Would you rather listen to a Sam and Anthony show, or an Opie and Jim show?

1  2014-09-28 by -Chip_Chipperson


Love Ant. Don't mind Sam. Hate Opie. Bored by Jimmy. Sam and Ant.

Perfectly said.

Sam & Anthony by far. I know I'm alone on this but I think Sam works well on Nopie shows.

You are not alone!

Alright good to know

well seeing as I already listen to a Opie and Jim show and want to put a bullet in my head ... I guess I'll take the former

Then why don't you stop listening?

This sub is in strong need of a ThenStopListeningBot

I did, but I won't let that affect my wording of a joke ...

Sam and Ant. As grating as Sam is, he's a lot smarter and more entertaining than Opie.

These are both no-win scenarios but I'd go with the lesser of two evils of Ant/Sam show.

I'm convinced that Opie's egomania would even ruin Patrice if they had a show together. Go back and listen to Patrice bits. Opie generally contributes nothing to the conversation and just parrots Ant.

He just says "fucking Patrice...giving us GREAT radio today" over and fucking over.

That's like asking "would you rather die drowning or die from hanging?" Neither.

Sam & Anthony were the most underrated duo ever:


Or die from being set on fire. Or die from being crushed by Erock.

None of the above. Sam is unlistenable, but I'm canceling SXM after giving up on O&J.

Ant and Sam 100%. Sam is good at setting stuff up (youtube clips etc) and he can absolutely take a joke. He responds to insults the way Ant and Ope talk to Ted Sheckler and it's not amazing but it's not the worst way to be on radio. It definitely gives funny people in the room an opportunity to be funny at his expense, which is more than anyone can say for Opie. Plus Sam is not hesitant to speak at relevant moment, but for the most part doesn't say too much when other people are around. I'm a card carrying Opie hater but I honestly don't mind Sam. Plus I could listen to Ant riff all day on Sam's ambiguous ethnicity, sneaky and conniving ways, child-like love of wrestling and general shortcomings. And Sam wouldn't mind.

Fuck Anthony, marry Opie, kill Sam. Hug and kiss sweetie pie Norton.


Is this some sort of Kobayashi Maru simulator?

Why do both shows have to be ruined?

I love Jimmy but I really never used to notice it that much when he wasn't in for shows. The rhythm of the show would be different but, to me, it never felt like something was really missing the way it did when Ant wasn't there.

Sam is okay and he's pretty loyal to whoever's at the helm, so the chemistry between him and Anthony might surprise you.

Sam and Ant have zero chemistry. Opie and Jim by a yard.

Neither, also. Sam's show is unlistenable. Sad that the only other "programs" on the channel besides his are the always annoying Vos and Rogan podcasts.
