Which one is Sal ?

0  2014-09-26 by buddaydaz

I don't listen any more for obvious reasons but in the 2 years i did i still can't remember who Sal is.

Was Sal the guy who would usually get on mic when tech/computer discussions came up or was that Travis.

I can identify everyone else on the show.


"Which one's Itchy, the car?"

Which one's MANNY.

Nothings better then the show in its current incarnation, except maybe the Indy 500.

Fuckin pussy man, hey sarge I gotta listen to the show with HIM?

You ever see a hipster come apart like that?!

He's the one always doing gay stunts with Richard Christy

The gay one. Oh wait...

If you can't recall Sal then it sounds like you shouldn't give a care.

Sal is the hipster cunt, not to be confused with Troy, the hipster douchebag.

Huge difference.

He was responsible for this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhi7yHPUMro.

The one Danny hated. Oh right, He hated everyone...

Dennis falcone does look like he can suck his own dick.

I only remember the names of the major talent. Anthony Jim and Obie.

Correction: I only remember the names of the major talent. Anthony Jim and Opie

The fruity hipster who plays the drums and has a high pitched voiced.

Sam just commented that he was no longer with the channel.


i listened a lot longer than 2 years and never figured out who sal was. I think there is/was a vito there too.

There was a Vito on R&F within the last year, unless you are talking about another Vito.

Is there a Zito? I woulda sworn there was a vito or zito - like they're runnin a gotdam pizzeria over there.

Yes there was a Zito too, he still works for Sirius i think he does tours of the building or some shit. He is the one that had it out with Troy on the after show the got Troy banned from speaking on air.

Nothings better then the show in its current incarnation, except maybe the Indy 500.

Correction: I only remember the names of the major talent. Anthony Jim and Opie

You ever see a hipster come apart like that?!