This was just tweeted out from the O&J account

50  2014-09-26 by SXMGirl



Opie and Sam resent the fact that, despite having way more broadcasting oppurtunities and experience, and despite shitting on Erock for being lazy and fat for over a decade, Erock puts together a saturday show that reveals him to be a better broadcaster and interviewer than they will ever be.

That's not speculation. That's cold, hard truth.

You realize that when they shit on erock like that it's a joke and actually Opie probably gave erock that Saturday time slot and knows erock is a great radio guy that's been doing this just as long as Sam or probably longer. Erock was working in radio in high school. They know erock is no idiot.

Long time fans know it's all a joke, it's just like how they jump on Rich Vos for some of the dumb things he says but he is fantastic on stage.



I think the jealousy would come from ERock and Sam who have (arguably) put on better shows than Opie lately, yet, Opie continues to make money and bring in and overuse his friends Florentine, Vos, and Bonnie.

Is Erock's show that good? I have never listened... Good for him though! I'm more sad that Jimmy's name is going to get dragged down with Opie now.

From a technical standpoint he does a good job. He moves things along and it has a nice flow. From a content standpoint it is good if you are an overindulgent manchild that gets giddy over superhero movies.

it is good if you are an overindulgent manchild that gets giddy over superhero movies.

That explains why I enjoy it so much.

I am one of those manchildren, and happen to love the show. His cohost works well with him too.

Erick really surprised me on how professional he sounds on the air. I might say he comes off like a young Scott Shannon.

"There's a tree on my Simpsons Lego house!"


Erocks show is surprising good!

Can someone link me to a good erock show? Haven't been following him, I didn't know he was actually good.

The speculation part is if that piece of shit Sam and Opie know; otherwise, the content of what you said is fucking facts.

if that's real and Erock did it because he has access to the OandAshow account, that's awesome and I have a ton of respect for him. and a lot less respect for whoever was responsible for deleting it

Sam and Opie have gone corporate.

No big deal, nothing to see here.

My speculation is that maybe E-Rock didn't want to be without a job come October because of Opie hinting to how they were gonna leave and go to the podcast world. So he probably found something even after Opie was found to be full of shit by re-signing.

Or maybe he broke too many chairs because he was fat and the company said we can't afford the chair budget for this fucking show. "Get rid of that Nagel kid. All he does is look up bikini girls and drink coke floats"

I'd like to thank Mr. Nagel and his b-b-big jelly tits for the countless hours of entertainment he brought us. You will be always in my heart Eric. Full homo.

Is it official that it's Jelly? Personally I'm more a fan of the big jam tits

if this is real, they got rid of it almost immediately

I wonder if Opie will motherfuck him now that he's gone. I fully expect some "butthurt" from the Opster.

I hope he did, way to go E Rock

Ant said he had interest in bringing over some of the old staff. Erock would be perfect.

I think it was actually Sal's last act as an SXM employee. He put @erockradio so Erock could damage control it right away. Just good natured hijinks between soon to be ex-co-workers.

Idk. Your moms box is a big deal. You don't mess around with that.

I know. I could be wrong. However, it still seems to me that it was Sal. Sal telling his immediate supervisor erock - "your mom's box" I ain't working here no mo.

Most likely explanation.

least wouldn't tag it in a way that makes it look like a quote of erock

good natured hijinks between two soon to be ex co-workers

Occam's Razor is great.


if it bleeds we can kill it

Why doesn't Occam use a trimmer?

tsss yeah maybe he needs some aftershave or sumpthin too, I don't know

because he wants it close

The tweet is gone now. That didn't take long

What did is SAY? imgur link isn't coming up.

Your mother's vaginal opening.

Roland just now:

roland @rolandos99 · 4m

@erockradio WTF are you doing!!! Take this down you're not suppose >to tweet this! Jesus - I'll be in soon

but it's replying to a tweet about Jeter from last night

Erik Nagel @erockradio · 19h

Derek #Jeter to make surprise walk-on on SNL.

What would be the drive time between Erock and An'ts place?

Pretty damn long actually. Need to cut through NYC to get from jersey to long island.

How long by boat? This is the sex bagel we are talking about

Pretty cool, huh?


Thanks for the info

Ant doesn't like Erock. Would never happen.


is it all a big scam for us to still tune into sam's show today, because the 'big director' guest has cancelled and the show is tanking in general?

i don't know, i'm just asking questions.

were being trolled.

were being trolled.

Good thing it's in the passed.

Muphry's law in action.

Really hoped that more people would get the joke.

I guess it didn't work.



He just has questions, OK?

Rock em, bro

The Scott and Eric show!

That would probably be a great move for Nagel, as far as a stable paycheck goes. That Scott Shannon train is pretty steady going.

there's a tree on my Nagel Estate

What a bunch of drama queens, holy fuck.

I can't view imgur links for some reason today. Does it say erock is gone? Has anyone considered dropping twigs outside the sirius xm doors so he can never leave?

Same here, unable to click the link

(edgar speak)


I thought this was bullshit. Erock did the post show yesterday and is doing his show tomorrow, what the hell?

Aren't they per-recorded?

I thought it was live, seems like he takes phone calls but damn I can't say for sure any more.

Yes, pre-recorded.

Well if its pre recorded and he is fired then they won't be playing it.

I was just on his twitter feed, he tweeted "Hello Lady" and then instantly deleted it.

Pretty cool huh?

E-Rock hasn't quit/been fired.

bye erok

Good for him.



Another nail in the coffin


Erock just spoke on Sam's show. Still there

Isn't it possible that it just means the o&a brand is now officially done at sirius with Monday being the first day of the new version of whatever they call it?

"Your Mom's box" only counts if it's said on-air, on the show. I think Erik is just fucking with all you ninnies. The level of tin foil head dressings in this sub is reaching epic proportions.

I'm curious to see what, if anything, changes on Monday, like Sam losing his shit show on Fridays, if they're returning to 5 shows a week. I'll laugh my balls off if that little shit's show is yanked, and Erik's show grows in popularity.

My expectations are low, so it'll be a nice surprise if there's any improvement, and I know where to go to download the show if it gets any better. Again, low expectations.

Yelp, epic proportions of crazy to think someone might throw that out as the show transitions from what it was to what it is officially behind the scenes with a new contract. Just crazy talk I tell you... of EPIC PROPORTIONS.

Crazy is defending a rumor that has nothing to substantiate it, and where there's clear proof it's just a rumor.

That's why Erik is fucking with you - BECAUSE YOU FALL FOR IT EVERY FUCKING TIME.

I fall for what? If you didn't notice, I didn't think he got fired, I said it was just something to say for the changing of the guards of contract time. The official O&A to O&J show... because of the new official contracts.

I think the production staff reads this reddit and fucks with us, because of the random fucking erock speculation that came from someone misinterpreting Anthony on his show yesterday.

How many of us, though, are "marks"?

Nagel has a lot of connections throughout the industry as well as into his other interests. He probably got scared and started looking for something else is all. Even Anthony said in previous negotiations he didn't even know what Opie was going to do. Some of you think the worst.

Same here, unable to click the link