Opie's New Gimmick - Record Stupid Shit Off TV & Call It Original Content

0  2014-09-19 by DanzaTastic


Eh a lot of people do that.

thats what i mean, he gets pissed if someone says he has a complete lack of original ideas

Oh for sure. No I agree 100%. It was always awkward when he acted like "talent".

That's the bit!

My biggest problem is he recorded it with a potato.

Could that possibly be any more blurry? It looks like a Big Foot sighting.

I don't think he recorded it with a potato, I think he recorded it with a camera.

i think BeerCanThick was just joking when he suggested the video was recorded with a potato

Oh... literal OpieArmy.....

That's the bit!

Oh for sure. No I agree 100%. It was always awkward when he acted like "talent".