Jimmy calls out/smashes Opie's Boston Lie (10:40m)

34  2014-09-29 by HugsMcbear


"Didn't Wiseau say he intended The Room to be that shitty?"-Soder, 10:55

"Yeah, its weird, its like when you get fired from a major market but claim you just did that because you wanted to get hired in New York."-Norton, 11:00

The firing was unintentional but they made something good out of a bad experience. The alternative is Opie is a comic book mastermind when he can barely read copy and newspaper articles written at a 7th grade level.

" . During the early days of XM Anthony stated that the intent of the April Fool's prank was to allow the duo to be released from their contract with WAAF. He also stated that the duo had been having illegal meetings with WNEW prior to the April Fool's prank"[5] " also listen to the unmasked and the show from 4/02/2014. Anthony validates it both times. There's also a theory that they were already in talks with wnew and CBS and that CBS made the prank controversy seem worse than it was to get Opie and Anthony on there broadcast.

smashes is a bit misleading. it was just a harmless joke

Jokes at Gregg's expense are never harmless.

Words hurt.

*if your a pussy! Ooof another home run shirt from show wrecker Hughes..


The show's going to be much more exciting when they start hating each other.

Never gonna happen, with Opie really acting as a boss to Jimmy. Opie is fucking the cat, Jim is just holding the tail.

I happen to know that holding the tail is the least of your worries when you're fucking a cat

the only hope for the show is if opie starts letting jimmy take the lead instead of always trying to steer it in the direction he wants

Opie's idea of "listener engagement" summed up in the first 13-seconds of this clip: catchy, overused, "zany/fun" commercial music-bed followed by his patented and lazy "so, what else is going on?" without context, followed immediately by an HILARIOUS BURP, because that brings the funny.

Don't forget the awesome drumming on the console.

I fuckin hate when these assholes burp

Opie is all in with vampire weekend. Super obscure band. He's all in though. Gonna check out some deep tracks soon.

3-minutes of hilarity by Soder and Jim with an Islamic Duck Dynasty parody; Opie's contribution: "That show's gotta be made...huh huh...that show's gotta be made.".

That's the bit fucko.

If you laughin' why you gotta start hatin'


This clip is is a TEXTBOOK example of why some of us utterly DESPISE Opie. OK! He OWNS the football...he's a prissy oversensitive wannabe tough-guy who has to be coddled...everyone in studio HAS to feign respect; if The Destroyer's spooked, he'll sabotage [now I know why he opened with the B-Boys last week] the show worse than he already has. Management likes the result of the math, but like any overpaid corporate douches, they've enjoyed 20-years of lucrative solutions, but they've NEVER analyzed the equation. Opie didn't contribute ANYTHING to the comedy of this clip (and I'm only 05:33 in). He just fucking interrupts, makes annoying noises, and tries to get involved with stupid fucking "engagement" questions. Meanwhile, Jimmy and Soder are fucking DELIVERING. JIMMY, and whoever else's in studio that's a professional and has some intellect and/or a great sense of humor is why I continue to listen to "The Opie Show" you offended jackasses. As SOON as Jimmy leaves, I'll be relieved of having to suffer Opie.

It's better to download the show or listen on demand. That way, once Opie takes over the show and starts doing that whining voice, you can fast forward 5 or 15 minutes and he'll be back on the board steering the ship.

I listen hoping against hope Sam will engage Chip and at least put a smile on my face.

You have some serious issues you need to work out. It's a fucking radio show. Calm down douchebag. I can't believe people get this worked up over a radio Dj. It was never opies job to be funny. He's not a career fucking comedian like the two people beside him. Of course he's not as funny. What in the fuck do you want? Standing next to two comedians I'm sure you'd come across as unfunny too so just shut up already. Also the direction of the show is changing. It's not longer just a comedy format. It's a talk radio show too. Just go ahead and learn to move on but like bad girlfriends you won't because you know you can't because you're a pathetic douche.

"It was never Opie's job to be funny." - Wish someone would tell OPIE that!

And by the way, you get as, if not more worked up than most around these parts, so insulting others about their supposed misapplied passion demonstrates Opie-level hypocrisy. You seem to possess his level of intelligence, too (NOT a compliment).

"Career fucking comedian." Placement of "fucking" - total Opie cadence there. Wow, you really ARE far up your hero's ass, aren't you?

Here here. It really is something special to see a poster get so worked up about something and constantly accuse other posters of the same thing. He really a fucking douchebag. Thermitepaint is a perfect example of a keyboard hero. He has what you call Internet Muscles

He didn't deny it, he just made an 'awkward' noise. So does that answer the age-old question in here, and chalk up another official mark for "Opie The Liar?" Seems like he pretty much signed off on it right there.

God I hate Dan Soder's voice. Even hearing short clips posted in this Reddit, I dont know how anyone listens to the show anymore.

Nah Today's show was genuinely good - Jimmy did Uncle Paul and Chip; Soder was riffing, did voices and gave Jim someone to bounce off; and most importantly there was chemistry in the room because Opie took a back seat. People hate Soder's voice which is personal I suppose, but he is young and actually gives a fuck, which is refreshing.

i listened to all of todays show, i laughed along with our friend jim on more than one occasion. also dan soder had some fun comments. opie was opie.

I like soders voice.

I'll take your word for it. I'll be off listening to Rivers Cuomo on Maron's show, the Monday Morning Podcast, and Robert Patrick (rad!) on Carolla. With about .001% of the aggravation.

I tried to listen to the Maron / Cuomo interview but it was a fucking snoozefest. Normally I like Maron's show regardless of who he interviews, but I struggled with this one. I lasted maybe 20 minutes.

Yeah he's not a great interview. I generally hate when he has musicians on. The last really good interview was a few weeks ago he had Jim & Tammy Faye Bakker's kid on. That one was amazing.

I'm going to listen to that one today. I've seen him interviewed years ago on a 60 minutes type show, where he threw his parent under the bus. I imagine Marc can get much deeper into those stories than network TV could.

Yeah, I just listened to it too. Rivers just isn't a very open guy, and he's way oversensitive about shit (see: throwing a 6-year fit after Rolling Stone threw Pinkerton under the bus). I remember years ago when he was trolling his own message boards, too. That was great.

Was Rivers any good on Maron's show?

I didn't hear it. The Robin Williams one was great though. I know he was on Joan's show earlier this year, In Bed With Joan. I have to watch it still. The Rivers Cuomo interview seemed like a rough time, but he pulls it off. Not the most forthcoming fella.

Why would you get downvoted for this? This sub works in mysterious ways.

It really is a crap shoot.

Edit: For some stupid fucking reason I thought you were talking about Joan Rivers. I hate myself.

u hate soders voice but u listen to that dumb fuck carolla? LOL

Soder can't make a point without doing an impression of someone who doesn't even exist. Constant goddamn voices.

Yeah, Carolla's really a dumb fuck. He's not an improvisational genius at all. (Whether you like him or not, best in the game) And at least he doesn't scream when he talks.

I appreciate Carolla as a genius, but is he better then Ant or Ronnie B?

Of course he isn't.

He's as good. If there was an Off The Cuff Funny Broadcaster Justice League, Ron Ant & Adam would all be members.

I agree that they are all on the podium. Its just who medals where?

Good question. I like Ant & Ronnie more than Adam, but I think Adam has the most skill at it. It's damn close either way, but if you put a gun to my head I'd have to say Adam. Just look at the amount of content the guy puts out a week, he's a factory.

Agreed. All three are brilliant and hilarious. All three also have there go to shtick that they fall back on. I would say Ant is the most naturally funny. Ron is the smartest and most versatile. While Adam is the most savvy who knows the best way to market his brand.

that's Fuckn ridiculous. Carolla is half a retard.

Broad, sweeping statements like that aren't really an argument. What has Carolla done to be deemed half retarded? Is it have the most successful podcast in history?

People hate Carolla for not being a liberal and for his Real Talk about Mexicans. That's all it boils down to: 'He offended my personal politics'

im not a liberal,Mexican or white apologist (not even white) so What's my reason for not liking him? It can't be because I think he's dumb and just trying to be shocking? He's a goof.

you want me to write you an essay explaining why I don't like him? My opinion from listening to him for a whole is that he's a stupid man with the right connections in showbiz. Go buy urself some "mangria",I'm sure it's fantastic.

Outside of his record in school, I'm not sure how you can call the man stupid. Goes on Lovelines and absorbs enough info to basically do Dr. Drews part for him. Becomes a carpenter and eventually builds his own multimillion dollar house. Probably didn't do all of it himself but I bet he had his stamp on every bit of it. Starts collecting classic cars and becomes an expert at that who was many people's first choice to head the American version of Top Gear. The man may not be edumacated or book smart but I wouldn't call him stupid.

Maybe he was just referring to his voice. Carolla does sound like he has teeth made of whistley balsa wood.

It's been pointed out many times before that Opie's claims of their firing for the Mayor Menino prank being planned is bullshit. Ant has repeatedly said that they were surprised when they got fired and that they believed it was all going to blow over while they were suspended, but now knows when that happens it usually means you're "fired, fired, so fired." He also said he thought he was going to have to go back to tin-knocking.

As always, Opie's full of shit, this is just the first time Jimmy pointed it out on the air.

Umm Ant's made the same claim, many times. It's not just Opie.

Word Yo!!!

What about his voice do you hate?

It's 4 decibels louder than everyone's, it's grating, I hate his bad impressions, and he doesn't make me laugh. I can't stand him.

You picked the wrong day of the week to talk shit about Soder, I think it's Thursdays when this sub decides they hate him.

Ha ha

I'm with you. He was great with Jim today, but his voice and two impressions are like hot needles to the eardrums.

He's got some weird timber to his voice. It's like it is put though an EQ and the bass and treble Are cranked sky high and the mids are dropped out.

It's the touch of gigantism. As long as he can have a sense of humor about it, I can tolerate it. I can understand his few voices can get old, but I take him in doses anyway.

tsss...what is he; a lumbuhjack cuttin' down trees uh sumpthin'?

I love his voice and impressions. It must be like reverse ASMR for you

He's the anti-Bob Ross

tsss...he's like Rob your Boss...like takin' the guy who hired you's wallet or sumpthin'. If I got fiyuhd, I'd be all "I don't give a shit, cocksucka." And then I'd do karate.

Fawk yeah, double karate chops cawksuckas!

Anthony says they got fired on purpose as well. Listen to the unmasked and shows leading up to the unmasked when they would talk about the "good ol days" together. It's not just Opie douche.

You're a fucking idiot. Kill yourself.

Yes. He should listen to the voices because they are right about him. I guess I'm trying to say I second this statement

You mad because I actually found audio that proves your gay little Opie hate obsessed rant is wrong? Kill myself? Another hacky Internet line normally reserved for 13 year olds on 4chan. Way to go loser.

You didn't find anything, dope. You're talking out your ass as usual. Find the audio, then. And then kiss a black gentleman.

Yup I'm pretty sure when I said listen to the Unmasked that I had found the audio of Anthony stating otherwise. I even went deeper and found audio from 4/2/14 with Anthony validating the same story as well as an Anthony quote from an article done about them stating similar things. The unmasked starts around the 30 minute mark. So in hindsight you're probably the dope that's been talking out of his own ass. Google is an amazing ally against idiots like yourself. Approximately 5 minutes of research would have told that but then again I'm arguing with someone that tells people to kill themselves on the Internet like it's an edgy thing to do.

The funny thing is I tricked you into doing all kinds of research and shit. At least 5-10 mins to google, and I'd like to say another 5 to type out that epic paragraph. Although with your awful grammar & reading/writing comprehension, more like 10. You can say "Anthony" all you want, but when Jimmy brought it up yesterday Opie all but admitted it was bullshit. If Ant went along with it, it was to not upset your baby boy ginger overlord. Fuck head.

I'm pretty sure you didn't trick me into anything since I had looked all this up before you. And if I am wasting my time here then what are you doing? You obsess over a fucking radio dj named Opie and tell people on the Internet to kill themselves so I'm not really worried about what you think of me. It doesn't matter if I still have piss poor grammar it doesn't mean I'm wrong here. And I like how everyone just says Anthony was just going along with Opie when Anthony talked about it at length himself during the unmasked and on the show. If Opie was lying why didn't he just keep quite? And why is there quotes from the early XM days of Anthony saying the same thing? Hell even there Wikipedia page quotes Anthony as saying they did it on purpose and there's reason to believe they did. There's a new York times article saying CBS helped get them fired from waaf so that CBS could sign them to wnew.

You have almost nothing to prove me other wise except for a bunch of names. You're clearly a delusional Opie hater that blames him for everything. You're not rational at all. Maybe they are lying but let's not act like it's just Opie and that Anthonys never been a douchebag himself at times.

I didn't read any of this, ha ha. You're so fucking dumb. I love you.

I read it; you're right: he's a lovable dummy. Hadn't noticed the bad grammar though until you brought it up. His response to that was full of errors. So much for hint-taking, TP. P.S.: being a dummy doesn't necessarily make you wrong, but it sure increases the probability.

But you still replied to me to let me know that. How old are you and why aren't you back on 4chan? It's not my fault I found audio that proved you wrong yet without listening to it you still made more base level assumptions and yet I'm stupid? Also how do you know I haven't been trolling you? Hahahahahaha you're so stupid. See I can do it too. You're still wrong though.

Did I ruffle your feathers, sweetie? Am I getting under your skin? Poor lil guy.

When you're wrong it's probably best to deflect. Deflect. And deflect more. It's alright I'm doing just fine. Getting paid right now. How's your day?

Getting paid right now

Just stop it kid. It's embarrassing

Nah it's really not especially if I'm being told to kill myself and accused of wasting my time. Might as well point it out. Don't be jealous. Don't talk to me about embarrassing either. You're the one that spends his time dwelling on and old man named Opie.

Stop hitting yourself

"I've got FU money!" -The Opester


Why I hate Opie.


There's been a lot of talk on this sub since the firing that Opie made that whole thing up. Jimmy must be aware of that and this was a little nod to us, the shitty redditors.

Yeah! That must be it!

Dat clickbait doe.

When is this from?


I missed the joke. I don't understand what Opie was caught lying about. I'm must have still been laughing hysterically at Dan Soders Hilly, Muslim, Cowboy character voice. Jimmy never would have laughed at that shit a year ago! I was waiting for Dan Soders punch line. "HAAAAMMBURGER"!!!

Can someone please explain how and what Opie got caught laughing about? He had to feel embarrassed and exposed; because he did the classic Tri-Fecta if uncomfortableness. Got deadly quiet, mumbles something without laughing, and then changing the subject really quick.


Opie and Anthony both claim they got fired from Boston on purpose because they were looking to comeback to new York and apparently had better offers from other stations but were stuck in there contracts up in Boston. Some fans say that Opie and Anthony were lying and they didn't get fired on purpose yet Opie and Anthony claim they were secretly negotiating with other channels while still under contract which is a big no-no and they knew if they got themselves fired from Boston they would be able to break contract and move back to nyc to do radio. Which at the time was the mecca of all radio and where every radio dj wanted to be. They literally got themselves fired to move up. They talked about it during the unmasked and subsequently a lot prior to the unmasked.

Opie and Anthony both claim they got fired from Boston on purpose

Do you even listen to the show? Anthony has never made that claim - its always Opie that does the tell of that story, captain walker. Anthony said on TACS he was shitting himself when they got fired.

Anthony changes his own version of the story then. Go listen to the unmasked. It's right there. They also talked about it on the show. I know what I heard I just didn't pull it from my asshole. I listened to the unmasked more than once.

Because you don't understand subtleties or nuance. Ant went along with it, so as to back up his buddy and not throw him under the bus.

Now that he's no longer under Opie's thumb and SXM will never rehire him, he can tell the truth.

Nah I listened to the whole thing. Anthony does much more than that. The fucking wiki article about Opie and Anthony quotes Anthony saying it happened like that. There's old articles about it online saying CBS may have tried to get them fired so CBS could hire them because they were negotiating with them while still under contract with waaf. And listen to old shows. 4/2/14 I think Anthony talks about. The 30 minute mark of the unmasked Anthony validates the story there too. Stop just trying to blame opie. It's fucking insane. Anthony talks about how they hatched the plan but didn't know if it would get them fired and when they finally did he was scared but Opie knew what he was doing since he had been in the industry longer. I hate to break it to you but you're wrong here.

Also just because he was shitting himself still doesn't mean they didn't do it on purpose. Sometimes you make descisons in life that are risky yet could be rewarding. And course he was shitting himself the only other option for him was to go back to knocking tin. The unmasked part starts around the 22 minute mark and again around the 30 minute mark. Anthony validates the story there. Anthony says Opie was the radio guy and knew how to deal with mangement and that he didn't. They also said they didn't know if it would get them fired or not and how scared they were. Sorry to break your heart.

Ant being "just happy to be there guy" has gone along with the story every time. But its opie that does the telling every time. He initiates the story and goes into detail about the offer from new york.

Whatever you say that's why Anthony instead of being quite elaborated on it and is even fucking quoted on there Wikipedia page saying they got fired on purpose. There's an old new York times article with Anthony saying the same thing. Give you're Opie hate a rest for a second and realize that you're wrong this time. How is Anthony the happy to be there guy when they've talked about the Boston thing this year?


Speculating? There's fucking audio of Anthony talking about the Boston firing on more than one occasion. He's quoted from the new York times saying the same thing. Anthony was quoted not Opie. I also know which your I used incorrectly but I don't care because autocorrect fucks it up and makes it you're everytime. I'm not proof reading this shit and if all you have is a grammatical error to call me out on then clearly I'm right about this. Give it up Opie isn't to blame for every fucking thing and if it is a lie where's this so called back bone that Anthony has? I thought he couldn't be fake? I listen to his podcast as well and the other day with Vos there he admitted he hyped things up for tg the radio as well.

And during the unmasked they said they didn't know if they'd get fired for that or not but they were looking for ways to get out of there contracts so they could sign with CBS in new York city since they wanted them badly.

Thanks. I remember them telling the story probably 20 times over the years. But I never remember hearing rumors that O&A may have been fired? Whatever happened, Opie sure seemed uncomfortable, and caught off guard by what Jimmy said!

OP: great catch...VERY subtle on Jimmy's prart; start here: http://youtu.be/8q29koLfcJo?t=10m28s

I always kinda believed that story.

35.15 opie makes an ooof.

What is the actual time? 10:40 has nothing to do with calling Opie out. Edit: whoops. Calling him out for lying about being fired from Boston to get a better market, got it. Opie is a weird scumbag.



Here's what Opie and Anthonys Wikipedia page says. " . During the early days of XM Anthony stated that the intent of the April Fool's prank was to allow the duo to be released from their contract with WAAF. He also stated that the duo had been having illegal meetings with WNEW prior to the April Fool's prank."[5] so I guess it just wasn't Opie saying this.

He's got some weird timber to his voice. It's like it is put though an EQ and the bass and treble Are cranked sky high and the mids are dropped out.

You picked the wrong day of the week to talk shit about Soder, I think it's Thursdays when this sub decides they hate him.

It's the touch of gigantism. As long as he can have a sense of humor about it, I can tolerate it. I can understand his few voices can get old, but I take him in doses anyway.

I love his voice and impressions. It must be like reverse ASMR for you

I'm with you. He was great with Jim today, but his voice and two impressions are like hot needles to the eardrums.

tsss...what is he; a lumbuhjack cuttin' down trees uh sumpthin'?

Because you don't understand subtleties or nuance. Ant went along with it, so as to back up his buddy and not throw him under the bus.

Now that he's no longer under Opie's thumb and SXM will never rehire him, he can tell the truth.