the nopie and anthony series has been removed by SiriusXM

33  2014-09-17 by Pongkong

Well, some of you guys did warn me that nopie videos are taken down but i didnt think it would happen so quickly. i was using content thats been on youtube for years now... and in two weeks my shit is gone?


it was opie

Hyah, shah, well if YOU wanna believe it was Opie behind that, well, hah (more haughty laughter) you can just go on ahead...


Thanks for your service



The HAARP antenna


Viral Spiral!

Opie really is a miserable cocksucker. I hope while he's rollerskating to work he gets decapitated.


You have to admit, even if he is sensitive, this subreddit is brutal.

The people on here really do make me sick. I enjoy coming on here and busting Opie's balls as much as the next guy, but to say awful shit about his wife and kids, or that you literally want him to die, it's pretty fucking sad.

Cringe worthy to say the least!

Dollar Shave Club razors!

Would sound-cloud be a good option too? That way it would be easy for mobile listening.

He better reupload to liveleak. I never got to listen to those.

As much as it sucks it was removed, it still feels good knowing that it bothered him enough to do something about it.

You know, I was getting tired of shitting on the guy on this subreddit. I was beginning to feel sorry for him.


Just when you think the hate will subside, he yanks a Youtube video and it gets to start all over again.

I uploaded 3 shows on Onedrive: Colin Quinn #1, Louie #1 Patrice #1 all Opster free

I don't think he reads this sub, I think he's raising a kid, two kids, and trying to maintain a all those "viral videos".


If you are, Gregg. I just wanna say that you have in a few short months eroded a LOT of good will from some of your biggest fans. You did a lot of stuff that annoyed me before, but I still thought you were an alright guy deep down. After Ant was fired, I cancelled. I guess I'm a traitor, but I did catch the first "new show" on Youtube, the live broadcast. I wanted to like it, and I wanted to support you, but you've continually done shit to bother us.

I don't know who will listen to your program at this point, if it continues, but I'm willing to bet a lot of them are idiots, who like shit like The Big Bang Theory, Adam Sandler movies and Dinner for Schmucks, stuff you lambasted. The lowest common denominator.

You will eventually become everything you've made fun of, to survive. You've confirmed everything bad the people who genuinely liked the show ever thought of you.

You always said you wondered why people like Stalker Patti listen, what they get out of it. I always thought it was ironic, because deep down Gregg? It was you. It was always you. They liked the guy with the radio voice who did shock jock shit. We all got 2 options, Gregg. Die, or get old and die, and you're gettin' up there.

are you a beaver? cuz dammmm


have you actually watched big bang? it has a lot of seinfeldish qualities + racist 'uma

dont let the bitter old faggots on the radio sway your opinions... op + jim dont watch any comedy on tv and they were the only ones pushing the anti big bang agenda by playing those out of context no laugh track clips

I've watched like 6 episodes in my life. It's not for me. I think the Sheldon actor is really good at being likeable despite the writing, but other than that I can't watch it without getting angry.

Which one of these creeps did it?


VP of Forced Humor Division

There's so much right about this, I don't even know where to start complimenting you.

And once, allegedly, did a black chick.

lol, is that a detracting point against him?

Grossly lying about it for half an hour is.


Dropbox! Fuck you Opie.

Post it to dailymotion. They don't give a fuck about copyright. Or even vimeo seems to be better than youtube. That's where all the VideoAndA stuff ended up after being kicked off Youtube.

Agreed. DailyMotion is the wild west. You can whatever you want there.

Incredible. He has to be reading this sub, what an embarrassing man-child.

So you're allowed to talk shit about his family and then you call him the child for having you're shitty youtube taken down? I'd say going after his family that has nothing to do with the show is far more childish than anything Opie did lately.

Go on.

Yup you have nothing and it's evident. The best part of all this is how Opie gets to you. All he has to do is go after your precious little nopie episodes and you people lose it. This is awesome. Now go on with your Anthony ball washing.

Go on.

HAHAHAHAHA Opie gets to you. He really does. It's the middle of the fucking night and you're lurking on a sub of a show you detest. Proof Opie gets to you. I can't wait until he takes more videos down. This is to funny. You butt hurt haters rage over the dumbest shit.



Gonna try something here just to see what happens, Go on Patch?

I usually only write go on to him because he's clearly insane and is unbelievably stupid. I'm not going to argue with somebody who's entire comment history is filled with pointlessly defending Opie, calling everyone faggots and low lives whist getting nonsensically angry at everything.

Ah okay, I thought maybe you had a trap card waiting to be activated by the phrase for a combo breaker or something. Oh well, Continue on hating each other.

I could go on and on and I will since you keep giving me permission to go on. I can't tell you how funny it is to see you people rage at Opie for going after your precious ball washing videos. It's terrific.

Jesus dude, just calm the fuck down and stop replying

Thermitepaint is Opie right? Has written dozens of comments defending him and kind of talks like him. Ball washing haters. Yawn

Nah I'll keep going. Just stop listening. Sound familiar?

Thats not shocking, I JUST finished listening to the first Louis CK one and checked on here to find more.

Try uploading them on soundcloud, he might not check there. He probably doesn't even know the website exists.

Okay I guess he knows about it. Still would be under his radar I'm guessing.

Upload somewhere else and post on here when you a have a new one ready. I'll bookmark you if you post somewhere else.

Or alternativly post back on youtube but under titles that have nothing to do with Nopie and Anthony then post here with correct titles so that we can see that it is Opie or Sirus XM that is reading this sub then getting them deleted or if they are just finding them on youtube somehow. Let's narrow it down how they are finding them.

I have an off topic question. I don't know if this was mentioned by Ant, or the news; but did Ant get bought out of his contract?, or get a severance package?, or forfeit everything.

I didn't think it would be a secret; considering Anthony loves bragging about how they got fired and sat out for 2 years while getting paid.

ive heard every anthony show, not one mention of this subject. redgardless its chump change (for ant) and its only 2-3 months pay, not really notable a thing. those two years of free wnew pay was insane.

Excellent Point! Thanks

I've got everything from 2004-2008. I wish you fucking people would seed the more recent years.


i do not even remotely understand what you just said. but i am super high so that may explain it.

edit: he edited it, now it makes sense so my comment doesnt

The torrents, I meant to say seed but fucked it up, fixed it now. I can't download the entire 2009 year worth of shows it's stuck at 40%.


Don't make you a bad person.

You were an immortal lock to get nuked in under a month. He's taken out several Nopie channels.

One person with a popular one described it as "The Way The Show Was Meant To Be Heard." He got nuked right around the time Opie was taking down How to Chain Your Dragon videos.

That really sucks. As awesome as those were, my favorite part of those were the static when Opie started speaking. It added exactly what he does.


Son of a bitch. So that's what happened to them? I was trying to search for those vids on Youtube a couple days ago.!4503 one user threw em up here. there will be a better edited version of the first one with louis ck eventually.

Would you consider making a torrent of your nopie shows?

im working on louis ck 2 atm, idk where ill be uploading next. another user downloaded the three so far onto here:!4503

the first louis ck edit was my first period and a better edited version will be out eventually

thanks man

Baby Boy couldn't even give you a month. Do you think Sam ratted him out or do you think Opie read it?

enough with the baby boy you fucking robot, get you're own identity.

I like it and it perfectly explains Opie's Youtube and Twitter behavior.

It's bad enough when Jimmy uses baby boy but it's far worse when you use it. Also like I've said how is he acting like a baby boy? You people have literally shit all over him to the point I've seen many users go after opies children whom aren't even out of fucking pampers yet. Don't get upset when he retaliates. Most people have thin skin when there fucking children are being insulted you douchebag. And maybe it's not you but it's definitely around.

If l'il Hudson is still in Pampers, you and Lynsi are indeed shitty parents, Opie.

You people go after his wife, his two children under the age of 5,and then say he has a thin skin? Oh yeah fucking right. Don't shit on the guys family and then piss and moan when he starts taking content like this down. I'm sure some of you will say you leave his family alone, but many don't and it's quite evident.

could you be more dramatic?

I dont know how long youve been listening but opie has always been super insecure and thin skinned. theres a reason why everyone on the show would get ribbed for a bad joke and not opie.

andrew dice clay said of opie that he is the most insecure man he had ever met.

and srsly faggot drop the morality bullshit this is the opie and anthony show were talking about.

Yes Opie can't handle being bashed yet allowed the show, and even people like Patrice to trash him and all his old radio tapes. And we're listening to dice clay about who's insecure? That fucking jew wannabe whop is the most insecure prick of all time. Have you ever heard dice clay take criticisms from other people well? Hahahahahaha this is just getting funny now. Who listens to a man that done a character for so long that it's almost a parody of his actual personality now. And clearly dice clay never met derosa.

And it has nothing to do with morality. Going after someone's family who has nothing to do with the show is just cheap. Don't attack someone's family and then get upset when they start removing YouTube videos.

Don't attack someone's family and then get upset when they start removing YouTube videos.

you speak like you know why he does that? you read some faggots on here trash his family so youre just blindly saying THATS why hes the way he is? "oh random people online trashed my family so id better take down all yt videos of the show that dont include me" are you fucking daft?

Im not a dice fan by any means so fair enough on that point.

But how the fuck could you claim opie can handle criticism? idk how long youve been a listener but youre dumb as all fuck if you havent noticed over the years that he handles it poorly.

Big fat people shit on families. You're a big fat person I bet

You must know the Opester personally. I cannot think of a single other reason why you'd get this upset over people deservedly trashing him

Opie must have done something to you personally. I cannot think of a single other reason why you'd get this upset over a radio dj and his show.

That lightning fast wit is a hallmark of the Hughes clan

Yeah and you're just the epitome of funny and whit. Shut up.

I like you opie


All that effort, wasted. LOL

He could just re-post them away from youtube.

are you feeling alright

I'm good. How are you?

Are you aware that youtube does not take the original file from your computer?


You take the show as it is or you don't take it at all, you ungrateful fucks!




You got a rip in yo couch.

Wash yo butt.

Nopie shows refer to the old episodes where Opie is out sick...

or a news story about Bam and his wife comes out....or if Anthony tweets about FH Riley's

Lol, you actually took your hater ass to /pol/ of all places. CTRL+F gsbird everyone.

2014 using your online handle on 4chan ISHYGDDT

wowwww what a douche, thanks for the link.

Now that's the biggest laugh I've had all day.

Sorry, but I've never been on that subreddit . . . and I've never been on 4chan.

Right, it's just another gsbird1065 talking about Anthony Cumia. Jesus fucking Christ.... how pathetic.

Right? Why would someone impersonate him on /pol/, use the same tone, and then link to a reddit post that he started. What a fucking dumbass.

Again, it's not me. I don't care what you think, or say.

No way I would have made those posts. I know how to spell; I know where the 'Shift' key is . . . and I would never sing the praises of Joe Rogan under any circumstances.

Just stop embarrassing yourself, holy shit.

You lie!

Sorry, but I'd admit it were it true, since it means nothing either way.

I don't go by any other identities on reddit, and I haven't had the least involvement with 4chan.

I feel so bad for you lol.

I'm good. How are you?



If l'il Hudson is still in Pampers, you and Lynsi are indeed shitty parents, Opie.

im working on louis ck 2 atm, idk where ill be uploading next. another user downloaded the three so far onto here:!4503

the first louis ck edit was my first period and a better edited version will be out eventually