Joe Derosa: Offended by the Sopranos

40  2014-09-22 by LouisCGhey

46:20 "I feel that Sopranos was a cartoonish representation of Italian culture"

Now since he found out he has African blood, now he's offended by black stuff. What a fucking SJW loser, I hope he dies nameless, in a pool of his own tears.


"I complained for the table"

Good for Joey Fat tits...What would his Italian friends think?

"EYYY, fuck ya mudda, go getcha shinebox."

"Fuckin break up my party."

Eyyyyyy, da gabagool, ah?!


A: she was a whoouer B: she hit me

I will openly admit that I try working that line of dialogue into my conversations with others at least once a day.

Because it is awesome.

I am an Italian from New Jersey and am not offended by the Sopranos. I always thought it was funny and a bit over the top at times, but delivered on the drama.

Why the fuck does this fucking ISIS member Egyptian give a fuck about Italians anyways, no one (group) needs his fucking help, he is not going to make a fucking difference.

(edit: I hate this fuck worse than Opie, I feel sorry for Opie, I hate Joey Jamtits.)

Hey, I'm Italian! Maranara! Hey! Food and family is important when you're Italian! When you're Italian, food and family is important! Best slice in the city? Easy! 104th and 23rd! Hey! I'm Italian! My grandmudda was a saint and my mudder makes the best canoli! Hey! Maranara! I got fifty cousins named Anthony! Hey! I'm Italian!

Yup,that's them.

Eyyy Good for you, you average wop ginny bastad! Solude!

Actually no Anthonys in my close family, a lot of Josephs, Marks, and Johns.

We got an Antonia, does that count as Anthony? You make a stereotypical joke but Italian families seem to love apostle names.

it is not Marinara, its Madonna (kinda like saying "mother of god) if your trying to do a rip off of pauly from the sopranos.

Know your slang before you make fun of us.

Shhhhaaaaduppa ya face, you!

Dis guy, fuckin comedian.

Breakin yer balls and right away yer getting fuckin fresh.

Shut up you hole.

Ohhhhhhh you guys......


We got an Antonia, does that count as Anthony?

Does if she goes through with the reassignment surgery.

Anthony was not an Apostle.

And I stated no Anthonys in my family, read more than one sentence before you forehead slam out your reply you cunt

We got an Antonia, does that count as Anthony? You make a stereotypical joke but Italian families seem to love apostle names.

Now shut up, wop.

I would but I am incapible of it, now let me tell you about my grandmothers fuckin ziti, Madonna, pure bliss.

The cheese is so stringy it is coming out of your asshole as you are still trying to swallow the strand.

Maybe you missed the other names I mentioned, now shut the fuck up asshole and read entire posts, and not pick them apart with selective quotes that your fit your needs, faggot.

I was responding to a post above me about 50 anthonys in the family, you dripping cunt flap.

I would but I am incapible (sic) [. . .] now let me tell you about my grandmothers fuckin [. . .] asshole as you are still trying to swallow [. . .] faggot.

Something tells me you are not the real Colin Quinn. I only responded because I thought you were, but you are not even remotely funny, just trying to troll.

I give you an A for effort, but I am untrollable, and very needy. Just like you

I can keep this going as long as you want, as a matter of fact I am enjoying it.

We will be manfucking soon after this, you will love me. Theon Greyjoy

Fuck derosa

He thought he was half Italian, half Egyptian for most of his life.

He was adopted by the DeRosa family, he is a fucking sandnigger.

My (Romans) people used to rule his people (Egyptians), I am surprised he is not speaking out against Italians or asking for reparations.

he is a fucking sandnigger.

Oh man!

My (Romans) people used to rule his people (Egyptians)

Then your "people" got raped and rightfully pillaged by those faggy Moroccans, now who's worthless.

It's a very difficult situation

Joe is unfunny and should feel lucky to be able to pay his rent.

His politically correct Italian friends probably all hang out at the pizza parlor in his analogy.

You forgot to put "imaginary" in there

Where the fuck do you find a politically correct Italian?

I don't think Joe has an issue with Italians being misrepresented.

Sissy fag

Next week Joe feels sorry for ISIS, and goes over there to fight with them.

Egyptian fuck.

Ya know guys, airstriking them is wrong, they only want to behead Americans, after all we did, we deserve it.. Isis is a good bunch of guys who need help, not harm.

As an Irishman Im offended by "lucky charms" and want them banned immediately. I feel they cartoonishly represent my people and our struggle against oppression.

As a rabbit this 'Trix are for kids' shit has got to stop.

You deserve tasty cereal as much as those little tattle-tale liars!! MORESO!!!


Gret point sir. Way to get it.


Max Koch needs to make a Tony Soprano vid about Derosa.

I'm not sure about The Sopranos - but Italians do have a legitimate gripe with how they're portrayed in the media. Jersey Shore, Real Housewives, other "reality" shows - those are all blatant misrepresentations of Italian culture.

It's hypocritical in today's PC world to have one ethnic group that is safe to attack.

I favor a no PC approach. But, if we are going PC then you have to do it for everyone. Otherwise, you're encouraging preferential treatment of groups - and as a result, breeding resentment.

More importantly...Joe De Rosa is Middle Eastern. Can he please stop being offended for other groups?

Italians and white people in general are not allowed to be angry at stereotypes.

Irish Drinkers, Polish stupid, Germans Nazis, Italians...Yech Jersey Shore (all of the original cast except one are from New York, for the record)

I do not care, cracker does not bother me, nor guido, wop, or peckerwood. I laugh at it.

Not as much power as the word nigger, saying that word in this environment will have white people beating you up.

I really don't understand your logic.

You can't protect one group more than another. Guinea and Wop are just as offensive to Italians as other terms are to other peoples.

Stop thinking one group's problems are "more important." Either all of these terms are offensive or they're not offensive at all.

No group should have preferred PC status.

You really aren't capable of figuring it out? You have to make it an all or nothing? Is that how you think about everything? Just a child's view? In this country and historical context, who do you think has and had it harder, black people or Italians? Who has more reason to be offended about something, black people or Italians? What might be more offensive in that context?

Italians were the victims of one of the largest mass lynchings in U.S. History. Italians were routinely denied jobs based solely on their ethnicity. Italians were not white when they first arrived here. How's that for historical context?

We're in the 21st century. We have a black president and we're super PC. But yet, in 2013, we can still call Italians Wops and Greaseballs on prime time, network TV.

I didn't say blacks don't have a legitimate gripe - I said Italians also have a gripe.

No one in their right mind would say Italians had an easy go of it when they got here. And in a lot of respects, that hasn't changed. They are the sole ethnic punching bag remaining - for no legitimate reason.

Maybe brush up on your US history and facts before spouting off white guilt ridden nonsense.

The point is this should be allowed for all groups. It adds character and realism to our lives. People are only offended because they know they should be. Not being Italian, I could give a shit what they said in that video. If you didn't know you were italian you'd feel the same way.

I dunno why you're acting like this should be a revelation to me. Heard it all. None of it compares to slavery.

You are literally the problem with this country.

The last slave was freed 150 years ago. That's 4-5 generations back. What does slavery have to do with modern day blacks? We have a black president - it's safe to say the oppression is over.

And the Italian facts are a revelation to you, because you stormed into this argument thinking other people couldn't possibly have a gripe. I'm sorry - but hangings, refusing jobs and labeling Italians as "mulattos" is as discriminatory as it gets.

And, before I forget - the Italians were treated like this 50 years after slavery ended.

So, go reevaluate your white guilt and understand that people labelled white today weren't in the past. And they were treated like shit as a result.

I've heard all of these things about Italians before. You've watched the sopranos right? Which is what we were talking about? They fucking brought up in the show literally everything you said.

You remember, like, civil rights, right? I mentioned slavery but you don't really think that was the only thing, right? Go google what year that was since you seem confused.

It's just like a white guy to go "well one black person is successful so now oppression or racism doesn't exist". What a fucking idiot.

You bringing up civil rights is intellectually dishonest. The premise of your argument was slavery. That ended 150 years ago. "Nothing compares to slavery"... Except when it doesn't fit your narrative. Then, we'll shift to civil rights.

Civil rights was an issue attached to the Deep South; blacks thrived in the north and west.

And if we are to talk about civil rights being violated - let's discuss interment camps during World War II. German Americans were not put in camps. Italians and Japanese were.

But, according to you - they were placed in those camps because they were so white, and so welcomed in this country.

Lastly, one black man is successful? So I guess all the actors, sports stars, politicians and entrepreneurs are irrelevant. I know, they make millions but they still live in the ghetto and aren't allowed to vote.

I hate white apologists with selective memory.

You're an unbelievable dumb-ass. Enjoy your downvotes.

And this is how every white guilt argument comes to an end. You don't like the facts you hear, so you take your ball and go home. Classic.

Thank you for proving my point.

I don't have the time to sit and try to convince someone that has no interest in changing their mind. This isn't about winning arguments, but to people like you, it is. I don't care about who can argue more or who has more free time to drag up every little thing. This could not matter less. Enjoy the downvotes.


He's not a smart man.

ME: he does have nicer baloney-tits than me.

I thought he was offended by the Little Orphan Annie radio show.

Pool of tears no, puddle of aids, yes.

Ugh shut up reclaim your Egyptian roots and go fight with isis. I'm sure they need a pair of man tits to cum on to boost morale.

Italian-Chilean here: who the fuck is that jerkoff??

Didn't Dr. Melfi and her husband have a conversation in the show about Italian-American stereotypes in media?

Ol no soldiers socialist crying again

This is so dumb. He's not offended by the Sopranos, full stop. He just said it's corny in this video. Listen to it yourself.

Duh. Of course it's a cartoonish representation. The fact that he thinks this is even worth bringing up makes him a dummy more than a sjw.

The show is more of a black comedy than a drama.


really you hope he dies? because he is commenting on a stupid show for 10 years ago?

People in this sub idolize Ant. They took what happened with DeRosa personally as if it somehow effected them.

I can only guess that they lack father figures.

I completely understand why you think that. And I will speak for most of us Joe Haters and say I don't hate Joe because Ant Does. My problem with Joe is he moved to L.A, and became the typical, hacky, unfunny, faggy comic that Jimmy bitched about for years.

I think we can all agree that when Joe was a NY comic; he didn't give a shit about Anthony's social views. And I can promise you that Joe was in studios by times when Ant went off on a race subject, and Joe never said a fucking thing in defense of minorities; because he knew O&A were his bread & butter. And he for damn sure never sat in studio during one of Ants tirades, and stood up and said "I have black friends, you're offending me, so I have to leave".

And finally, when he called Ant on TACS; he stuttered, and jumbled his words worse than a guilty man being interrogated by Detectives for Murder. And Joe danced all the way around a 55 minute explanation, without having said anything! So fuck Joe, and his black friends who have never done shit for him like O&A did.

Jesus fucking Christ can we stop with the DeRosa shit? Who gives a fuck? You people care more than Ant does.

50:22. He's just saying he doesn't like it because it sucks, not that he's offended by it. He's not SJWing here. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Edit: I guess people here just want something to fit their agenda and don't care if it's true or not. Pathetic.

His criticism is more offensive than the perceived offense would have been. Have you seen his videos/acting?

That's fine, get mad at him about that. Let's be accurate with our hate here.

I'm getting thumbed down for telling the truth? Go fuck youselves. Get mad at him for dissing the Sopranos if you like the show, but he's not SJWing. He's saying the show is cartoonish and unbelievable. Listening comprehension. Again, he directly says he's not offended at 50:22.

One thing I noticed is once you bring up you are mad about being downvoted, it encourages people to do so.

Just make your point and let it rest, if you post a stinker, let it rest, don't draw more attention to it.

We hate SJW's in general, this is not personal on Joe. OK maybe slightly

He shit on Ant, I thought he was unfunny and a crybaby before that. But the Ant incident, and his engagements with Bonnie and Troy prove to me he is a cunt with nothing but arrogance and self importance.


I'm pissed about it. It wasn't a stinker, it is the truth. He was saying he doesn't like the Sopranos because it's an unrealistic show and cartoonish, not that he was offended because of Italian stereotypes. You can hate him all you want, but at least have real reasons behind it.

I was expecting the poster to say "oh, I guess I was wrong" or something like that, not to be downvoted. It's fucking disgusting to deny facts in order to fit an agenda.

Stop whining.


Fuck off.


Aww, baby boy! Is somebody mad baby boy?!

Yeah, I was. It happens when you are dealing with people who don't care about what's right and what's wrong.

Aww baby boy!

Whenever Joe says he feels one way about something, he's lying.

would u sniff derosas muddy egyptian troutfarts

As long as it didn't negatively affect my livelihood.

I'm getting thumbed down for telling the truth? Go fuck youselves. Get mad at him for dissing the Sopranos if you like the show, but he's not SJWing. He's saying the show is cartoonish and unbelievable. Listening comprehension. Again, he directly says he's not offended at 50:22.

His criticism is more offensive than the perceived offense would have been. Have you seen his videos/acting?

I will openly admit that I try working that line of dialogue into my conversations with others at least once a day.

Because it is awesome.

he is a fucking sandnigger.

Oh man!

My (Romans) people used to rule his people (Egyptians)

Then your "people" got raped and rightfully pillaged by those faggy Moroccans, now who's worthless.