Looking for a show clip with a hilarious Ant/pedophile joke.

1  2014-09-15 by Doom_Art

I think Bob Kelly and maybe Patrice were in. They were talking about Ant's love life or whatever and Bobby asks realistically how young a woman Ant would go for. Ant says 11 and then has a huge laugh when everyone in studio starts freaking out. Then he says he only said 11 because he wanted to see how everyone would react.


He said 9! Then realistically said 15. Which means he'd fuck a 12 year old.

Who wouldn't

for me it's 15. 14 if she's taller than me in high heels or has a D cup.

Thank you, sir.

http://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/1to1n1/ants_next_target/cearcux?context=3 Here's a serious one with Patrice and Jim. First post i've ever made