Why exactly does Opie mispronounce shit?

15  2014-09-18 by Doom_Art

Like he'll toss an "r" into "wash" and says "blueberries" like "blueburries". There's a bunch of other examples, but I don't feel like dredging them all up right now.

It's obvious he does it on purpose, but I mean, he can't think it's funny, and he can't think it gets him attention from Jimmy, Ant, or the staff, because I've never heard them mention it. So why bother with it?


He's a dunce and genuinely thinks that it's funny.


That or its just an accent you moron.

He's the only person on the planet who developed this style of accent?

Yes no two people sound or talk alike. Not sure what you're babbling on about.

Now excuse me while I continue performing fellatio on the rest of the viral spiral team.

Must be hard to do while you're doing sick grinds down a rail, maaaahn!

FAWK JA! Double Kickfleep Stirring paint man

It's especially hard because he's clearly a great big fat person

I typed one sentence. That isn't babbling. Do you even pay attention to the words you use?

One word from you seems like babbling. Don't you get it?

That's the bit? You are a chip off the ol' retard.

Did I say that was a bit or that you're just an annoying fuck? Go put you 4x cumia shirt on and just go sit and wait for his show to start.

you sound like a big fat person

Well I don't have a TACS shirt and I'm only 160 lbs so 4x would be a bit large for me. His show is pretty great though and if I wasn't busy later I would definitely be watching it.

are you responding to the big fat person? don't do that

He's so angry, isn't he?

probably because he's a big fat person

Yeah... that'd definitely piss me off...

Umm. You have to be a big fat person

If you only knew how incredibly wrong you are. I'd actually take being fat for once rather than fighting to gain weight my whole life. This is actually hilarious.

Words of a big fat person. I bet your a big fat person

Yeah 6ft 152 pounds. I'm a total fucking fatty. You can totality tell that I'm fat by? See I know you Anthony fans are fat because he ran out of 4x and 5x t-shirts right away.

those are the measurements a big fat person would use. Are you a big fat person?

Still haven't moved on huh? You're literally stalking every single one of my comments at this point. You're getting a little pathetic. I'll sit here and wait for the fat joke though. I guess I'm bothered. We can keep this going I got all fucking day.

So what you're saying is you're a big fat person? You're a big fat person who sounds like a big fat person saying big fat person things. I think we deserve to know

Yup you've figured me out. I'm fucking massive. So huge. I'll sit here and wait for your next fat comment. These are hilarious and I love wasting your time. I'm actually getting paid to sit here in my car and waste time. You're actually doing this for free. Heh.

Big fat person sitting in his car. He claims he's 6' and 160lbs who loves to skateboard but we all know he's a big fat person eating in his car. Big fat people can't ride skateboards. Do you deliver food? That would make sense for a big fat person

Nah I don't deliver food. Just waiting on a customer and in the meantime I sit here while there late ass pays me. Let's keep this up though. I wanna see how long you can keep these hilarious fat jokes up. And the skateboarding? Atlest I get out and do stuff. You seem to have no life outside of obsessing over a show.

What kind of food do you deliver? I bet it's beef ankles. Eating beef ankles in your car dreaming of getting your big fat person frame onto the skateboard again. Be careful not to eat all the beef ankles you big fat person

I skate a couple hours a day and no I don't deliver shit. Keep going though I'm still here getting paid for at least another hour.

Do you play your playstation skateboarding because you're too much of a big fat person to ride a real one? That must be what you do after you deliver beef ankles to other big fat people. You're a big fat person right?

Nah don't own a gaming system sir. I use my phone to reddit and that's the extent of most anything I do on a device. Keep going though I probably have another 58 minutes of getting paid to sit here.

That sounds like fun. Big fat people sit a lot. You're definitely a big fat person

Still getting paid to sit here. Go on.

Nah not that skinny. Just like your Opie hate you're reaching. Try harder and let's be more original. Calling a skinny person a holocaust survivor is hack. It's like calling a black person darky or something.

So you're a big fat person? I just want to know if your a big fat person because you sound like a big fat person

Considering your worship of Opie, I guess you'd know what's hack better than anyone. My apologies.

thermitepaint -

have you noticed all the opie haters are going through your comment history and downvoting everything? ....LOL.

Have you noticed I don't give a shit? Oh no don't fuck with my karma. Oh what will I do. I mean I guess I could report the sub for brigating. It's already been warned once for the Anthony firing stuff that went on how funny would it be to shut this place down like those precious Nopie videos.

This sub does go overboard sometimes with the Opie hate, but remember -he made this Frankenstein fan base after years and years of being "Opie the Destroyer"

Can we start a petition to get thermitepaint banned from this sub?

Oohhhhh no a reddit ban I'm so terrified that I'll have to create a new name and keep posting anyway.

Are you a big fat person? Eggggg. Ergg, you're a big fat person right?

You serious? I'm from NYC originally and I've yet to actually meet someone who pronounces wash as "warsh". That's not an accent, it's 100% affected.

Decades ago 'warsh' was pretty typical in that southern Ohio, PA, Virginia area. 'Midland accent' should yield you decent Google results.

I'm from MD and warsh is used a lot

It's still an accent though. That's literally all it is. You've seriously never heard people replace there i's with e's and so on? It's probably because you're useless and not enough people care to talk to you.

Look you dumb dickhole, it's one thing to subconsciously speak with a regional accent, yes. But that has absolutely nothing to do with the fact Opie mispronounces words on purpose for some unknown, unfunny reason.

Just like millions of other Americans who constantly mispernounce things?

Ehhh. Gaaa...are you a big fat person? Were you talking about a big fat person?

Then it's not an accent, dipshit. It's him intentionally mispronouncing words for the sake of "comedy" because, much like you, the Opester knows nothing about humor.

God damn your comment is reaching hard. Get over your Opie hate you delusional cunt. What does how he pernounces things have to do with anything? There are regional accents far worse than what Opie does.

Holy shit, how fucking dense are you? I'm beginning to wonder if you're posting just to make the Opie ballwashers look like idiots. If that's your goal, you're certainly doing a good job of it.

Holy shit, how fucking dense are you? I'm beginning to wonder if you're posting to make Opie haters to look like idiots. If that's your goal, you're certainly doing a good job of it. Literally going after Opie for this just goes to show you follow the hive mentality and look for anything to hate Opie for. You're actually the idiot and the hate around here is just getting sad. You guys are reaching more and more each day.

Errrr...you are a big fat person. Were you the big fat person everyone was talking about?

And we're going after Opie for hack? This is the worst troll account ever. I mean I've literally been going to forums for 20 years now and have had debates over everything and what you're doing is the most hacky shit ever. I'm just entertained now so I'll keep going with you.

that's what a big fat person says. So you're a big fat person?

Going after Opie just for this? There's a shitload of reasons he annoys me, and you act like this is the one thing I care about? Sounds like you're the one reaching now, Mr "God damn your comment is reaching hard". Keep on projecting, you worthless cumstain.

Jesus you're thick headed as fuck aren't you? I said going after how Opie speaks is a reach and it makes your actual criticisms of him seem stupid. The fact you have this much contempt for someone who's never done anything personally to you just goes to show how shallow of a person you actually are.

The fact you have this much contempt for someone who's never done anything personally to you just goes to show how shallow of a person you actually are.

Yeah, cause I'm totally out for Opie's blood, right? Moronic cunt. The dude annoys me, but in case you haven't noticed, I really don't devote a lot of time to Opie-hate. Hell, I've probably spend more time today arguing with your dumb ass than I've spent on all my other posts combined...although seeing how I could have a better debate by shouting at a brick wall, I think it's about time for me to move on. The fact that you spend so much time blindly defending a person who probably isn't even aware of your existence just goes to show how shallow of a person you actually are.

Do I blindly follow someone or am I just railing against the unnecessary hate fest around here? Maybe you should think about it. After a while the Opie hate gets fucking old and you get lumped in with those people because at this point there is no line.

What you're doing right now isn't "railing against the unnecessary hate fest ". All I did was point out that Opie's obviously-affected way of talking annoys me, and right away you're getting fuckin' fresh. I don't make it a habit to go around blindly smashing anyone who disagrees with me, but evidently, I can't say the same about you.

Ahhh but you unintentionally get lumped with those haters because bitching about how he speaks just makes it seem like you're piling on for no good reason. Are you to thick to understand that?

Are you too thick? Big fat people are thick. You're a big fat person

Yes, I understand that. And if you weren't such a pissy contrarian, you might be able to tell the difference between someone who devotes their entire existence to being a "hater" and a mildly-annoyed person. It isn't that difficult, honestly.

Nah around here it's quite difficult unless I read through your entire comment history. This place is a cess pool.

Well, that was an interesting conversation. Not one I that I expected to have today, but perhaps in a way, we're both better people for having it.

Schinkell bout it.

Ah well at least you got me to laugh at the end there. Maybe we are better for it.

so you're a big fat person?


From where?

It's because Jimmy, Ronnie, Ant, etc. would say the words humorously at times, and Opie just copies them. Jimmy definitely started the warsh thing and Ronnie does the long ssssssss at the end of words. Opie hunts out these humorous ad-libs and assassinates them like Willard did to Kurtz.

Are you a ship steerer, Willard?

No! You're just a candy kid, sent to collect a taaaasssssste.

I'm a shock jock.

You're neither. You're a stunt boy, sent by program directors, to hand me a live read.

We train young men to bra bomb other radio stations, but their PD won't allow them to write "fuck" on their hot air balloons because it's obscene!

He's a dumb faggot.

That's the bit you idiot!

I guess the show passed me by.

You have to put an "asterick" on everything Opie says. It's all the bit!

Every time he says "asterick" I want to punch a wall. Ugh.


I don't remember the story about warsh, but Jimmy and Ant used to always say blueburries then Opie stole it and drove it into the ground.

"then Opie stole it and drove it into the ground."

You just described the Opster's career pretty accurately

No this is wrong. Opie took it from one of his brothers (Elmo I think ) and Jimmy started using it after and all the time.

I was just listening to the episode. Some time in July/August 2006. This was a time when Opie pointed that Jimmy and Ant were "stealing" his lines and that he (Opie) only had a few bits. (Tearing down the Nth wall, the actor who plays Opie, etc)

Why does Opie do a lot of things? The guy's kinda retarded.

That's the bit!!!

Is this today's pwablem?


Because he is a cunt.

C'mon I was lauffin and howling when he kept saying "ice booket"

He is just a moron and cant help but shoot out any thought he has

Sometimes he's making fun of people, sometimes he's stupid.

Actually, this could be the answer to any question about the show.

One of my favourites it "Turrorist". Similar to George W Bush. The same annunciation is used for "Murl" as in 'Meryl Streep...'


He's a dumb cunt.

I think some of them are words that jim or ant said that way to be funny one time, now opie thinks its funny to say them that way everytime.

Exactly, like laughing at something a toddler does or said. They know it gets a laugh so they will use it all the time.

I believe because he is an idjut

That's just Opie being a sillygoose

What's up baby boy, you don't like Opie? Awww, baby boy...


Awww stop it Jimmy,you are really winning this argument with that clever retort,you know,talking down to me like I'm acting really childish and yet you're the one using the baby voice.

Reminds me of that dip shit Al sharptons msnbc commercial where he kepr saying bluburries.

I think it's mostly that he's just really stupid. He doesn't have the confidence to try and pronounce a lot of words correctly so he pronounces easy words wrong so he can say that it's "the bit" when he actually fucks up a word.

Opie tries to be funny by intentionally mispronouncing things. But he's not good at comedy, so it comes off as awkward and try-hard. Jim Norton is a good example of this. Back in 2005 Steve C came up with a character named "Ramone." Steve's bits weren't funny, because Steve wasn't funny. But because Jimmy is good at comedy, he turned Steve's Ramone bit into one of the most memorable characters of the early XM years.

All of them do this to some extent. They're just being silly. Why does it annoy you when Opie does it?

"warsh" is something people actually say. I live in the south and people throw "r" into alot of words, like instead of window, you'd say "winder". I remember even Dan said "warsh" on Roseanne once.

He honestly mispronounces several words so, now he does it with others to make it funny instead of sad.


I really wish Opie would just act like a regular guy. Even if he was just boring and didn't attempt to be funny, it would be miles better than this. Hell, he would be a better host if he emulated Fez.

Muhammed Alley

oh man that one drives me nuts. when he's in a conversation with someone about Ali, he hears how they say it, and he stumbles the next time he says it...and then says it wrong. he obviously knows he's saying it funny, but can't figure out how to correct it. drives me insane.




Half the time he does it on purpose in trying to be funny and annoying, half the other time is b/c he's really an illiterate fuck.

I believe that he legitimately cannot read.

When he reads a news story, he will stumble on anywhere form 5-10 words depending on the source of the story (the higher the writer's intelligence the harder it is for Opie to have knowledge of the "big" words) and the length.

People that cannot read usually have pronunciation problems.

Therefore, he's an illiterate moron.

I thought you meant the word "shit."


Because he is a dullard, sir.


Opie desperately wants to start a national meme. "Brotherman" was his first attempt at it.

He has the most odd goals in life. Instead of going for content on his show being remembered, he wants a viral video. Instead of being known for his interviewing skills, he wants to create a meme.

He's Mr. SocialMediaKeeed.

He stole the bit from Jimmy years ago, ran it into the ground, and refuses to let go.

Because he is a comedic genius that is also partially retarded.

It's an idiosyncrasy that you can attribute to asperger's.


As painful as it is to type this, it's something that he stole from Howard.

Hoo hoo. I know, guys. Hoo hoo.

Come on dude, why does anybody mispronounce shit? Some of it's natural, I'm sure, and some of it is just goofiness, like when Ant says "So-sy-it-tee". I get that the sssssss thing can get on your nerves, but the guy does have to kill 4 hours Mon-Thu.


In fairness, the "society" pronunciation has a traceable history; it started with some shitty extra in the punk rock episode of "Quincy, M.E." "Storm tromping", on the other hand, is just sort of retarded and senseless.

The sssssssss shit is also more noticeable when he repeats shit 4x in a row.

you sound like a big fat person

Well I don't have a TACS shirt and I'm only 160 lbs so 4x would be a bit large for me. His show is pretty great though and if I wasn't busy later I would definitely be watching it.

Well, that was an interesting conversation. Not one I that I expected to have today, but perhaps in a way, we're both better people for having it.

Schinkell bout it.

Still getting paid to sit here. Go on.