The need for a regular Third Mic...

0  2014-09-18 by HugsMcbear

Even the most cynical of you can't deny that the first few weeks after Ant's firing were good radio - the show felt refreshed, with new comics coming in every day and treating it like a hang; something that wasn't happening in the apology-clock days before it.

Now however, all those same comics seem to have been pigeon-holed into their 'thing' (Vos is dumb, Breuer's family is fucked, Florentine hates everything etc.). Opie and Jim have admitted to having no chemistry, and are slipping in to hacky, lazy radio - the ''we might do Fridays, fuck it'' quote from Opie yesterday summing up their decline.

They need a regular third mic to bring a new dimension and keep everyone on their toes. It's not like Jimmy was established when he was brought in, and the same went for Bill Burr, Patrice and all the others. A new comic would also be a gateway to bring in other funny stand-ups like Jimmy did back in the day.

We all hate Opie, but as they have apparently re-signed this would be a step in a better direction.

TL;DR Hire a third mic SiriusXM you cheap FUCKS.


I think the greater need is for a better First Mic....

Or at least one with explosives built into it.


I nominate you!

This is where Roland would come in, if he wasn't just a celebrity ass kisser. He should be going out to all the comedy clubs in NYC and looking for one of the literally thousands of good, hungry young comics who would fit in well and bring some life to the show. But he's too busy eating ice cream in his underwear while watching SUITTSSSSS reruns

This is where Roland comes in, if he cut all his major veins jumping through a plate glass window en route to leaving a fucking meteor crater past street level and into the subway, but left a note first saying he did it because the company fired Ant, they might re-hire him. Well, they wouldn't. But I'd still be okay with this scenario.

They've tried giving Roland "At the Movies with Shitface". The one time I tried to listen, the amount of effort they had to put in to get little tiny sentences out of him was painful.

Couldn't agree more. I bet someone would have even done 2 months or so for practically free - it gets their name out there after all, and if anyone likes what they do on the radio they can buy their DVDs. It's been asked over and over but who would have been best? If they had brought in a permanent 3rd mic a little while after Montreal say? Realist choice I think Vos would have been great or Kurt Metzger maybe.

I always thought they'd get Metzger or Dan Soder. Yeah it may be a sinking ship, but what comics even work in the week, and wouldn't want a national platform to perform on.

The problem with that is this: Jimmy is third mic. That's the position he's most comfortable with and the one he excels in. He's said as much time and again over the years. That's why he never wanted his name on the show. He doesn't want to do the heavy lifting. Opie isn't capable of doing the heavy lifting.. he excels in steering the ship. Unfortunately, Anthony was the ship...and.. well.. you're gonna need a bigger boat.

with this wacky gang it better be an IRregular third mic!

I can hear the new sweepers now: "The Opie Show: Irreverent, irresponsible and just a litlle (wacky sound effect) irregular."

Any scenario where you can think of a good mic, works better with Jim and that co-host with Erock, Sam, Travis, Troy and Sal being conversation fodder and filler. Opie isn't needed for the Jim and Big Jay Show, or the Jim and Dan Soder or the Jim and Vos show. He's just a bald, cuckolded fly in the ointment.

As long as it isn't Bonnie/Vos, DaRosa, or Lady Di I couldn't care less who it is.

Jim, Erock and Sam could do a good show. They've done it before. Its all fiddling while Rome burns if you've still got Opie around.