I'd recognize that loveable face anywhere

12  2014-09-18 by EvanLeonard


I was scrolling through Felice Herrig's timeline and stumbled across this Big A photo

Her timeline is a good place to be. I'm sure some of these mo's will say she's got a fucked up mug. And they wouldn't be wrong technically, but anyone who says they wouldn't fuck her are lying.


Felice has a nice photo gallery. She's a sexy MMA fighter and exploits it like she should. Last night on Ultimate Fighter she took her panties off and hung them on the opposing team's side, sadly it was on fox sports 1 and not HBO or Showtime

rose doesn't have that bad of a body on her as well. And all of those girls can scrap. Pulling for Joanne

well, of course if I had a choice of the lot I would pick Thug Rose, she is gorgeous, funny, vicious in the fight game. She is an awesome chick, did you ever see her Harlem Shake? for an internet thing hers' was pretty bad ass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MtboLYpyn4

and her flying armbar was amazing which you can see at 2:23 in this HL video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu1THqML2W8 Yeah, I like Rose

She's got a great ass!! And my thoughts exactly, there will be guys who will bash her just for the sake of bashing her. I had to double take on my phone though when i first saw this picture, i was like, "that's not... It can't be.... BIG A!!"

I'd fuck her right in the pussy.

i really like that ant is nice to him and invites him over his house

Aww. Big A is the shit! One of my favorite bits ever was one of the R&F hypnosis shows where Fez and ESD were in the Big A fan club. Classic

Fuck yeah! Big A's immortal words urging not just his fan club, but all of us, to be cool like him. Lol


The look on the girl's face to the right says it all.

I'm friends with Big A on Facebook and he's just such a nice dude. He's always thankful for everything and just a happy go lucky guy. Big AAAA


Big A is NEVER not sweating. I can only imagine the rainstorm he's causing in Las Vegas.

Loves menage a troi uhh big aaaaaaaa

His double chin is half the size of either chick's entire head.


Hm, last time I saw Big A he had actually lost that giant neck/chin roll. Guess you can only bring carrot sticks to Compound parties for so long.


She has an alright body, a little to masculine for me but her attitude and immaturity make her less attractive then her jacked face in my opinion. She should be much more humble considering she got beat daily with the ugly stick.

But you are right, I would butt fuck her.