The haters here claim to be "long time listeners and die hard fans"

0  2014-09-17 by Tell_Em_Fred

The haters here claim to be long time listeners and die hard fans but yet you long time listeners are the first to bail and hate on O&J. I think the haters have issues that has nothing to do with O&J. The turncoats that won't give their "radio heroes" a chance and yet claim O&J sold out by not quitting after Anthony was fired are total hypocrites. You supposed fans were the first to bail.


I was a fan of the "Opie and Anthony Show." I never bailed on that show, despite Opie's distracting incompetence.

Since that show is no longer around, I will follow who I think entertains me most. And guess what, it ain't Gregg "Heinz or Hunts" Hughes.

No way dude, that ketchup challenge shit was gold. Who doesn't enjoy a nice long talk about ketchup?

I can't wait for a mustard challenge. Now THAT will be good.

No one here is claiming that. That is a strawman. We are aware contractually they have no choice but to stay. We all gave them a chance too and it is painfully clear that 3 months later with Opie "still figuring things out" he is putting no effort into the show so why should we listen?

I'm a longtime A&J fan.... I don't think anyone sold out by not quitting....I just think Opie hasn't been exciting to listen to in 6 years or so.

You're wasting you're breath. This point has been brought up numerous times here only to be met by stubbornness.

Know why? Because that's all you ball licking shitheads have to say about it. No one can actually defend the guy. Have you listened to this show recently? Opie has admitted to intentionally annoying people who are critical of him. The other morning he started a show by taking calls about someone's fucking grandma dying of cancer. Yes, I would LOVE to hear a stranger talk about their relatives dying. RIVETING. How long can he go on with ignoring valid criticisms before he actually admits he isn't perfect.

Also it's your*

Cool man, just downvote away and not have an actual conversation. You guys are pathetic.

I didn't down-vote stupid. Also, I replied.

I had downvotes and no reply when I wrote that, must have been OP.

Yet Ant talking about his Dad is considered "radio gold". He's crazy, we get it. Don't be so biased towards Ant.The show had been heading this direction with him still there. But, It's not the Opie vs Ant affair that you all want. They aren't competing against each other. They are cool with each other. Yet, people like you are trying to force a rivalry.

Your first post talks about the sub being stubborn about O&J not walking with Ant. NOBODY with a right mind believes that. They had a job to do and Ant fucked up. We accepted that months ago

Ant's dad got him laid, drunk, and in fights...sadly more interesting then listening to Snowy in Michigan drone on about nothing or Opie talk about "being a father is crazy, man." Is it? And why the fuck is Uncle Paul not chiming in? God forbid you shed some humor, Jim

We aren't pining for an Opie vs Anthony feud. There is no rivalry. It has been widely known that Anthony is a better entertainer than Opie. Comparing their two shows (O&J vs TACS), Anthony's show is funny, has a visual element, & is taking critical feedback while O&J is going down a more serious path (even Jimmy isn't making me like he used to). Apparently, O&J talked about death and fatherhood for the majority of the show today.

You must not frequent this sub often because nobody has been forcing a rivalry (at least not since July). Anthony Show subscribers have their own community, this place is left to Jocktober Opie (since nobody in studio will)

You say that you aren't trying to force a rivalry and then proceed to compare the two shows. Seriously?

In all honesty, Ant's little show really isn't any competition to Sirius XM. If you want to go that route.

And, enough with the "we" shit, as if this is some sort of movement. This is anger just some sad little boys who are throwing their toys out of the pram because their favorite show is over. They want someone to blame and it's not Ant, despite him being an idiot and getting himself fired, so therefore it must be Opie.

It's not a rivalry. Rivalry is when 2 entities battle it out to see who is better. It's been said a thousand times and nobody has denied, The Anthony Cumia Show is superior

It's just a fact at this point. Calling it a rivalry would seem like the jury is still out.

The competition is over when someone wins. Ant makes more money, works in his pajamas, has no boss to answer to, gets to sleep in, laughs, broadcasts a better show, and listens to the criticism of his fans. Opposed to O&J, suffering the same corporate bullshit, lack of respect, studio issues, Opie refuses to acknowledge his foibles, Jim has become a "serious guy with sincere opinions". Just face it.

"Ant's little show" isn't any competition for SiriusXM but smartphones and podcasts sure are. Satellite Radio only has talk radio left (Howard and once upon a time, O&A) and maybe some sports channels. You can listen to any music you want or any podcast through your phone. SiriusXM will become obsolete within years

It's a radio show not a sport. There's no way of showing or proving that one show is better than the other.

Really? Seems like I just did

It an opinion competition. People have different opinions. None is more superior than another.

Yet, people like you are trying to force a rivalry.

This has nothing to do with a rivalry. I will actually admit I LIKED the first week without Ant. Shocking, right? I 100% admit I did. I have actually enjoyed very occasional, brief moments and bits lately but they are few and far between. Guess what? I actually WANT to like both shows, but it's just undeniable for me. And you are 100% right about the direction before Ant's firing too. Opie stunk before, he still stinks, it's just more apparent in the absence of a third mic. So you yourself admit it has nothing to do with a rivalry between the two. You also seem to agree with my previous points about the show direction as well? Welcome to the Opie haters club.

I never said I didn't disagree with you. I just hate the attitude by people to anybody who actually likes Opie. People are free to like him. People are free to dislike him. But, It is by no means the us vs him that people think.