Does anyone else cringe when...

13  2014-09-14 by furmp

Opie talks about being poor and having a hard life? He has said literally the weirdest things about it and after a while they do not add up. Also he talks about it more than Anthony who I definitely believe had it rough.

For example one time Opie said something along the lines of his family was too poor for them to buy condiments. And at a later time he talks about how he used to cut class to play golf.

It's just so awkwardly semi-passionate I am beginning to doubt everything he says about his upbringing.


Heres two things I know.

  1. It's definitely considered cool to have a hard life and be poor growing up in society today.

  2. Opie will do whatever it takes to be cool.

I wish purposeful suicide by auto-erotic assphixiation to child pornagraphy was cool

I don't get that first one. The people I know who had it rough don't flaunt it. Doesn't make any sense.

Well who would you be more impressed by, somebody whose dad was a CEO and got a full ride payment through great schools and a swanky job at his dad's firm, or someone who started out with nothing and through sheer hard work and and determination got a good job and put his life together?

I don't think it's "cool" but it is definitely more impressive and that person probably has better stories and life experiences.

Basically OP is saying that Opie thinks it will earn him more respect from people if they think he was poor and came from nothing and created his own success the way he has. Basically, Opie doesn't want to admit that he grew up middle class because he thinks it takes away from his accomplishments. Opie is dumb.

It's only cool if you've had a hard life, and are now successful, like Opie thinks.

Everything he says about his past is exaggerated nonsense. He also acts like he was a great athlete, he made a lot of money running numbers in high school yet for some reason still caddied, his mother was abusive because she made him look for her comb, he was a party animal in college who put up numbers and sold term papers etc etc

He is a bland generic guy and he's lived a bland generic life. People from Centerpoint, Long Island have no idea what it's like to be poor. He's a boring suburban frat boy douche trying to fit in.

You forgot "accomplished air-pianist".

That definitely happened!!

I'm almost inclined to believe it happened just because it's so incredibly lame that I could see him thinking it was cool.

It's about time someone brings this up, finally.

I have been listening to old shows on YouTube anywhere from 2008-2013 and i have noticed one thing about Opie, no matter what the story is and from who its coming from guest or not, Opie ALWAYS has a story related in some way. He always has a similar experience, and he isn't necessarily a one-upper he just forces his own story into other peoples stories.


I def don't think he lied about bringing his lunch to school in an empty concrete bag, because they were too poor to afford actual lunch bags that week. That DEF happened, and his food was totally still edible and not covered in extremely toxic chemicals that would send him to the hospital immediately.

"Does anybody else cringe when...Opie talks about being poor and having a hard life? He has said literally the weirdest things about it and after a while they do not add up. Also he talks about it more than Anthony who I definitely believe had it rough. For example one time Opie said something along the lines of his family was too poor for them to buy condiments. And at a later time he talks about how he used to cut class to play golf. It's just so awkwardly semi-passionate I am beginning to doubt everything he says about his upbringing."

Yes, yes I do.

...but his family registered their house as a church to cheat taxes? But why if they didn't have any money?

That money went Opie's bosses in his legit mafia job. Everybody got a taste.

candy sales slow that week? Fuck you, pay me!!!

Judge Smails only tipped you a quarter? Fuck you; pay me!!!

The Opester brought the candy in the front door of the school and sold it right out the back. It didn't matter, it was all on credit, it was pure profit.

I think Lil' Chippy D's mafia connections might've been more believable.

The only thing I believe from Opie is about how he got the name "Opie" and even that is questionable.

I bet he really used to get called that as a kid, but grew out of it, then when he entered radio, he needed a wacky radio name, and brought it back.

And radio nicknames are hacky, but somehow his isn't because "he didn't pick it." As if when you're hired at a radio station your default on air name is your childhood nickname and there's nothing you can do about it.

He should have stuck with Spuuuuds, a-BUCK-LEHH!

He prolly got called this as a kid, and it only got solidified by his frat-boy experiences. He LOVES his's "cool" and reminds him of doing Jaeger Bombs in Oswego.

It just rolls off the tongue during a keg stand - "O-P, O-P, O-P YEAHHHHHHH BRAAAAH"

Yea. Ant even said that he would go hungry some days to which opie responded that they never had it that bad

I don't think Anthony had it bad when he lived with his mom. I think he was referring to going hungry for the short time when he lived with his irresponsible dad in California, but who needs food when you have all that fat, ugly, cowgirl pussy?

Hey, you leave Buzz out of this! She's a sweet girl.

She was doing the Lords work. A saint on eart'

Having 7 kids would make the money really short, but they had a car and his dad bought a house with cash. They took vacations. They went to the beach houses of wealthy relatives. Opie said in high school years books that some of his favorite activities were "skiing" and "yachting."

He sounds like an upper middle class guy with strange, cheapskate parents. Opie seized those stories and fabricated others to sound like a Horatio Alger "poor-kid-made-good-by-his-bootstraps" story to sound less hateable and possibly even admirable.

Instead, he sounds like a liar and a dunce.

He lists ski trips and yachting under likes in his high school yearbook. His family had a summer house that they had access to. He was not poor. He is a phoney.

I agree Opie does try to look cool by saying how poor he was growing up and eating his pepperidge farm bread, but he was able to cut class and play golf because he worked as a caddy at a golf course from a pretty young age. Something he rambles about often. Not defending the dumbass, loud mouth, steam roller, just saying don't use that as a reason you believe he had money. I don't know how bad it was for him growing up, because you can't ever believe anything he says.

Ant definitely had it bad when he lived with his dad for a short time, but I don't think he was that bad off when back in NY.

He was sleeping in his car after high school right?

Those fucking plebes couldn't even afford to stop at a drive-in movie on the way back home from the beach house!

Eh, I think I know where he's coming from since I have a similar upbringing. It's probably more accurate to say lower middle class. Your parents made decent money but had too damn many kids.

So they started out with a decent paycheck and one kid so they got a nice house in a nice area. Than they kept having kids until all the younger kids were wearing hand me downs. You had cheap dinners like grilled cheese sandwiches, hot dogs when Dad's OT got cut back that week. Family vacations were more like drive somewhere local and all cramming into a cheap motel room.

Being a lower middle class kid in a middle class Long Island suburb can screw up your thoughts on what poor is. I stopped saying I was poor as a kid in my 20s after meeting friends who had real poverty in their background though.

I grew up near Centerport, where he grew up. It's an affluent area of LI. There is no way he was poor. Did they have to be more judicious with their money because his father didn't know how to blow his loads in any other place other than Opie's mom's catholic pussy...possibly. Poor families also didn't host poor kids from urban areas so they could experience life outside the dirty city.

Opie is a saggy breasted liar.

I want to fly into that face feet first.

Opie must have tit-jealousy.

Ronnie B: "Just teasing the retard."

I'm pretty sure at one point I've heard him admit that his parents made decent money, but then kept his victim bit up by blaming his CRAZY mother for being frugal with eight kids.

I don't even think Bobo could believe the lie he told about his dad registering the family as a church.


I cringed when he tried to tell Nick Dip that his father got their family classified as a church.

Oh for fuck's sake. Golf at the public course is cheap.

I cringe every time someone makes a vague thread title with eclipses. How about you just title your post specifically from now on. Then I won't have to click on it and feel this wave of disappointment.


We found Vos.

or Ricky

Obviously an autocorrect. But you got me fair and square.

I just like using ellipses...brotherman*.

*Opie likes to use "asterixes".

I cringe every time a fake man blames something for his own actions. How about you just move on? No wait I guess you needed to blame me for your clicking. Go hang out with Joe Derosa you internet blaming cunt


He's not lying. His dad was a pretty shitty businessman and his mother was a kook. The stories have stayed the same over the years and there's different levels of poverty and situations happen to families. I know a family that appeared well off and they lived in a nice middle class home. Some shit happened and the family didn't have money rolling in. They scraped by and made the mortgage payments so there kids could stay in a nice area but by no means we're they wealthy. Funny thing is Anthony lies about his past and was even called out my Kevin Smith and Jason mewes during one show. If anything they all hype shit up a little.

lol i don't even need to refute. the community has identified your bullshit

The community? lol. A small minority of fans that are online. This place doesn't even have 10k subscribers. The online community of Opie and Anthony fans usually sucks. I'm on a few private O&A sites and the Opie hate isn't even there. I get the same 15 people downvoting me. Who cares. I can remember when the "community" hated Patrice, or when they hated Jimmy and his characters, or when they hated Anthony for his race rants. It's fucking hilarious. Now you guys can't wash Patrice's balls fast enough. Go look at wackbag. The hate here is pathetically mild and just sort of whiny.

Go on.

Exactly. There are two million redittors and this sub pretends to be huge.

Go on.

Exactly. There are two million redittors and this sub pretends to be huge.