Does anyone know anything about Opie and Jim contract negotiations. I've been spending my time not listening to the show.

1  2014-09-16 by adurango

For some reason I have hope that given a new contract they will do something new and creative going into a new year. If that doesn't happen I will go quietly into podcasts.

In the meantime I did listen to Anthony and Derosa and I was really impressed with Ant's podcast. He has only gotten better since leaving Sirius. You guys were right. Fuck me.


I bet they come back with Nancy Grace as a third mic.

Opie just said 'since it looks like we'll be sticking around here a little bit..'


Just said it today? If they don't do something there will be no fucking audience. It's painful and I want to love the show. I don't hate Opie like most here, I just want to hear a show that Opie put thought and prep into.

It just sucks all around. I was excited after the firing mistakenly thinking things would get better. It's just fucking depressing.

A lot of people were excited after the firing. It was incredibly confusing to me, how could people be excited that O&A were almost certainly done forever? I was a fairly new listener and it was plain as day to me that they were better together than they could ever be separately.

All three of them have been talking about "the next step" for years, talking about doing a podcast, or something away from Sirius where they didn't have the bosses and lawyers breathing down their necks.

Ant's firing could have been the push out of the nest they all needed. Ant jumped, and is learning to fly. Opie crawled right back into the nest, and is sticking with a company that up until Ant's firing he was publicly sick of and hated.

People expected Opie to jump out into something with Ant, and they have every right to be disappointed - especially after listening to opie talking about doing exactly that for years.

Sorry let me rephrase. I was devastated and pissed about the firing of Ant. The show breaking up was the worst possible scenario. The show in my opinion up to that point had been declining in quality probably because of Sirius management.

Barring that I was hopeful that Opie would have a fire under his ass to put more effort into prep and doing a good show. That has obviously not been the case. I am hopeful that the start of the new contract will start this fire.

Opie is 50, with two toddlers. He's exhausted.

I'll just leave that there.


A guy can't skateboard past her without her snatch getting wet...


Barring that I was hopeful that Opie would have a fire under his ass to put more effort into prep and doing a good show. That has obviously not been the case. I am hopeful that the start of the new contract will start this fire.

I would think he'd have a fire under his ass to make a good show before signing the contract. Since he was up for renewal and all, maybe try and make the show the best it can be in order to get the biggest contract you can get.

Of course, maybe this new format is exactly what Sirius asked him to do.

Sirius XM wouldn't keep Opie and Jim around if there wouldn't be a consistent/substantial audience.

Comments like this confuse the fuck out of me.

I also think the chances of Jim joining TACS are extremely low.

Sirius is keeping them around until the end of the month, because they have a contract until then.

I agree about Jim. He'll be a regular guest, though.

I'm talking about future negotiations.

I hope jimmy leaves and joins Ant and opie takes a year off and then later joins TACS as an occasional guest maybe like once a month. I think they'll stay though because it's a free 7 figure paycheck at this point. They just show up for 3 1/2 hours talk about the NFL, play some alternative bands music and then take a few phone calls and are back on their living room sofas before lunch time. Doing something new would reenergize them like it's done to ANT.

7 figures for the current show? Keep dreaming. They only got near 7 figures in the past because of the "Opie and Anthony" brand. Some people know that name. "Opie and Jimmy"? They're starting over, brand wise. They're brand new, have NO recognition or history, and there's no WAY Sirius is paying 7 figures now.

Honestly, Opie sounds like he has resigned or is going to for sure. I'm betting he would even take a pay cut to resign.

I hope to god Jimmy gets the kind of money he deserves.

We'll probably hear something in the next week or two.

I only hope they go back to doing 5 days a week; 4 hours a day.

The 'fans' here deserve that.

Yeah I'll get there agent to come in and do an AMA.

Yeah I'll get there agent to come in and do an AMA.

"Their" You stupid son of a bitch. Go back to the skateboading sub and try to fuck a goth twink.

*drop mic

Oh boy you stalk my profile and read my comments. Literally how sad of a human being are you? Ohhh no I have other interests that I openly talk about. Wow you got me there. It's clear you haven't been laid in years. Only a lonely douche stalks and obsesses over people like you.

And I never correct auto correct or proof read a fucking reddit comment faggot. You take this site and the show way to seriously.

Anther hilarious post from an Opie supporter.

You've literally never been funny yourself and your troll account isn't even original. Who are you to say anything. Go do another unfunny AMA like you're Opie. Damn that just had this sub rolling.

it was actually quite popular.

Nah it wasn't. No one even really remembers that you did it and the only people that contributed to it are the same 20 Opie haters. You people are seriously delusional and only a small portion of fans even agree with this sub. It's hardly a representation of anything. I seriously average the same downvotes per post so what's that tell you? The Opie hate is minimal and limited to a few loud outspoken haters. You're nobodies and it's very clear. Successful people who have there own lives and careers don't sit on the Internet and obsess over an aging radio host.

Another funny post from TP!!!!! Proving my point

Uhm I wasn't even trying to be funny. There was literally no attempt at a joke there just comments based on my observations of this place. So what was your point again?

fuck thermitepaint

My favorite is he comes on here to "blast" people that "obsess" over the show and have nothing better to do (according to him) than hang around in here and give our opinions. But he's def not doing the same thing himself, oh heavens no. At least we can fucking type, dummy.

Sorry dude wasn't sure if they brought it up in the last couple of weeks. Apparently not?

Don't mind him. He's a living miscarriage.



Sorry dude wasn't sure if they brought it up in the last couple of weeks. Apparently not?

Yeah I'll get there agent to come in and do an AMA.

"Their" You stupid son of a bitch. Go back to the skateboading sub and try to fuck a goth twink.

Another funny post from TP!!!!! Proving my point

fuck thermitepaint