Well, it worked.

112  2014-09-26 by EskimoEscrow


Jesus Christ that is low. Low, but hilarious.

Why is it hilarious to bring the guy's wife into this?

I find it incredible that Opie & Anthony have entertained us for years upon years yet we can't just give Opie a break.

He had no impact whatsoever on Anthony's firing. That's the part that confuses me the most about this subs contempt for Opie.

Because a lot of the show's humour was based on going beyond the boundaries of taste, that's the kind of thing that Opie, Ant and Jimmy made hilarious so often over the years, it makes perfect sense that the same thing would come from the fans.

Personally, I wouldn't do the wife and kids thing. It just seems too mean.

But you're 100% right. They did it for fucking years, and if they (he) bitch(es) about this, then it's a "Dish it out but can't take it" thing.

I don't remember Opie, Anthony, or Jimmy ever posting Photoshopped pics of anyone's not in the entertainment business, wife fucking some skater /stunt boy.

No but O&A did imply Howard's daughter was a whore.


Wasn't Howard's Daughter talking about her vagina on Broadway at the time?

Terry Clifford!

I think the majority of people would give opie a break if he would act just a little humble and atleast just consider some of the suggestions from the fans of his show.

Of course they would. Opie and Stern would save themselves so much grief if they did this.

Not only that, but the majority of fans would actually turn on what would be the ball-busting few, and "protect"/defend them. It's at least what, 80/20, in favor of this prank? If Opie was any kind of cool, it would be 80/20 the other way.

That's part of the reason why I think they're both severely mentally ill; to almost everybody else, doing what you suggest would be a very small thing. And most can see that the obvious rewards would far outweigh the cost.

But they've obviously made it into this gigantic monster in their minds, to the point that they're incapable of even acknowledging, let alone dealing with, the genuine/legitimate criticism and expectations of their fan-bases. And it's out of white-knuckle terror, as you couldn't censor, suppress, and avoid something so systematically without fear. I don't know exactly what they're afraid of......maybe of being found out, even though almost everybody already has.

It's as if they have no ability to tell the difference between the constructive criticism and the jackals. They lump it all together and call everybody "obsessed haters", which obviously just stokes the fire, and widens the gulf between them and the fans.

On the other side you've got Anthony, who, for the most part, can take criticism with a shrug and a laugh and a swig of that piss he calls beer (not Guinness; Bud Light). He's not "above" getting his balls busted.

That's part of the reason why Artie was so popular with Stern fans; he could take it. There was no gulf between him and the fans; he was an everydude.

The parallels between the two shows are a bit eerie.

You guys are disgusting. What is your problem honestly. Thats messed up. If you dont like his dumb show dont listen. Dont bring a persons family into this.

Im not sure why you replied to me about this? I never brought opies family into this. I brought up a valid point. Ill repost it for you again

" I think the majority of people would give opie a break if he would act just a little humble and atleast just consider some of the suggestions from the fans of his show."

And as for your whole "If you dont like it, dont listen." You do realize Opie and Anthony dedicated an entire month of the year to bashing and saying horribly mean things to other radio show hosts they didnt like. I bet you tweeted opie and anthony the same thing right. If they didnt like the show they shouldnt be calling other hosts pigs and making them cry.

Everyone is so pissed at opie because he is doing the exact same shit he spent years complaining and making fun of other shows for doing, yet he can except ZERO CRITICISM.

He doesn't need to listen to fat fuck 34 year old virgins living in mom's basement

Shut up, Hudson.

No one has ever said Opie had some role in Ant's firing, that was very obviously all Ant. Opie is hated because he's an unfunny hack asshole that can't handle the same shit he has encouraged his listeners to do to other shows every October for years.

I dont think anyone really gives a shit about them staying after the firing anymore, anthony said that he prob would have stayed if the roles were reversed. Its how shitty the show has been and his lack of prep or caring about the quality of the show that people are mad at, and for that he def deserves to be jocktobered with the same brutality as others have gotten.

For Sure! That was awful listening to opie cover the same material Anthony already feautured on mondays TACS

I dont mind that, not everyone subs to Ants podcast so he cant avoid a topic because someone already mentioned it on another show.

I think he meant how unfunny it was on O&J compared to TACS

BAM: I'm all in!

Thank you for the best laugh I've had all day.

He took the pictures off www.opieradio.com/hashtag-opieradio/ but you can see them all here: http://iconosquare.com/tag/opieradio

Edit: He, or some other hilariously upset person(s) got my troll instagram cancelled! :D Atleast there's still the imgur pics

Gave me a bad case of wheezy laughs. Thank you

Chipchiperson is all in!


I checked it out, but Webster is iconosquare/Opie??

lol, that douche on the right. "PLEASE ACCEPT ME, OPIE!"

would a "Douche" have a wall of skateboards at 45???

Ask thermitepaint.

And Opie's response is "First one I've seen worn!"

83rd he's seen burned.

Anthony's Twitter account has plenty of the same things (TACS shirts and all), but that never gets the same treatment here.

He has shirts of extremely unfunny shit he says? That's news to me.

Among assholes you guys rank among the best.

O&A's creation

I wonder if Opie has ever thought about this. I'm sure he'd outright dismiss the idea but it's true.



This does feel a bit like Dr Frankenstein's own creation turning against him, doesn't it? Karma alert!

Live by the sword, die by the sword.


Harsh, but fair.

Neat! New sidebar pic?

ME: this is great work guys

LOL! Now the feed's removed. #OpieRadio=#TheToddShow

Phase 4. The lockdown.

I knew that was coming. Way too easy to exploit.

Haha, hes sticking it in her Opie.

I eagerly anticipate Opie's well thought out response to the haters via twitter. I hope he goes with the "obsessed" angle, always a classic in my book.

I bet he never mentions it

Someone should call the show and ask if it's a real photo.

I bet he'll jack to it

Who wouldn't?

Probably not directly, being forthright isn't Opie's strong suit. I expect something along the lines of ME:UGH these haters are OBSESSED!!! Caps-lock in conjunction with multiple exclamation points will really drive the point home. Also note the lack of comma in between "UGH" and "these", another Opie staple.

Someone taking the time to photoshop a picture of his wife from a story from 5 years ago and then put the effort into getting it on his page...that's fucking obsessed.

Yeah tell me about it, googling is hard work.


Eh.. You people are a bit obsessed with him. Don't try and deny it or Opie wouldn't be the main topic at hand every fucking day.

Its fun to try and drive THE DESTROYER insane.

God, she even looks bored when she's fucking.

Well, she's done it so much....

And ugly! Don't forget ugly!

I wake up in the morning to see pics of Bam fucking Opie's wife and I know all is right with the world

Just plant a webcam in Opie's apartment to record during show hours.

Bam's cheesy grin keeps making me laugh i can probably go 10 seconds before burst out laughing looking at it.

Mrs Hughes seems preoccupied i'm guessing she's wondering what $10,000 curtains she wants to put in the "dump" of a beach house that she'd never be able to afford if she hadn't married into money.

You fuckers make me misty.

I hope he's just happy he's getting hashtagged, getting numbers, and not even looking at what is being posted.

Nice job, btw.

It's still up. I see that page idea being taken down since I'm sure this will continue.

I think this pic with the jackass theme should be the new Amazing Basketball shot roll vid

Holy fuck you guys are brutal. Jocktober came early this year.

Well done to all involved. Probably made Opie's friday evening.

I like the jovial look on Bam's face. And how he's wearing a baseball cap while hitting it.

He got Bam's sloppy seconds? Shit, now I'm starting to feel bad for the dude.

Holy shit. This is the greatest.

Low. Funny, but fucking low blow.

Jesus, you guys are my heroes! Good job!!

Can we have Opietober this year? Please?

Jocktopester, as someone said.

I bet he is raging so hard right now.

Fucking great

perfect. only thing missing is king cuck.


I noticed that damn near everyone who tweeted Linsey fucking Bam pics, or even just comments to Opie; Bam was CC'ed as well.

I wonder if Bam knows what's up?, or maybe it's been so long, Bam forgot?

Bam forgot before anyone else knew. He was tearing through everything in town back then so it was easy for him to act like he never met her.

Reposted 6 times now. And some other fun ones. Good times.

I imagine that's the face she makes when Opie gives it to her.


It was genuis to do this on a Friday so he can't respond until Monday.

Except for maybe a few shitty twitter comments.

"Oh Rynsi, you tight like baby."

Good night, ladies and gentlemen.

fuckin ruthless!

That link has not surprising disappeared from the site.. HAHAH!! That's fucking hilarious.

Looks like it's already down.

Been down awhile. Fuck.

Can we work him into a violent tirade and all call SXM to complain that he should be fired?

Yeah, he can threaten people with the gun he doesn't carry.

Only in your dreams.

Oh noo. That's so fucking evil.

I enjoy how Bam keeps that face on the whole time while fucking

ahahahahha that's awful but damn did I laugh





You guys really are just animals.

Ugh. I know he'd laugh if the fans did this to someone for Jocktober, but still... feels fucking wrong. I can't stand Opie and hate how he was a bitch when Ben threatened to release this "alleged" tape, but still.

"I'm tapping out"

It's a photoshop joke, buddy. Relax, it's ok, no one's getting hurt.

I think what he's trying to say is why didn't you use the giraffe neck Opie peeking on the action. It's already flawless, but incorporating that would've probably caused Opie to take legal action against this place.



I'd rather see the newer "OOH" TBS head tilted in at a 45 degree angle from the side.

that works fine for me, save it for jocktopster or whatever it's being called.

Oh god, I'm a graphic designer, if the Photoshop Wars of Jopietoberfest 2014 start, I'm ALL IN.

Please please please do some stuff!!!

I'll see what direction the jocktobering takes, and where it can be used. So far, I just have this one about Opies elaborate stories (lies).

Fuck that.

Listen to Jocktober audio of the boys losing their shit at some of the pictures used to abuse other radio hosts.

Jimmy has laughed harder at the Laci Peterson story than anyone alive ,but Opie's dumb family (who he decided to shove down our throats for four years) is off limits?


fuck Opie and his cunt gold-digging wife.

Wow, that's terrible. I don't think I can even contribute here anymore (i know, I sure am a queer)

Edit: nevermind, I had to upvote a horribly hilarious comment.

Wow you guys are assholes. get over it

Yeah quit all this whining and crying and pitching a fit guys!!!!


I see what you did there.

How, was it a 3-year-old's diaper?


Why? Opie thought this stuff was hilarious when people did it to the radio shows that were being Jocktobered. I'm sure he's laughing.

No way he thinks this is even remotely comical.

Lol, so by that logic you'd find it funny if someone did it to you?

If I was a guy who was making a living by using my audience to trash other people on social media and then it happened to me I'd find it pretty hilarious/deserved.

Turnabout is fair play bubba

Did you speak out against jocktober?

No, but I would expect other people to laugh.

Your onemancrimespree is a rash of child rapes isn't it?


Oh guys! Come on now guys

I hope Ant Hires Lady Di

That was over the line.

Ok linsey


Yeah guys, it was only funny when it was happening to OTHER hacky radio jocks

Years of slandering other shows was cool when Opie was behind it. Now that he's the subject, it's just mean!

Yeah, and when Opie went after Stern's daughter that was ok right? Opie has no right when he has dragged other people's family into the mud for comedy.

Shut the fuck up Lynsi,

Yet another ball washer that only goes to certain threads and attacks the fans. You don't defend the show or attempt to contribute to any positive discussion whatsoever. You hate the haters. How are you any different?

Your opinion is so bad. How is it ok for him to do this to other shows but he's untouchable?


I agree, its fucked up but people are more upset over fuckin Joe Derosa saying stuff about their god Anthony.

You guys are cunts. Find another show if you hate opie so much.

His wife never was with Bam. He sued the ny post for fucking $10 million over rumors of a sex tape. Think he'd do that for shits and giggles?

This was all bullshit crafted by that asshole Ben Sparks.


It was she who sued, alleging defemation.

The case was thrown out, musta been true :)

Was it

Yes. Bam left his seed in Lynsi's rectum.

Makes sense. That guy must have one hell of a load since both opies wife and Bam said that they'd never even met.

But why let facts get in the way of being a complete cock sucking asshole

Immaculate ejaculation

Going after people's wives. Pathetic.

Making jokes about something that happened in 2008. Even more pathetic.

It's about time I show up.

A parody troll account of a troll account?

Never change reddit. Lulz

"Going after people's wives. Pathetic.

Making jokes about something that happened in 2008. Even more pathetic."

Watching thermitepaint join the discussion exactly as you expect? Priceless

Watching you guys go after Opie exactly like I expect? Repetitive.


you're a real credit card errr summmpthin

Watching you nap on a freeway:Priceless.

Do me a favor and stop filling up my inbox with whatever you said. Thanks.

How DARE these so called "Fans" do this to their one true lord and savio- Begins choking on Opies dick

"Begins...." He's about eight years in by now.

You're not a funny troll. Ya really gotta try harder.

Agreed. He's a faggot.

What a loser who makes a parody account of a troll. Am I right guys?

If you're going to fill up my inbox at least be interesting. At least when I do it people get worked up and make fake accounts and call me names but this? It's not funny.

Yea guys, you making fun of us is failing, because we're not laughing. Better change the schtick, faggots.

Yea better do that.

Yea better not do that.

Yeah do whatever you want this isn't funny though. Not even remotely. My trolls should do better. My trolling skills get an entire board worked up you're just boring.

No,your ball-washing got an entire board going, you're only skills are in juggling testicles on you chin.

Say that to a reflective surface, cum-gargler.

just giving him a dose of his own medicine. it's people like Opie and YOU is why we'll continue to support and instigate the Opie bashing. fuck him and fuck you.


Yeah, because Opie never went after a wife, or even worse, a daughter, in pursuit of the shits 'n giggles.

Christ, how oblivious can you be, man?!?

And what does the date have to do with anything? The Mimi Beardsley JFK revelations weren't hilarious? Anthony's "old timey guy" voice isn't hilarious?

If you could explain exactly why Opie should be treated with candy kid gloves, I'd love to read it. I'd love to see how the dreary mechanisms of your mind futilely struggle to reach this conclusion.

I don't remember ever sitting here and saying that Opie and Anthony couldn't be assholes either and Emily Stern is hardly a private figure but you know keep going.

Yeah, you're always droning on about what assholes O&A have been to other peoples' wives and daughters.

You can try to "disingenuous creep" onto your soapbox, but you don't have a leg to stand on. No O&A fan does. We've all laughed at far, far more repugnant shit than this.

So if you feel the need to point the finger at someone, start by pointing it at yourself, cuntsy.

And who mentioned Emily Stern? Not me. I was alluding to all the wives and daughters who were private figures, who Opie (and Anthony and Jimmy) felt were fair game.

Every woman who makes the news is someone's daughter.

If you argue "if they make the news, they're not a private figure", well, Lynsi made the news. Yeah, it was one crappy Jersey rag, but it's public.

And then Opie went and made it an even bigger story.

So.........what's your point?!?

but you don't have a leg to stand on

HE broke them failing to land a tubular ollie.

I'm certain I've called Opie and Anthony assholes on multiple occasions and I'm not here to defend they're behavior or the show. I don't laugh at everything they've done and at times I think they go a little low. So don't try and justify your own behavior through them because they did it too. You just come off sounding and looking like an asshole as well.

I'm not trying to justify anything; I'm pointing out that there's nothing to condemn, ya finger-wagging schoolmarm cunt, ya!

Please, eat the contents of an uzi clip at firing speed.

Incorrect; Bam fucked Lynsi's tight little asshole in 2002.


You're not a funny troll. Ya really gotta try harder.

Yea guys, you making fun of us is failing, because we're not laughing. Better change the schtick, faggots.

Was it

Yes. Bam left his seed in Lynsi's rectum.

"Begins...." He's about eight years in by now.

83rd he's seen burned.

How, was it a 3-year-old's diaper?
