

It's def my favorite. I look like Bane from Batman next to him, ha. By the time Denny showed up, I was so hammered and so fucking happy because I didn't think he was coming. He's such a sweetheart, Denny rules.

Yea, the girls you dream about acknowledging you would do it for me though. So, why have other guys do it?

I defy anyone to read this and not wince

are ya?


Ooh, a Cal Ripken reference! Well, guess who doesn't feel incrediibly old for one second! This guy, that's who.

Jeter and Ripken were equals. Jeter was the better contact hitter. The two players had nearly identical slugging %. Ripken was better hitting for power.

Yes, baseball is a team sport. But, historians and fans love individual stats. Derek Jeter was a better "all around" hitter and he had 5 titles. Ripken had one*

*(Edit: corrected Ripken's WS titles)

Don't tell me titles don't matter. Every time someone mentions how great Dan Marino was, another person chimes in with "but, he never won a super bowl."


Good catch, that completely slipped my mind.

Still a HOFer without it. His SS numbers were ridiculous.

And so are Jeter's.

Ripken also left a game early because He heard his wife was fucking another man, Chuck Finley I think. Not a stat, more of a fun fact.

It will also come out eventually that he was juiced up his last couple of years. Fucker cheated and got away with it because he was a Ripken.

You heard it here first, folks.

I thought it was Kevin Costner.

Football is a lot different. They play less games and a great qb can win games for his team. A great short stop or third basemen can't win a World Series. They only get to bat like 4 times a game. Individual stats mean less in baseball towards creating wins unless it's a pitcher.

Agreed. However, I have seen great football players not get a title. Dan Marino probably tops that list. Then we have Jim Kelly and LaDanian Tomlinson.

No doubt, Jeter was blessed with talent around him. However, one of his "intangibles" was that you could build a team around him. ARod not so much. And the difference in their total titles is glaring.

Well when you have the Yankees money they could build an all star team. If Jeter was on the Brewers or Pirates his whole career he wouldn't have the titles. Great players leave shitty teams to play for the Yankees. Jeter was just lucky enough to go thru their system from the start so having a good team around him/getting paid top dollar was never an issue he hadta deal with.

Definitely true for the 2009 and 2000 titles.

But, the 96, 98 and 99 titles not as much. There was a ton of homegrown/unknown talent on the team that played way over its head from start to finish.

The thing many people don't remark on is the sheer improbability of developing 3-4 HOF calibre players at the same time, having them enter the league together and dominate for close to 20 years together. That's what made that team special and it will never happen again. Ever.

It is easier for a high scoring guy to carry a basketball team. The Cavaliers had Lebron James and 14 nobodies and could still make the Finals. There is no way a short stop could carry a team like that. Even a dominant pitcher will only win 20 to 25 games out of a 162 game season.

So Barry Bonds fuckin sucked. Same goes for Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball is the ultimate team sport where it's hard for one great player to have much of an impact on bad teams.

I didn't say Griffey sucked. I said titles are important stats. Of course Griffey is a HOF player, regardless.

Bonds is a different story. He's tainted, and I have no idea when in his career his roid use started. So, I wouldn't care if he won 10 titles. Same goes for ARod, Sosa and McGwire.

I have in my closet old baseball cards, and he was a skinny little runt when with the Pirates early in his career, numbers are average at best, nowhere near the homerun threat he became in his late 30s.

Opie: I don't usually watch sports, but if it's something trendy as fuck you know I'm tuning in. That's what the king of the nerd does.