What would be the cast in an Opie and Anthony Movie?

0  2014-09-19 by [deleted]

The bald guy from Californication should play Jimmy


Ant: Wesley Snipes drenched in olive oil

Ope: Corky Thatcher from "Life Goes On"

Corky's name is Chris Burke, show some respect.

...ya rotten bitch

For Opie they should just re-use footage of Sean Penn from I Am Sam. It doesn't even progress the plot. It would be so much like the real thing

Bobby Hill will play Jim Norton.

Chris Chan can play a dual role as Erock and Bobo, and fez while we're at it.

Rich Vos can be played by Luis Guzman, who might need to tan for the role, as well as lose height and weight.

I'm so glad that I don't know who Chris Chan is. I googled that shit and lost interest before the page loaded.

Also, Sammy Davis Jr. for Ant. And I think it's really weird that there are two movie threads on the subreddit front page, am I missing something here?

Chris Chan is the greatest internet phenomenon of all time. The depth of the well in regards to the fascinating trainwreck that is his life is phenomenal. I'm absolutely obsessed with him. And I think most O&A fans would be too if they dug deep enough.

You could not only write an entire book about his life based just on what we know, but you could write an entire book series, and it'd all be fascinating.

Ok that was pretty good. I have no interest in internet celebs or memes for the most part, but i will concede this point.


*Anthony- Morgan Freeman. *Opie- Rob Shneider. Hey Ant you can do it!!! drop those bra bombs! *Jimmy- RJ Mitte,The Palsy kid from Breaking Bad. *E-rock- Artie Lange

With cameos by Stern, Scott Shannon, and Terry Clifford.

Allan Arbus from MAS*H as Anthony Cumia

Reese Witherspoon - Opie

Eddie Murphy!

Tom Skerritt one man show

Marty Feldman as Anthony

Edward James Olmos as Anthony Cumia Eric Stoltz as the Opester Patton Oswalt as Jimmy

colin quinn can play himself, im sure colin would appreciate the work

Opie - Owen Wilson

Ant - Joh Turturro

Jimmy - Oswalt

Patrice - Anthony Anderson when he was fat


Bradley Cooper as Opie. (I hate him but he's bankable) The guy who played Artie Buco on Sopranos as Anthony. Zac Ephron as Sam. The guy who played Jesse's fat meth dealing friend from Breaking Bad as Erock.

Do they have to be current actors or can we pick younger versions/dead actors?

Shut up


Jim Carey as Opie, Adam Sandler as Anthony, Jack Black as Jim Norton, Jonah Hill as Erock, Robert DeNiro as Kenny, Sarah Silverman as Sam and Brad Pitt as Tippy Tom