Jocktober 2014 - the O&J Edition

21  2014-09-23 by drunk8gods

Anyone here interested in getting O&J clips together for this year's Jocktober? It seems only appropriate since the pests have turned on their masters. Start leaving posts of all your favorite Opie stammers, lies, steamrolls and hilarious jokes. Just a thought. While I don't think they'll be doing Jocktober this year, we should have some fun with it here.


Jocktober!. The month of hypocrites. I wonder if Opie is going to make fun of the jocks who talk about their kids to much, and the jocks that fake laugh, and the jocks who have no chemistry with their partner, and the jocks that are "pussies", because anytime someone calls them out on sucking; the jocks will talk over the caller, and then load the phone bank with 10 praise calls in a row.

I also wonder if he will resume making fun of older jocks, and how they are to old to be relevant. And how the old jock is never funny, and how they are doddering old fools who should have retired years ago. And the jocks that do fake radio.

Like He Does Now!!!!

First up - food bits.

"masters" is plural...Opie's the turd that's clogging the toilet. How about an Opie Soundboard? Any unemployed geniuses here? Actually, that in conjunction with a prank-call to the Opester himself would be interesting.

"Child Abuse And Dead Parents in the Morning." Just string together all of the last week's maudlin, depressing shit to hear at 7 in the morning.

I feel like that would just give them a great starting point to start firing out those takedown notices.

They already did it in 2011. It used to be called the "John And Jeff show", now re-branded as "Opie and Jim"

So many scary similarities

Opie is really funny. Roland is likable. Opposite Tuesdays nigger, I mean "nigga."

It's Wednesday.

I'd been wanting to do something for awhile; It really needs a visual aspect, though.

His name is Rob Haswell, and I describe him as a Man-Hole.

He's a weatherman for Fox 6 Milwaukee, but he really shines on "Real Milwaukee". It's a panel of three chicks and he's the femme-iest one of the bunch.

These are the tip of the iceberg; I think I have one clip saved on the DVR, and I'll start recording now.

Here he is getting smacked:

Meeting CM Punk:

Talking about bullying:

Junior hockey:

Keeping it real: @Rob_Haswell

If they don't do Jocktober, I'll put something together for Cumia.

What does this have to do with how much Opie sucks?

Sorry I ruined this rocking thread by going a fraction of a degree off-topic.

Honestly, I figured with a nickname like "The Candy Kid", that drunk8gods was Sam soliciting help.

A few seconds after I posted, I re-read and understood the actual angle of the original post, so I added the, "If they don't do Jocktober, I'll put something together for Cumia," part of my comment, rather than deleting it entirely as I'd already put in a few minutes of work grabbing the clips and figured at least one person would enjoy it.

I was right about that, and then you came along a few hours later to point out what I and perhaps dozens of others had already realized, although only you felt the need to pipe up.

I'll let you get back to prancing around your dying room and policing all of the Reddit noobs now.

Jesus man, it was a joke.

Lol. Im an ass. ;)

Epic rant, though. That didn't come from nowhere.


I'd love to see them trash Cool Guy.

Partly because he sucks, and partly because they had a radio war with him a long time ago when he was on XM.

They don't really have the right to trash anyone now. A .192 hitter can't start talking shit about other players.

uhm. actually the pests haven't completely turned on the show. it's cute that you use this isolated reddit forum as a judge of how the show is doing. they still have tons of fans. you can be a fan of anthony's show and the O&J show. the two aren't mutually exclusive.

I read that as 'tens of fans"

Even the most loyal and delusional fans left, the ones you might see parading around Walmart on a mobility scooter wearing an Opie t-shirt, can't even find any enjoyment from the show.

i think this is a terrible Idea

Opie Army hitters!

I see you're trying to get a bit going. Please stop that.