LinkedIn's Career Advice for Opie and Jimmy

6  2014-09-24 by majestik6

LinkedIn published an article about cel phone etiquette today titled "Why Successful People Never Bring Smartphones Into Meetings"

They noted the following:

"When you take out your phone it shows a:

Lack of respect. You consider the information on your phone to be more important than the conversation at hand, and you view people outside of the meeting to be more important than those sitting right in front of you.

Lack of attention. You are unable to stay focused on one thing at a time.

Lack of listening. You aren’t practicing active listening, so no one around you feels heard.

Lack of power. You are like a modern-day Pavlovian dog who responds to the whims of others through the buzz of your phone.

Lack of self-awareness: You don't understand how ridiculous your behavior looks to other people.

Lack of social awareness: You don't understand how your behavior affects those around you."

the full article


Opie's lack of wit, talent and grace, Jim's hooker habit or Ant's alcoholism and racism didn't take the show down.

It was the fucking smartphones! Opie hasn't interviewed for 5 years. Now he sucks at it and has no chemistry with Jim. He's "checking his numbers" and trying to be an Internet Star. Jim checking out of the show on the smartphone has reduced him to a sniping third mic with a non-supportive host. Ant couldn't wait to whip out the smartphone and flush his 20 year career down the toilet. The producers don't even show prep. "I watched a Youtube video on my iPhone. Lets stream it from Youtube and watch it for 20 minutes." Garbage!

You can't say it's all bad dude. Do you remember those Samsung commercials breaks they used to do on the show? Opie got that "WHITE-GLOVE!!!" bit fired up with Sammy, and didn't stop until the whole studio was ashamed cracking up.

To be fair, they're sitting in front of microphones for 4 hours. They're not working, they're just bullshitting. Might not be the best thing to do since Ant was fired, but I think the phone-checking is a symptom rather than an illness.

Isn't the show 3 hours now?

3 hours, 4 days a week.

Couple o' workoholics, am I right?!?!?

HAHAHA oh boy, do I enjoy this sub

It's a real hootenanny.

Dude I said they're not working. It's just sitting there. When you're sitting around doing nothing, you check your shit.

But when you talk for a living, you're also supposed to keep stuff like this in check, soooo.


Sorry, I was agreeing with you but also putting out the completely stupid argument that they're doing so little actual work, and they're not on camera, so it's hard not for them to check their phones constantly and play dumb childish f2p games.


They take enough breaks. Must they be phone-slaves and twiddle on them when Oscar nominees are in studio?

A bunch of boring corporate faggots probably aren't the people to look to for advice on how to act.

Did LinkedIn give etiquette tips on watching YouTube on the radio for an entire break or more?