I love li'l Yimmy and Ant, but they both share a HUGE part of the blame for enabling Opie to believe he is a compelling and fascinating broadcaster.

5  2014-09-29 by ryanasimov

Years of forced laughter by Anthony and Jim and a refusal to complain about his stomping on their lines have shaped Opie into what he is today. He has proven time and again that he is fucking tone-deaf as to just how little the audience wants to listen to his unfunny observations and over-used crutches.


It goes back to things like the Opie/Jimmy fight I think in 2005. 2005 was the time to straighten him out and impress on him the fact that he discovered and made NOBODY and was given a multimillion dollar career off the talent of Ant and Jim and he needed to show them some respect.

He screamed that Jim was a dickhead and a fuckface in very real aggression and everybody in the studio just sat there and took it like a bitch.

This is 9 years worth of enabled delusion.

I think Norton handled himself ok in that arguement. Opie was the one that really let everyone see how much of a dick he was that day. Anytime Norton had his number he resorted to yelling and cursing.

Exactly. I mentioned this point more than once in the past and got buried and told I was flat-out wrong. Well, I'm not; I've listened to each fight a few times and the overwhelming impression I got was that Opie was the only one who used personal insults and real venom. Anthony and Jimmy argued back but totally let Opie spew "idiot", "fuckface", "dickhead" etc. at them unchallenged.

The worst part of the Opie Jimmy fight was Opie sidetracking the argument to throw Jim under the managerial bus.

Out of nowhere he brings up Jim complaining about management. Like he was trying to get Jim fired or reprimanded for some little squabble.

No clue why anyone would stay loyal to a cancer like that.

Jimmy held back so hard from personally insulting Opie, even referring to him as "brother" through most of it. The OP asks why they would enable Opie the way they do & let him get away with so much: would you want to fight like this all the time, having to sit in studio and talk with him 3hrs a day, 5 days a week? It's not worth it.

I understand what you're saying, but my point was that the whole reason the disagreement escalated to a heated fight was because Opie felt (then and now) bulletproof and unassailable.


He can't even handle good natured ball busting from a friend unless he set up the segment that way so that he knows "it's the bit". Otherwise he sulks in the corner.

Excellent point.

The show built itself off good natured ball busting. Everyone is a fair target except sir sulks-a-lot.

Opie steers the shit.

I think because of Opie's radio experience, he was frequently the one who spent the most time talking to management and shit, and for that reason had a degree of power Ant and Jim didn't question.

Like Anthony for example. He recently said on his show that every Sirius/XM contract renewal he had no idea what would happen until Opie finally decided to resign. It was literally all up to Opie every single time, and they didn't question him about it, and just patiently waited.

Enabling fuckfaces they are

Money and security can force you do to stupid things

honestly I never noticed until Ant was out. I feel like I did't notice it before cause it use to seem like Opie was steering the ship by introducing a bit then throwing it to Ant or Jimmy

Okay, I love shitting on Opie, but come the fuck on dude. It was part of Ant's job and part of Jim's job now. The kind of radio they put together is 90% killing time.

The brand was Opie and Anthony, Anthony didn't wanna rock the boat, Jimmy, whose standup career became steady because of this radio show, SURE AS FUCK, didn't wanna rock the boat, and Opie, for as annoying as he is, is not gonna turn in his meal ticket, even if he DOES know he's shit.

Yes, Opie was a loud and entitled cunt whose paycheck exceeded his talent, but he got Ant out of attics, and he got Jim on TV. Ant and Jim also got him out of Long Island, but still.

One member of the show was a caddy, but Ant and Jim both did real work in their lifetimes. If you know what real work is, you know you don't walk away from a job where you bullshit 4 hours a day because the other person annoys you. You bite your tongue, find a way to deal, and do whatever it takes to get through the day.

Because there's annoying shitheads out there in the real world anyway, and dealing with them doesn't get you millions a year.

AHHHHH but what the hell do I know.

What the hell do you know? Shit, that is what. Just the fact they did not want to rock the boat means they both full well knew what a useless fuck Opie was and is. I have heard endless examples of when that POS should have been called out for outright bullshit stories, outright lying, or stomping all over funny. Some great examples off the top of my head...the most douchy ones: Opie awkwardly telling Bob Kelly that humor is not always exaggerated when Bawby was joking how he was 2 knuckles deep in Jims ass when Jim was out-gaying him. Anyone with a fucking BRAIN could see the humor, but not Opie!! Or Opie telling the story how his brothers kid shit all over his hallway wall. When asked why the kid had no pants on? An awkward second...then the LYING FUCK OPIE says "that's just what my brother does!" OR when the LIAR claimed his father used to have him and his brothers drag 2x4's on the yard to till it for planting. Did you hear that one?

Everyone has sat around and enabled this humorless, LYING scumbag to ruing the show. Fuck him and fuck you.

Everyone has sat around and enabled this humorless, LYING scumbag to ruing the show. Fuck him and fuck you.

You come off like an entitled shit.

My point was, I agree with you that Opie is not entertaining and is often non-conductive to funny jokes and the like, but...

Okay, you're a fucking crazy person if you think that I, or any fan of the show, has enabled shit. What the fuck am I gonna do dipshit? I'm not defending how he is. I am not on "Team Opie", but you give validation to people like thermitepaint when you blather on with this crazy horseshit. Stop and listen to yourself dude.

I really hope you're a gimmick.

oh wait http://www.reddit.com/user/jerk-ass lol

"Everyone" Would be Anthony, Jimmy, and any one of the 100 regular guests.....not you directly. Not a gimmick, ....just showing the fact that Opie sucks and always has.
Awwww.....stupid fuck boy...that would be you....figured out that I am a new user. Very good....you sure are perceptive! Stop and drop dead you cunt.

Your gimmick is bad and your voice is loud. Go back to your first account.



Yeah, Fuck anthony and his fucking show too. I was going to pay for a subscription but you talked me out of it. The piece of shit laughing at something that's not funny.

Excellent point.

The show built itself off good natured ball busting. Everyone is a fair target except sir sulks-a-lot.

Everyone has sat around and enabled this humorless, LYING scumbag to ruing the show. Fuck him and fuck you.

You come off like an entitled shit.

My point was, I agree with you that Opie is not entertaining and is often non-conductive to funny jokes and the like, but...

Okay, you're a fucking crazy person if you think that I, or any fan of the show, has enabled shit. What the fuck am I gonna do dipshit? I'm not defending how he is. I am not on "Team Opie", but you give validation to people like thermitepaint when you blather on with this crazy horseshit. Stop and listen to yourself dude.

I really hope you're a gimmick.

oh wait http://www.reddit.com/user/jerk-ass lol