FYI, if you post a picture on Instagram with the hashtag #OpieRadio it will automatically be posted on Opie's website.

67  2014-09-26 by -Chip_Chipperson

It updates every 20 minutes.
Please don't post anything that might hurt Opie's feelings.


You guys are true pieces of shit


Ok, made my contribution, you'll never guess which one

I fear this feature on Opies site may not be long for this world after your addition.

Fucking brutal. Well done.

He already took the feature down

Is that really his wife? She has a bad case of Awful Blonde Girl Face.

Yes and agreed.

I went to high school with his wife. We all fucked her ass. I'm serious.

Let me guess....



I'm literally crying I laughed so hard. Thank you, sir.

Well done sir

You're doing gods work sir. Lol

Leave it alone

I sure hope some knuckleheads don't abuse this feature to post horrible mean things.

Yo mc serch

Oh my God. It's happening. For years, O&A have half-jokingly, half-fearfully predicted that this day would come.

The pests are turning their gaze upon the show itself.

And you're about the fifth person in the last 2 months to make this declaration at the commencement of every dead-on-arrival so-called 'attack' on the show itself.

These people think they're formidable because Opie, a congenital liar, has been telling you that for the last 5-6 years. Believe me, the 'pests' are easily side-stepped, dismissed, slapped away. They've never done damage of any measure to anything other than their own free time . . . something they have in abundance.

Well alright man. I don't disagree that the pests have an abundance of free time, and it's not like they've ever completely and permanently destroyed a radio show. But the Jim Phillips thing? Maxwell? Shannon Burke? Every jocktober? Those aren't real things?

They're not exactly the final bosses of the Internet, but the Pests do a very good job of being, well, pests.

They were real . . . for the 2-3 hours they lasted.

All of the incidents I described lasted several days (except for jocktoberings, which is a month-long span of day-long "attacks").

I've heard them all. O&A's discussion of them went on for several days, but if you listen back, you'll find that the 'attacks', and the accounting of them, only occupy a small amount of those discussions.

I really don't think so, man. Maxwell and Jim Phillips stopped taking calls. I Know Phillips sent a cease and desist demanding that XM stop playing show audio, and I believe Maxwell did as well. That kind of limits the discussion that can happen. Jocktober has been a pretty consistent assault that torpedoes every Facebook page in its path for an entire month.

Look I'm not trying to be a fanboy or suck pest dick, here, but you're underselling this. I think Opie's fragile self esteem would really suffer if he had to deal with a "standard" pest raid of like 4 days. If he gets one negative caller these days he gets wounded and starts screaming about haters. 3 or 4 solid days of the phones being jammed with people who snuck past the screener to tell Opie that he sucks -- well, I'd be interested to see how he handles it.

Well, that's kind of my point. Opie might very well collapse under such an assault (or he might just choose to ignore it, which he could easily do, since he knows better than anyone what a lie the whole pPest mythos has always been); but that's only because he has a backbone of cotton.

Others can (and do . . . look at last year's Jocktober when WPLJ simply closed access to their Facebook page each day the show focused on Scott & Todd) thwart the pests with strategies that take no more than two seconds worth of thought and effort.

The pests are only as capable of disruption as they're allowed to be. Shutting them down is literally like squashing bugs.

Other words . . . you can't believe what Opie tells you.

Dude they've been pestering Todd for years, and many more!

Your clear annoyance is a nice bonus in all of this. Also, don't try to build this up to be an attack so you can mock it. I posted a pic for the lulz, I succeeded.

Poor reasoning. I have nothing invested in this, so why would I be annoyed?

Actually, I find it ironic, not to mention pathetic, that you all have tremendous faith in the word of Gregg 'Opie' Hughes when it's convenient, when it's flattering to you, and the rest of the time reject it, and him, with impunity (as you should).

you are green with envy!

Jocktober came early this year.

So did Bam.

It begins, the show is eating itself. Well done

I don't think so. The show these people think they're eating no longer exists. You're feeding off of a ghost.



I sure hope no one tags any pictures that mention Opies fat tits

It would be bad to hashtag pictures of Bam Magera.

Yeah, that's mean. I'm sorry I said that.


Oh see that's just mean I hope no one does that

How long til Phase 3?

Wellp, it's down now. All I see is a blank wall. What a pussy.

as long as you have #opieradio as a tag somewhere, you'll be famous and can share with all your friends and get all the accolades and rewards you deserve!

Holy shit.

Clicked over to it and BAM, first one I see is of Lynsi getting the business from a ten years ago famous skateboarder

More Opie memes please...they get across the points about how fucking much he sucks.

It would be a DARNED SHAME if someone were to photoshop Opie's head on a man with gynecomastia.

I'm not a photoshop expert but I'm sure any photo of him would suffice said request.


You're doing God's work, sir.

No, guys, we should post mean things, like we do during Jocktober!

He spells Gregg with two G's at the end.....that's weird.

don't forget about the stupid opie meme generator.

SpiralViral working its magic!

The video of the girl working out with the "Words Hurt" shirt on boggles my mind.

Yeah, they've printed the words backwards...

boring photos for sale

What a fucking idiot. Has he forgotten the type of person who listens to his show?

This won't go well.

This is the greatest thing ever....

I'm LOVING Opie's demise. He stinks without Ant. Poor Jimmy! BOOOOOO

What did the guy actually do for all that? He was your least favorite person on your favorite radio show.

hey what did Terry Clifford ever do to Opie. Jocktober is starting early.

You people have far too much time on your hands.

Did you say the same thing about the people who shit up Facebook pages during October? Opie didn't.

Yes, they definitely have too much time on their hands. I listen in work and have absolutely no time to bash a Facebook page.

By the way this is a little different. Some dope who hates Opie, has randomly been analysing his website, which is probably the weirdest part of this. Stumbled upon something, tested it and ran home to report it to all the faggot vultures.

Holy shit! you are joking, right?

Might I ask, sir... what is it that you're doing with all of your time? You sound like a very important man and you must be very busy, aside from posting on reddit.

He is curing cancer and sucking dick.

Curing cancer by sucking dick*

Well i'm not photoshopping pictures of peoples wives on to heads of pornstars then searching how i can cryptically make this annoy the guy whose show i've enjoyed for several years. In order to do this browsing his website looking for some loophole then finally boom, i've figured it out. Then head on over to reddit and go teeheeheeehee hey guys look what i've found!

Work, scratch my ballbag/gooch area, eat, watch sports, drink the odd alcholic beverage with friends in my local establishment, general shit.


Proving yet again that this sub is a toilet. Congratulations no life losers, you hate him and hate what the show is, but you dedicate your life to posting about how much you hate it.

boooooo. If the show won't entertain us, we'll entertain ourselves.

Thats the bit fuckface! Ccccccool.

What if I told you its possible to casually check this subreddit once in awhile as new posts com up on your feed? See, you can subscribe to several subreddits, and scroll through all the things your interested in! No need to dedicate every waking moment to a specific subreddit anymore! Amazing!


The show this sub is for is over. It just doesn't exist anymore. So who gives a fuck at this point

hey what did Terry Clifford ever do to Opie. Jocktober is starting early.

I'm not a photoshop expert but I'm sure any photo of him would suffice said request.

And you're about the fifth person in the last 2 months to make this declaration at the commencement of every dead-on-arrival so-called 'attack' on the show itself.

These people think they're formidable because Opie, a congenital liar, has been telling you that for the last 5-6 years. Believe me, the 'pests' are easily side-stepped, dismissed, slapped away. They've never done damage of any measure to anything other than their own free time . . . something they have in abundance.