"OpieRadio" calls for a new sidebar image. Good luck, bro.

28  2014-09-23 by Chipper_Chip


He's been saying 'Hold On' and 'Wait' much less. Mostly because there is no flow to interrupt.

It'd be great if he just started to say it to himself.

Opie tweeted that he had a funeral to go to. I wonder if he is paying last respects to his career?

  • Don't say anything funny

Why does he need a sidebar pic, do more than just the wannabe important in Opies life mod and his 2 sockpuppet accounts even post there?

He steam-rolls over the conversation: it's a joke, you dummy.

You really are a fucking dolt, aren't you? You are a dumb cunt, I was talking about the one in the OP's link, not our current one on this subreddit.

Now go fuck yourself dummy. Maybe read the thread we are commenting on before you post.

Dumb fuck.

perfect! are bumper stickers on the way?

This is just sickening. The man is just trying to move on with his life, because his racist partner got fired. Now he has to deal with jealous, immature men. Makes me sick.

AIDS is what made you sick. Don't blame us.

You want to be the next Thermitepaint, but you sir are no Thermitepaint.

Go back to your main account and post on the wrestling and Pokémon subreddits, like you used to and leave us to our hatred.

It is contained here, be happy.

I don't have time for false accusations. Stick with facts when you talk to me.


This guy's commitment to his gimmick is up there with Colin Quinn and Fez.

I'm just waiting for the bballs0x101 parody account. Someone get on that!

I just gave up all my energy on this 5 minute photoshop stunt. Fuck that.

Thanks for trying, buddy.


Am I jealous that he has more money than me? Yes.

That's about it. I'm mature.

Poop head.

If thermitepaint were Ric Flair, you'd be the Brooklyn Brawler.

? Are you trying to insult me by saying you like another user on here more than me? Lame.

You best settle down with this or I'll call Pat Patterson.