Another Opie hate post. Why is he surprised?

0  2014-09-24 by ZombieKetchup

Opie has always told people that we attack people for the show and that "One day those fuckers are gonna turn on us".


Cos he's a fucking dope, that's why. He's just a fucking dope. I've been saying it for years, he's just a fucking dope. He's one of these fucking dopes, that's why.

Surprised people don't call him Dopie here more.

[over-the-top fake Jimmy approval laughter]

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying.

I'm talking about these fucking dopes! They're fucking dopes!

I'm still not clear. Just come out and say it, man! Don't beat around the bush.

I think he might be emulating that crippled guy from newfoundland.

Thanks for ruining the joke.

and punt

PERIOD [sniff]


I think he might be emulating that crippled guy from newfoundland.