Opie Negotiating With WPLJ

1  2014-09-19 by DoubleGunns

On Wensday's show Opie mentioned that WPLJ was interested in the show. I don't listen to the show much since Anthony left but I'd be very interested to see what kind of a show they'd do on terrestrial radio. They might put a little more effort into it and Anthony probably wouldn't be banned from appearing on the show like he is now.


He's loying

Im not loying

What world do you live in? They aren't going to regular radio, Opie's never putting more effort in, and Ant is never rejoining him. That's it. Mark my words.

Hush your mouth. I'll hang on to the belief that they're getting back together forever.

This show has become so hacky it deserves to be on terrestrial radio. It's sad that my favorite radio show became what it once openly mocked and despised.

No way man, that ketchup challenge bit was awesome and not at all something Todd Pettengill would do.


Eeeeeyhumdigydigydigydumboobow Humdigydigydigydogyshubadubarubbadubba

Your alliteration is flawless. Bravo.

Lol brothaman I think you may mean onomatopoeia, but I appreciate it.




An onomatopoeia ( pronunciation (US) (help·info), from the Greek ὀνοματοποιία; ὄνομα for "name" and ποιέω for "I make", adjectival form: "onomatopoeic" or "onomatopoetic") is a word that phonetically imitates, resembles or suggests the source of the sound that it describes. Onomatopoeia (as an uncountable noun) refers to the property of such words. Common occurrences of onomatopoeias include animal noises such as "oink", "meow", "roar" or "chirp". Onomatopoeias are not the same across all languages; they conform to some extent to the broader linguistic system they are part of; hence the sound of a clock may be tick tock in English, dī dā in Mandarin, or katchin katchin in Japanese. Although in the English language the term onomatopoeia means the imitation of a sound, in the Greek language the compound word onomatopoeia (ονοματοποιία) means "making or creating names". For words that imitate sounds the term Ηχομιμητικό (echomimetico or echomimetic) is used. Ηχομιμητικό (echomimetico) from Ηχώ meaning "echo or sound" and μιμητικό meaning "mimetic or imitation".

Image i - A sign in a shop window in Italy proclaims "No Tic Tac", in imitation of the sound of a clock.

Interesting: Onomatopoeia (comics) | Japanese sound symbolism | Flobots

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If we could somehow get Todd to do a debate about mustard I would be so happy.

The show you liked was Opie and Anthony. That show is dead. This isn't that show.

I'm keenly aware of this.

This ain't your show!

It was about as hacky as bringing in a porn star which they did for years under Steve C. Opie and Anthony have always been a little hack at times. Which is why they've basically been able to pull old tapes over the years to trash.

I don't know how anyone can logically disagree with this. The porn girl bits didn't make me laugh or give me a boner, unless maybe Bobo was on with them but nevertheless they never made me laugh. The Todd Show type terrestrial zoo shit is childhood and shock jockery is adolescence, I always thought they were way too good for any of that crap.

This is Opie at rock bottom. In previous contract renewals, they would threaten just about every day they would be gone before re-signing. They had a brand and some leverage. Now Opie has no leverage and the best he can come up with is vague threats about some local hack radio station. It's sad and he knows it unless he has turned into Scorch.

Notice how he never bashes management now when before he would spend hours bitching about the slightest thing. The Destroyer's bluff has been called and SXM has him by the balls.

This is absolutely what's happening.

how the hell do you know what is happening

He said he was going to bitch less about mangement even when Anthony was there. In the past year Opie has kept the bitching to a minimal and even said to Anthony during the show that he's making a conscious decision to do it less because fans get tired of it.

You're right about the lack of leverage Opie has but he cut back on bitching about management a while ago. Long before any of this mess happened.

Are you a great big fat person?

Yes you're totally right. Go on.

You're right about the lack of leverage Opie has but he cut back on bitching about management a while ago. Long before any of this mess happened.

What are you talking about? The last show with Anthony he was bitching and in the weeks before he was bitching. If you recall they took a vacation because the studio was supposed to be upgraded, well it wasn't and then on the first day back he literally said "fuck this place, I don't know about you guys but I'm done, If you guys want to come do a podcast with me, great, if not, whatever".

The bitching only stopped when they returned after Anthony was fired.

Bitching about the studio equipment not working is one thing. I didn't say he had stopped bitching about mangement either I said he was doing it significantly less as of late and was making an effort to not to do it as much and if he did not to drag it out. Even Anthony and Jimmy had bitched about the failing equipment.

No, that wasn't what you said. Maybe that's what one of the voices in your head said but I don't hear those voices so I can only respond to what you write here.

This is why I quoted the section I am replying to, so you won't think I was responding to some other sentence you wrote, but obviously, you seem unable to follow and this will go the same way I see every other conversation people have with you going, so fuck it.

Yes I saw where you quoted me. I said he cut back on his bitching. Now please show me where I said he stopped because I'm pretty sure if you cut back on something you're still doing it. For example if I said to someone "I cut back on smoking" they would rightfully assume that I still smoke just not as much. Are you really this thick? You can hate Opie all you want but if you listen to a couple years ago and compare it to the last year or so you'll notice a significant drop off.


Shut your big fat mouth

Keep going.

It was so douchey when he mentioned that,

"I've ahhh..been talking to those guys over there they want me to do something but ahhh...Ooops probably shouldn't be ahhh talking about this on the air...."

No you haven't Opie.No you haven't.

i think he said something like "they(WPLJ) wont be ready in time" which kind of doesnt make sense to me(i dont know anything about radio) since East Side Dave had an interview(around the time he appeared on ants show) and was hired by a local station on long island pretty fast(i saw a link on here a couple weeks ago). and i remember the show always talked about people in freefm getting kicked out fast and stations switching over formats lightning fast, just sounds like him trying to justify either the same money or a raise.

Some will be amused, some will be confused, some will be alright but you'll listen every night, CAUSE OPIE'S ON WPLJ!


I want this to happen.

I live very far away from WPLJ.

How great would it be if Opie's career came full circle, and he was back to playing the oldies on terrestrial radio?

Can you imagine going from Sex for Sam; now you are sitting in a studio saying "now, were gonna take you back to the late, great, 1968"!!

He really should, in all honesty. It's what he likes, it's where his strengths lie. The guy at heart is really just an old rock jock. He's not a stimulating talk prognosticator. He should be spinning records, talking about music, and doing "top of the hour" shit. That's what he's wired for.

You are exactly right!

The problem is he is not Scott Shannon or any of the other old jocks O&A use to make fun of. He is a 51 year old shock jock and there isn't much of a market for them to spin records.

This man is a paragon of truth

At least the callers would get better...

PLJ is the home of the Todd Show. O&A fucked with their lead morning show for years (scott&todd) and destroyed their (new) hashtag, if you remember (#toddshow). i don't think plj is eager to pick up the show, on the other hand, why would opie throw out a completely random name, inviting the named to deny it, if it's untrue. that would be catastrophic. PLJ won't be a realistic option imo, though.

He is just pulling a Scorch. No station is going to confirm or deny there is interest. When Opie had Ant, he could claim anything and there could be some truth to it. He has been saying for years that free radio wants them back. But without Ant and the O&A brand, he is lying through his teeth.

WPLJ's demo is soccer moms. Why the hell would they want Opie?

Only if he gets to keep Meatballs.

But he is "Todd's Meatballs" on Twitter, so he is either extremely loyal or very shortsighted.

But on a check on Twitter, it looks like Meatballs is gone. Fired?

I'm surprised Free FM haven't been in touch since that faggot who tried to steal wow was fired.

Based on a few comments that Opie and Jim have made this past week, I'm pretty sure that they've already re-signed with SXM.

He's probably going to take whatever SXM throws his way which will be a show following Morning Mash-up or a hack show with Jenny Hut.

In 5 years he'll be out of a contract and take a job as a PD where he'll have to make decisions to please the "schwoogies" every now and then.

Unless if that viral video thing and t-shirts pan out. LOL

If he's talking to any terrestrial radio company, it's to put together a simulcast like the old XM/WXRK-FM setup.

There's no way he's leaving satellite radio to go back to local terrestrial radio.

Opie lives in an expensive Manhattan apartment. He has 2 kids to feed and a SAHM wife to support. And cleaning ladies and nannies.

The Opester is going where the money is. If PLJ throws him a shitload of cash, he'll be back on terrestrial radio.