Hypocrites? Months after Leaving Terrestrial Radio over N-word flap, Dr Laura hired by... Sirius XM Radio

20  2014-09-26 by [deleted]


They claim to have fired Ant over the violent nature of his tweets, not the perceived racism.

So while not in any way defending Ant's firing there was really no overt hypocrisy.

That goes great with their recent decree of no violent music. "I hope you die" is something a lot of people would say after someone punched them in the face.

What year do you think this is? Music isn't about that anymore.

Even that is missing the point. What they say has nothing to do with their real motives. They're a company and everything they do is a business decision. They fired Ant because they saw an opportunity to save some money at contract negotiations.

Nevermind that it was an entirely different management regime that fired Ant from the one that hired Sasquatch Bush.

You know, every day, reading this sub, one sees a post that makes you want to lash out in anger at the sheer stupidity and block-headedness of the post, but you just throw your hands up in disgust at it, because you know deep down it's pointless, and you're dealing with a moron who won't listen anyway, so you just let it go and say "what a fucking idiot", and move on.


Why hypocrites? Oh, you think Ant was fired for racist remarks? Dummy, he SAID that he was fired for the violence inherent in his remarks, not the racism.

Stop trying to make an issue where there isn't one. Besides, they allow the word "nigger" on the rap channels, or when it's been said on their show, especially in discussions with Patrice.

What about the violence in those rap songs?

Whatever your opinion on the O&J show, we can all agree Sirius/XM is the worst fucking company. If I had a paid subscription I would have cancelled it years ago.

Ant wasn't fired for racist remarks like Sirius/XM employee Dr. Laura made. He was fired for violent remarks, like the ones Sirius/XM employee Troy Quan made.

Months ago? I'm pretty sure the "N Word" incident happened a few years ago.

N-word flap? Why did she leave radio over my mouth?


Best radio platform ever. I hope they give Bill Cosby a channel too.

New to the Sirius talk channel is the Donald Sterling and David Duke show!

12-3 eastern, tune in!

Sure is SXMIDF in here...

In reply this was just sent to Sirius. Note, Hillary's address on the promotional flyer is invalid and emails sent there will be returned as user not found. Hello Hilary, I am glad to see that you are hiring Dr. Laura, after she was fired for spewing hate filled comments at her last employer. Maybe you should team her up with Fez from Ron and Fez, since the only time he opens his mouth for paying customers is to mock people or spew hate filled rants. I also do not understand why you would fire Anthony Cumia for doing a much lesser thing than either of the above do on a regular basis. Just letting you know, will be sending a bunch of letters to your advertisers with audio and video clips of both current employees so they understand the mindset of the people the are giving money to and the people they have representing them daily on SiriusXM. Thank you for your time,

I think the release is a few years old...

We know it is sir.