Opie clip request.

3  2014-09-29 by ZombieKetchup

Does anyone know where I can hear Opie bombing years back during one of those moments where Bobby, Danny and Ant were in the studio. He brickwalls the show by trying to say someone walking down the hall looked like Pablo Francisco and instead said Pablo Picasso. They shit on him for a solid minute because they thought he was trying to make a Obscure Dennis Miller-like references. Of course he had to go and steamroll the fun probably cause it was only a minute of Opie smashing.

I probably have the clip somewhere in my hard drive of porn/O&A bits right next to the Jewlia clip I uploaded last year but I'm lazy so yeah......

BTW fuck Opie for being a bummer. I find that shitty song no one had see in years and he had to shit on the video quality while everyone else was having fun at how terrible the content was. Asshole.


That goddamn Ju Ju Ju Julia song is always stuck in my head for days after I hear it. That son of a bitch is a toe tapper.

I got in touch with the Asian chick in the video but never really followed up on it since Opie was already past it. It probably wouldn't of added anything to the show. I just looked her up because I remember Ant saying he wanted to find someone who was behind the scenes to find out more. Oh well. Since it wasn't an Opie bit it never got brought up aside from Anthony humming it now and then.

Damn it. That's like talking to a crew member from "The Room." I wish that would have made it to the air.

When I reminded her about the song it was like that thing Ant & Jim were talking about in Rocky. Where Adrian fucks up the song. I didn't say anything at the time because I was trying to bait her but I was like "Noooooo, You ruined it! It's Ju ju ju Julia, Not whatever just came out of your dumb model mouth." But even with her fucking it up she still knew the song was a fucking joke.

Is there pics of this chick anywhere? Or a link to that video? I know he pulled it down, but maybe someone ganked it & re posted? I don't think I've ever seen it. I love at the end where starts trying to hit the "JuLiIaAaAa!" high notes and doesn't even come close, ha ha.

Music video with commentary

Longer clip of O&A talking about the video : Listen to how Opie haults the song discussion for some bullshit video that bombed. Also more list talk.

I'll have to do some research to find their names. She will the only one who responded but I found everyone who was involved with that video except for the main model in the video.

The video I uploaded was taken down with a C&D from youtube for copyright violation.

Oh my GOD, thank you for posting that. That is so goddamn funny. It's great to watch it with the commentary track going. Why would they cast a chick that's a fucking 1' taller than him to be the main girl in the video? What's with all the weird camera angles that are kind of looking down from him from a high angle?? So many weird choices and shots in it. Dying to know how they got those shots on Rodeo; I doubt they got a permit because it's probably a couple grand. But if they stole those shots there, that's amazing because they do not fuck around over there.

This is my favorite kind of "so bad it's good" shit. What a terrible voice he's got. I love at the end that dumb bitch couldn't even deliver ONE line believably; "Take me to Chanel." Ha ha.

I love that he put all this money into it and didn't even bother running the vocal track through auto-tune, despite every single pop star in existence using it unashamedly.

Word!!that Julia song was catchy as hell! I was disappointed that O&A couldn't break character long enough to honestly admit that. I wonder if that old intern has a girlfriend now?, or if he is now comfortable enough in his own skin, to rub several guys Bukake loads all over his skin?.

Is that the same intern who was really effeminate, and he has a super hit freak of an Asian GF who has cheated on him with several guys at the college they attend? I'm drawing a blank on that one, but I'm sure that one of my fellow O&A Trustees will know. I also remember she was going to go out on a date with Troy, and O&A were going to pay for the date.