He is his mother. He is who he hates.

45  2014-09-20 by JCP_1975

For the past ten years we've heard Opie say his Mom is a "Me, Me, Me person" and how she has to make every situation about herself. Opie HATES that about her. He is who he hates. He is the guy constantly interjecting what could be interesting conversation to make the situation about himself.

Now, I understand the Opie trashing is at historic levels, but I felt the need to point out this valid criticism and comparison, which I don't think has been made before. If it has, well, that's the bit, fuckface.


They are all perfect examples of becoming what you hate. Jim hates the mentally ill for making everything about themselves and ruining people's good times but will ruin all his friend's night if a celebrity photo could be taken, Anthony hates blacks for their attitude and disrespect but he moved to a nice suburb and throws loud parties and flys a fucking drone around, the opester hated stern forever but has literally become tell em sam hoo hoo.

Yeah, Ant was the epitome of an "N Person" prior to making real money. And in many ways, he currently lives the lifestyle of a gangsta rapper. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Let's see:

-He moved around a lot as a kid because his father couldn't pay rent

-Used to steal car parts for his truck when he was poor

-Shouts things at the movie theatre (2016: Obama's America)

-Is interested in white trash girls

-Is Sicilian ("Sicilians were spawned by niggers")

Conclusion: Anthony is a nigger.

Mah niggah

mah mutha fuckin' niggah!

Don't forget about the part where he was a crack dealer.

I know Sicilians are swarthy, but why do people jump that they came from blacks? Blacks don't have huge convex noses, if anything they look arabic or middle eastern.


There is a reason Anthony and TI hit it off like best buds.

"I don't know what it is like to be a black man..."-Anthony...

"Oh, really? Didn't you just tell a half hour story about breaking traffic laws in an Escalade with a pistol on your lap? You know EXACTLY what its like!"-Jim Norton

I think Ant's hate of the N Person comes from the instantaneous violence in the ghetto community, not any of those things mentioned.

And fantastic

Not if you pay attention to what Anthony says about the black community. He mainly talks about the violent crime problem and leeching of public resources. To my knowledge, he never committed violent crimes or collected welfare as an adult. He has always gotten along well with rappers that come on the show, so it's not very hypocritical.

If there is one stereotype that the blacks can't escape from it's their love of flying drones around in nice neighborhoods.


I don't think he hates blacks per se.

I've heard that he in fact loves the BLCKS

Look at Sigmund Freud over here. Getting deep into Demented Word of the Opster.

Well, it's getting increasingly difficult to be original in the bashing of Opie. We got to go DEEP, like Daughter. Have you heard that deep track by Pearl Jam?

Yeah but have you ever thrown on an Alice in chain anthology, skipped the bullshit and gone right for the rooster?

"Old Woman Behind a Mic in a Big Town"

Shit that's a deep cut bro

Rumor has it he just downloaded the Pearl Jam, Ten album.

His mind was blown.

That's DEMENTED WORLD, pal. I bet you weren't even there for the WAAF days.

-Fat Internet Douche

Haha it's a typo and I confess to being a small child when OnA were in Boston.

I've never understood the reasoning behind talking shit at people for not listening to the show way back then. Like it's not my fault my parents didn't decide to fuck until 1993.

Fix the typo?

I hate asterisks. My father was killed by an asterisk. And if I changed it after drexler pointed out my stupidity, I would have been depriving him of valuable, richly deserved upvotes.

Careful calling fatties out. You may draw the ire of termite. He's a great big fat person

Look at the big brain on brad

I've got a feeling she's actually just a typical mom, but her narcissistic, thin skinned son has to find something to talk about

OP is 100% correct, just listen to this fucking clip, its sams big day, he just announced his engagement and everyone is having a good time. Then sams mom calls up the show and opie hangs up on her and starts bitching about his own mom, this fucking douche always has to be the center of attention.


How ironic.. He starts bitching about his mom being self centered. Meanwhile Jimmy and Ant attempt to try and ask him what happened and he could only interrupt their questions by screaming "WHY WOULD YA!!!" It's almost as if he waits for them to begin speaking and right as they do he interrupts them.

If he is what you say he is I wouldn't want to spend the night at his 'family run' motel!

Am I right, gang?

Good one Col!

There was a break a few years back that sticks out in my mind - I think it was in the wake of a school shooting (though might have been something else). The Opster made the entire hour about himself by CONSTANTLY interrupting with a '....ffffffffuck. I know this type of person. My mother was one of them! I've had to put up with this SHIT all my life!'

To make a break about narcissistic behaviour entirely about yourself requires either a) Andy Kaufman-level commitment to a character, or b) a monumental lack of self-awareness.

He is no Andy Kaufman.

I noticed this when Kevin pollack called in about a month ago talking about robin Williams killing himself.

Paraphrased transcript:

Kevin: I called my mom up and it took her all of thirty seconds to tell me about her own depression and make it all about herself.

Opie: Oh you got one of those moms? My mom does the exact same thing. All that "me me me" shit.

Opie then proceeds to go on about his own mother. The irony was astounding, and opie is such a self absorbed faggot that he had absolutely zero insight into what he was doing.

That's called having a conversation sir. Maybe if you let the house you could have one of those yourself.

Just an observation. Usually when someone from the show is trashed this badly eventually everyone comes around and changes their tune. Not only has the Opie trashing not stopped it's gotten worse.

I think he is just really narcissistic and is just in huge denial about it all.

You can't be in denial about being a narcissist, the condition makes it literally impossible. What Opie is, is an ACON - Adult Child Of A Narcissist - he acts like one, because he was raised by one. He can change. She can't. There is no know cure or therapy for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I think one time Fez also admitted to thinking he was a narcissist. This was while he was still somewhat talkative.

whats so shocking about this, everyone turns out like the parent they dont like.

Opie also said that she was obsessed with money,that she would buy the cheapest shit to save money. But at the same time he said they lived in a nice house. Opie's apartment was 4 mil when he bought it but he still buys generic ketchup

Damn I thought this was about Fez

Fez? That nutjob hasn't been relevant since 2006. I suppose you have a point, though. Opie hasn't been relevant since 99'

Call the show, and bring it to his attention.

And don't you dare "hamina-hamina... Ed Norton?" on us.

I don't have to. He's already seen the post.

I feel so sorry for the dude on some levels.

I think you're being too hard on him. It's apparent to me that Opie attempts to maneuver into conversations because he wants to contribute to the show. He knows he's not funny like Ant or Jimmy, so this is the only way he can contribute. It would be sad if he wasn't making good money doing it.

This is. Actually a decent point

lol @ pulling a Fez and bailing after Jimmy left

I don't even think Opie's mother and father were that bad. He's got a long, checkered past of lying his ass off on air, for instance. I'm very inclined to think they did a good job with 7 kids and Opie is just lying in lieu of doing show prep and being funny.

It really wouldn't surprise me if Opie's mom has lived in his house for the last 10 years.

Hmm interesting, but way more thought than I care to put into it.

You coulda just made a Bam cuck joke which is always an easy winner here, rather than devote so many calories to analyzing a hack.

But since you did, it is valid, and certainly possible. I think I can upvote this, just because you put effort into trying to intellectualize, rather than go to the lowest common denominator like most of us.

it's common for people to have some tendencies of their fucked up parents but at the core be nowhere near as bad of people. opie listens and cares about what other people have to say more than 75% of the people I meet in real life. seems like most people i meet just stare through whoever they're talking to until it's there turn to talk and give a response either changing the subject to themselves or addressing what the other person said in the most minimal or broad way.


Dijer mom blast a load on your tits again?

he didn't say "yum" he said "yuck"

I don't have to. He's already seen the post.