Jimmys ex gf chelsea perettis hilarious sketch with kenny

21  2014-09-17 by jakebell93


Jim fucked her? well done. id fuck her. Shes on brooklyn 9-9

Not only did he fuck her, she probably shit on him.

Brooklyn 9-9 is quality

Most likely cheated on her, gave her VD, and still has some of her shit on his glass-topped coffee table.

He should have married her.

If its hard to visualize that they dated, he also shit in a hotel garbage can when Bobby Kelly was in the other room as a prank while she watched

God, Kenny is such an oaf!

Chelsea is like a sexy hammerhead shark.

I've always been extremely attracted to chelsea peretti, snarky with a big ass

i saw a glimpse of her ass on brooklyn 99 and was pleasantly surprised, any other examples?

Today is your lucky day - http://instagram.com/p/tbOKyWk09J/

Jimmy dated her?

Yeah, Chelsea too.

There's nothing funny about this, apart from Kenny's voice and appearance.

Women aren't funny.

You mean Woman aren't Funny? At least that's what Vos calls it.

From your lips to God's ear, buddy.

Her brother founded buzzfeed. I hope ISIS snatches his ass up.

It's hard for me not to look at one of Jimmy's girlfriend and wonder what is wrong with them,what kind of weird fetishes they have,as Jim's open-book sexual life also exposes anyone he is involved with.

love her, love this

And they dated when he looked like this:


Gives me hope

Jim looked better before he lost the weight. He was a cherubic, rosy cheeked, sweet little boy.

Now that his facial structure is revealed, he looks like a sickly, gaunt pedophile.


Jimmy is also really fucking funny, so, you know...might want to rethink that hope.

Yes he is

He looked like that for 20 years, so...yeah. It wasn't until recently he started gain' ta tha GEM. And ee-ting bett-ter.

I wonder if she ever stuck that giant nose in Jimmy's ass.

I believe she was the one that demanded he get tested for Hepatitis before she'd even consider eating his ass.

All the episodes of All My Exes are seriously awkward and hilarious. Her character is ridiculous.

Kenny has like 4 front teeth

Has anyone ever seen Jimmy's GF from a couple years ago? She was the one he said he fought with constantly to the point he had to leave his own apartment because he thought he would actually hit her.

The same girl that he is "Friends" with now, and still hangs out with constantly. I figured some of you people are probably NY or NJ people, and all of you are amazing at getting candid pics of the boys In their personal lives.

Jennifer Carmody on Twitter. She's not at all what I expected.

I appreciate the answer; but I was just curious to how someone found that out? Did Jimmy ever mention her name on the show?

Chip was on her podacast

She does a podcast now and has talked about/with Jimmy a few times...the one with Chip is particularly enlightening. It's only in the last year or so that she's become more of a public figure.

She looks pretty sexy in a few of her Facebook Pics. Especially since she knows Jimmy's Past. And the fact that she is a dirty freak makes her beautiful! The face isn't the best.

Her face is perfect. She was a model. In no universe should Jim Norton being dating models. He should be dating other worm-like beings. Dating her ruined Jimmy's standards.

The one he'd get so mad at, he'd go to the kitchen, grab a knife and imagine that he's stabbing her with it?

That's the one

It's so hot to imagine Jimmy on one side of the room prepping the bull and her on the other flicking her bean in readiness for her sweet deep treats.

With Anthony in the middle saying whaddya want from me?

Chelsea is so alternatively hilarious and annoying on anything I've seen her in. Her Twitter feed is half great half incredibly irritating.

/u/Hankkkingsley does the all caps thing better, fans.

She's like the female Colin Quinn of social media

Is this the comedianne he dated a couple years back? Him doing uncle Paul to her is excellent to imagine.

Probably, but I think it's Jennifer Carmody. He did her podcast and they talked about their past relationship and his various characters, which at times she play along with and seemed to be creeped out by certain ones.

Is this the girl Jimmy had licking little driplets of pee from his mule to ¨clean him¨? It takes a certain talent to make attractive women engage in a mutural golden treats relationship.

She ate his butt.

I'll watch anything with that dummy. He's adorable.


I can see why Jim was into her, she looks like Kenny.

Jim dated Jen Carmody folks.....

..... and Chelsea Peretti

She's pretty. Not over the top hot or anything, but pretty. Id give her a kiss.

Leave the sketch comedy to Amy Schumer (and the guys that write them for her), honey.

She looks like the mom from Family Guy.

Damn shes ugly

Shes bizzarely hit or miss with people. Comments are either "put your jewess feet in my mouth" or "she look like a frog".


Women aren't funny.