This subreddit in a nutshell

77  2014-09-29 by redditkingu


You think I use Apple products you fucking pleb?!

Oh, literal danaknyc!

For the record:

  • I don't listen to the Opie and Jim show.

  • I don't follow @Opieradio on twitter.

  • I don't subscribe to Opieradio on youtube.

  • I never will, HE SUCKS.

I still come to this subreddit because it is hilarious, and because I know how much it bothers Opie and his faggot fans.

Wow you must lead le reddit army right?

No, I don't know what that means. I don't know much to be honest, but I know Opie sucks ass.

Hey it's the guy from the comic!


Doing something simply because it bothers other people is something that's lost on Ope's supporters.

Why we gotta be faggots?

Na, I still listen for Norton. That's like saying I shouldn't watch a movie because it has an actor I hate while ignoring the fact that there is an actor I really like in it.

It's more like watching a bad movie with a horrible lead actor but a great supporting actor.

So, like any Kevin Costner movie.

like Mr. Brooks

Mr. Brooks is the only movie I actually like him in.

But he's still the worst actor in it.

waterworld and postman is great but lots of his movies is so long and boring

All I can think about now is Uncle Paul saying that creepy ass line from waterworld.

That's like saying I shouldn't watch a movie because it has an actor I hate while ignoring the fact that there is an actor I really like in it.

"He keepshh dodgjin me John!"

I still love Jimmy, but I get legitimately angry when I hear the Opester now.. So the anger I get from Opie usually outweighs the pleasure I get from listening to Jimmy. If there is a good guest on I'll still listen though.

Terrible comparison. It's like you listen to a band for just the drummer but you hate the vocals and guitar. You should probably still move on.

In your comparison the material is ruined 100% of the time, In mine the amount the material gets ruined varies on the amount of screen time the actor you don't like has. It could be as little as 1%

Edit: I just noticed it was thermitepaint saying this. Disregard.


I support Rogan and he shits over a bunch of stuff I like. And Norton too says shit I don't agree wih. But both Rogan and Norton have redeemable things to keep me listening to both their works. Meanwhile, Opie brings nothing to the table. His only redeeming factor was that Anthony made the duo listenable. Now that's gone.

I don't know how to feel about Jimmy. But I don't believe that you can't support Jimmy, without supporting Opie. It doesn't make sense. Opie is like a drunken wife beater on an episode of Cops. He doesn't want any lip, and nobody to disagree with him. He just wants to eat his cold Spam in peace.

Jim is like the battered wife, with teeth broken off at the gum line, a bloody nose, black eye, and a fat lip. She got all those at once for questioning all the stupid shit her husband thought was funny. Now she always agrees with him, and never questions him, because she doesn't want to get him angry. She learned her lesson the hard way.

I'm sure little Jimmy wants to have a fun job but there's two things he loves more: stable income and celebrity photos.

So, you don't know how to feel about battered wives? You don't believe someone can support the victim and not the batterer?

tsssss this subreddit in a nutshelll tssssss what is it a fuckin nut or somethin tssssssssssssssss


Homerun Blasterson! Yeah homerun, What are we gonna have some peanuts n crackerjacks or sumethin? clap clap DOUBLE GONGS.

Call me crazy, but I listen to Opie and Jimmy AND I watch Anthony! They don't interfere with one another AT ALL and I'm actually entertained by O&J, even if not as much as I am by Anthony. When Vos, Soder or Florentine are in studio, it's usually pretty funny.

Same. O&J is akin to a sports star who is older or injured. Still a fan, but the performance isn't as it was.

hot/no homo


Exactly this.

Oh the entire sub hates Opie? Then why are you here if you're such a Spuds Buckley fanatic?


Whoa, Why suddenly assume that was a picture of two gay guys kissing. Maybe it was a guy who was choking on a piece of gum and his pal tried to put his tounge in the back of his buddys throat to try to dislodge it. Let's not jump to assumptions.

Yeah suure I was just tryin' to get little Timothy's gum out of his throat is all. We wasn't doin' anything bad or nothin'. I looked for something long to stick in there and there was nothin'around so I just poked it in there and moved it around a bit. WHY DOES EVERYONE ALWAYS GOTTA START YELLIN AT YA!? "Ohh Paul!" "Get that outta there Paul!" I WASNT DOIN NOTHIN! I was saving him!

It sounds like your latent homosexuality is really bothering you. Tell us more 4 paragraph long stories of your straightness.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


Some dumb shit even reported it.

Wow bro I bet you fucked 20 Chix in One Night.


Nah I missed that story, I'll have to look for it on your podcast.

I'm just hoping that it might get better.

cool comic strip you fucking dufus.

Well, the terrible downward spiral of the show was amusing for a while, but now I think it's just sad and I'm sure many people will just move on.

However, it's not like there are many alternatives on SXM, so there will still be people here complaining. It's not like you can just 'unfollow' the only talk show on the radio.

Do you have to sit and listen to full shows of hack radio to enjoy jocktober? No you listen through the filter of anthony and jimmy. Thats what this subreddit has become for the opie show.

You aren't exactly blowing minds here. We know.

Heh you faggots still listen to this show.

Downvoted, this post is about the O&A subreddit & not O&A. Somebody make a subreddit about the O&A subreddit so we can contain this horseshit.

Nobody make a subreddit about the O&A subreddit. That's how you get trapped in limbo with a suicidal crazy woman.

and an asian

that's similar to how I feel about The Walking Dead

I'd rather listen to an Opie and Fez show for the rest of my life than watch more than one episode of that shitty zombie soap opera.

Wow you must lead le reddit army right?


Doing something simply because it bothers other people is something that's lost on Ope's supporters.

Why we gotta be faggots?

In your comparison the material is ruined 100% of the time, In mine the amount the material gets ruined varies on the amount of screen time the actor you don't like has. It could be as little as 1%

Edit: I just noticed it was thermitepaint saying this. Disregard.