I fully agree with Opie, 100%.

70  2014-09-18 by Irony_Dan

I'm listening to a lot more music lately as well.


I'm ALL IN with music.

Have heard about this band called "Pearl Jam?"

I'm all in.

Wait, "Pearl Jam"?

Yeah. I know sounds kinda gay. But they rock. Ever heard of them?

I'll have to check them out. Do we have 10 boorish callers ready to talk about Pearl Jam?

I think Travis listens to them. But let's talk to Sam to get an opinion instead, he's up on all this hip new culture and has unbiased views.

[Cue Sam to talk about what wrestlers walk in to Pearl Jam]

[Cue Sam to talk about his homoerotic softcore gay porn obsession]

Oh wait, that's the same thing.

[Ran out of things to talk about, quick, blame eRock for something]

[Shoehorn Jay-Z into conversation]

All over your face, neck and chest.

I thought Pearl Jam was the name of Jim's new reality show?

They're actually called "The Pearl Jam" but most people just shorten it to "Pearl Jam". I've been all in since their first album Versus

Hold on, hold on. I'm going deep these days. There is a song called Black on what must be an unreleased demo from before Versus that I got my hands on through Brother Wease. I can't believe they never put it out on a record.

Jay Mohrs Eddie Vedder is amazingly hilarious.

ME: This music stuff has legs

I only need a little taste.

Are you gettin' into the deep cuts, brotherman brotherman?

Yep, I bought the best of from iTunes.

Listen to the words, man.

You guys have me HOWLIN'!

this is all very inneresting.


What a relatable guy.

No really, I listen to a lot more music in the morning... and the afternoon.

You into dis music ting?! Aye, you into dis ting?!

You like comedy?

Just listened to the Bobby Lee podcast. They played that clip with Bobby dancing and La Roux - Bulletproof playing over it. Opie asks what the song is and I think sam said Bulletproof.


I wish somebody would have said it was, so then Opie could pretend he knew who they were.

That made me fucking cringe.

Can we start calling in and saying "Shut up and play the music!"?

I usually just sit in silence.

Since we're sharing cool stories, I actually like Anaconda by Nicki Minaj. Its dissonance is beautiful.

By "dissonance", do you mean her butt?


Say what you will about Nicki Minaj (she sucks), but she does rap about having her asshole eaten, so I give her a lot of points for that.

2 Live crew was doing that almost 30 years ago.

True, but I can't jerk off to a guy talking about ass eating.


I don't mind being turned on to different music but his old man swag attempting to make it cool is douchie.

(on-air fight after losing Free FM)

Opie: I could do something else.

Ant: Gonna spin records again?

at least he doesn't plow over the music like he does Jimmy's lines...

My receiver died last week, I ordered a new one but until then... I'm listening to FM radio... Its so so so much worse.

I know right fuck the opster fucking trying to entertain us. Uggghhhhh

Hey I'm all for giving out A's for effort, but he's trying and failing, is the problem. Because he's not a funny or entertaining guy.

That's an issue when he's being paid handsomely to deliver entertainment, and when listeners are expected to pay for the entertainment that he provides. This ain't the special Olympics. You'd probably be pissed if you paid an incompetent cardiologist to perform heart surgery on you and he was like "Well geeze fuck me for trying, right?" Or like a dude at subway that completely fucks up your sandwich order constantly. "I'm just trying to make you a meal!" That's really sweet, but I don't want to pay $5.00 for a footlong that doesn't have any meat in it. You just suck at making sandwiches, man. Do something else.

Opie sucks at making good radio. He should do something else.

But here is my problem with that. First you don't have to pay a special fee just for that xm channel. So we actually aren't paying him anything unless you literally only listen to that one channel. If that's the case just deactivate your service. I mean it's that simple if you get a shitty sandwich you don't go back, if you hear about people dying you don't go to that cardiologist. So why do you guys insist on still listening to something you hate just to come on here and bash it for karma. I think you guys have the opinion that you have part ownership in the show just because you have listened for so long, and paid for xm but it's not true.

First you don't have to pay a special fee just for that xm channel.

Fair point.

So we actually aren't paying him anything unless you literally only listen to that one channel.

Many people do, or at least their entire incentive for getting an XM subscription is/was O&A.

So why do you guys insist on still listening to something you hate just to come on here and bash it for karma.

O&A wasn't "something I hated" until Anthony got fired. I've always thought that Opie was the hole on the show. Now that Ant's gone, it's gone from the "Hole and Anthony" show to just "the Hole show (with Lil' Yimmy, who now has nobody to play off of)." I don't want to listen to the Hole show.

So why do you guys insist on still listening to something you hate just to come on here and bash it for karma.

I guess I can't speak for everybody, but I've been continuing to listen out of force of habit and a hope that the show will get better somehow. It hasn't.

I think you guys have the opinion that you have part ownership in the show just because you have listened for so long, and paid for xm but it's not true.

I don't think that. I just don't respect Opie because he's not good at what he does for a living. If I think a cardiologist or a sandwich place or whatever sucks, I may grouse about them on the internet. That doesn't mean I think I own the joint.