I tried to understand and be nice

0  2014-09-29 by [deleted]

I tried to be nice and try to understand and reason with you about your hate about Opie. But I noticed most of the threads about him are reaches or flat out lies and half truths, so if you guys want to do this, let's do this. The gloves are off. I tried not to go there but your guys idiotic threads and comments brought this to it.


lmao "the gloves are off"

"The gloves are off." - coming soon to the Opie Radio T-Shirt store.

Cool story bro.

Now shut the fuck up and go on over to the dead assed O and J subreddit and talk with the same 3 people who think like you do..

I already owned you on my last account and made you look pretty dumb. I would let it go now, before I start caring what you have to say and have to set you straight with words.

You made yourself look like an ass on your former account, got butthurt and threw a temper tantrum because you could not post new threads due to negative Karma. Yeah I read that little crybaby rant.

So you made this account, who is the loser here?

You are a cunt, and incapable of owning anyone.

Yeah I got downvoted from babies like you. The truth hurts your guys feelings so you downvote the comments. Makes me sick to my stomach. I get physically ill when I think about what goes on- on these boards. It's not fair to Opie, the show, or the fans that want to talk about the show.

LMFAO...I'm not sure if you have severe Aspergers or a weird stalkery gay crush on Opie.

Oh yeah? Look at your comment history and then tell me who is stalkerish. That's all you do is talk about Opie. Typical, though, you make fun of someone for something that you actually are. Not surprising, though, on this board.

Hahaha. The guy poring through my comment history is trying to call me stalkerish. There's a big difference between commenting on the declining quality of the show (which is a very tiny portion of what is in my comment history) and having an emotional breakdown in public trying to defend a stranger who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, stalker.

HAHAHA In denial much? It's cool, man. I would be embarrass, too. I don't judge.

Troll detected? Anyone can see my history and that you're full of shit. Go fuck yourself.

Haha you are a stereo type internet user, huh. Call people names(that you actually are) and then call them trolls when you got nothing else. Don't even waste your time responding, I figured you out.


I like how you start talking and end babbling. It's like your grasp of English starts out strong then tapers off into confusion.

Because I start to rage. You guys make my blood boil.

clearly you are a deaf man.

Troll detected? Anyone can see my history and that you're full of shit. Go fuck yourself.