New Jim Norton standup set from 2010. It's pretty good, but check out this woman's (non-)reaction to his jokes.

8  2014-09-24 by [deleted]


Jim looks like a fat kid with downs attending his grandmother's wake in that suit

I listened to the show for about 3 years before ever hearing his standup, I had such high expectations because of how funny he is on the show but man he doesnt translate well on stage. But im also an unfunny dope so fuck me.

In my opinion, a lot if Jimmy's stand up specials run together. I love Little Jimmy, but I remember after buying that overhyped album "Despicable". I was so fucking mad. As hard as Jimmy works on these albums; why did Despicable contain about 90% of the same material as Monster Rain? It was almost identical! He has to know that?

I liked Yellow Discipline, and Trinkets, and Monster Rain was great. I think Please Be Offended was the best!, and then came American Degenerate, which was a huge disappointment. I remember watching the debut thinking "this will get funny any minute now". Next thing you know, the credits were rolling. American Degenerate was all material he talked about on the show everyday.

I just can't understand why he would put the same material on 2 albs?

I think Jimmy is a really funny standup and his timing is incredible. I think the problem is that he puts message before funny. I think Bill Burr did the same thing in the second half of his most recent special. I wish comics would stop trying to make a mark and just be as funny as possible. That's the way to get remembered. You're not Pryor, fellas.

Fuck being a comedian, Jim Norton should be a spokesman for Weight Watchers. I can't recall the last time I saw someone transform so quickly and so noticeably. Sorry Jimmy but you look like a slug in this video :O

Not to toot my own cakehorn but losing weight really is not that hard, I weighed 278 in January and I weigh at 183 as I left the gym this morning

But I don't want to change my diet. Booze, potato chips and soda are delicious.

Take adderall instead of drinking. I love junk food too but not when I'm buzzing which is all the time. Took me down to a nice healthy 94lbs at 5 foot 8 and I've never been happier.

(standing ovation)

A year or two ago my buddy and I went to see Jimmy at the Melrose Improv. We had front row seats. At the last second, two smoking hot 20 something gals in cocktail dresses got seated with us. They were so obviously comp seats because they knew somebody at the club & were in no way there to see Jimmy. My buddy and I were like "Ohh, I can't wait to see these chicks' reactions." They sat there basically with their mouths hanging open, did not laugh once, I swear to god. It was glorious. Jimmy has a rougher time with LA crowds, it's really interesting to have seen him in NY and then out here. At one point he notices us and goes to us "WOW, how did you two fucking zeroes wind up with these chicks??" It ruled.

Who is that bitch?

Who knows if she was reacting to Jim's joke? This show looks like it's so cut up and re-edited with the dumb shots of the audience.

I love Jimmy with all my heart but that face... that's the face I found myself making at his uncomfortable gyrations and flimsy delivery.

He is super funny and amazingly fast in the studio. What happens to him when he gets on a stage?

i don't think he ever really moved on from 90's "please love me" jimmy. he's just shouting punchlines and skipping through topics so quickly

stone face woman

You linked to the wrong part of the video, stupid. Try 3m6s.

No I didn't, sir. The woman is at 3m20s.

His timestamp also has a good non-reaction female.

Give him a break, he does admit he's LESS than l337 afterall...

i don't think he ever really moved on from 90's "please love me" jimmy. he's just shouting punchlines and skipping through topics so quickly