Opie's New Youtube "Hit"....yeah it stinks

12  2014-09-13 by DanzaTastic


on what fucking planet is this even remotely funny? he literally just put pictures of what some unfunny bitch was saying next to a video of her talking into the phone. he can't really believe that this is funny/creative in any way...can he? SOMEBODY EXPLAIN THIS SHIT TO ME

Your annoyance is obviously the bit.

You have to be capable of being funny in order for "intentionally being unfunny" to be considered a bit. I don't think Opie gets that.

He doesn't know what meta-humour is, but if you introduced the term to him, he'd start using it 18 times-per-show.


ME: Unless it's funny. I know The Funny!

Let's see what Snowy in Michigan has to say; snoOWWYY....



It seems like he is going crazy. The only explanation I can think of is that he has decided that the easiest way to make viral videos is to make them for little kids.

You can't always be unfunny, then continue to be unfunny and say now its comedy because "that's the bit".

I try to be fair to the Ol' Opester, and he might not be wrong in this. What are popular Youtube vids? The annoying orange? Ray William Johnson? All that shit is terrible and people eat it up. I can't blame him for trying to get some of the shitty teenager demographic.

Oh god just looook at how neeedy she is

What were you expecting? Opie's never been funny, not even on accident.

You cannot question the Opester.

Doing so will result in your immediate termination because:

A) "He makes more money in one month than you'll make in your whole fucking life"

B) He is the "talent" that found Opie and Jim.

C) You're just a hater

he made himself look so much like a huge ass when that guy called in

And if its really really bad, "That's the Bit" and his humor has passed you by.

He really is the fucking Kim Kardashian of radio.


At one time he had enough talent to host his own show on a small Long Island station.

Kim K has never had ANY talent other than the "talent" she displayed in her sex tape.

even if he makes a mil a year that comment means he doesnt think anyone will make 83k their whole life lol he's been hanging out with those philly welfare leaches too much

If only Opie were the one to be fired.

She is way too ugly to be that unfunny.

She's just trying waaaay to hard to be a character. It's infuriating.

tsss yeah fuckin watermelons or sumpthin

Water Buffaler

jesus lynsi's gone downhill quick after shitting out a couple of kids


Can you link to a recent pic?

He is insinuating that the fat cunt in the video is lynsi...it's a joke.


Holy shit this is painful to watch... And he wonders why so many people hate him. It's like his sense of humour just fucked off when he had kids.


His sense of humor always sucked.

He was somewhat entertaining before with the whole 'crazy guy is mean to people' schtick, but now it's as if he's trying to make a 'legacy' that his kids will respect.

who thumbs up this garbage?

Opie's "philly crew" possibly

The Philly Crew is pumping up the Opster's numbers.

They were howling..

Wonder if she's a funny mofo

Is Father Dorris upvoting?

<tightly squeezes testicles> Is our videographer upvoting?


You obviously don't know "how we do it".

Why does it make me so happy when people don't know who Father Doris is. I don't think I could/would explain even if I had a gun to my head. It's just how Im wired.

Philly crew member here. Any video with fatso in it is horrible. Thumbs down

Bologna-Tits included?

ViralSpiral's offshore drones

Yes, "Roy Johnson" from Mumbai.


Patrice O'Neal died and this monster and Opie are still alive.

Let that sink in.

Another pile of absolute shit.

This is the one thing that has astonished me. Why hasn't anybody called on air and asked him about all of these terrible Youtube bombs? Not Ant or Jim, anybody on the staff or a single caller has given a nice tooling for pulling the subway video and editing it, How to Chain Your Dragon and getting it repeatedly pulled from Youtube, I Love The Internet Guy being a dud, none of it.

This is what the guy chooses to do instead of prepare for his international radio show. It is just shocking.

Apparently they played loves the internet guy on the show and he was embarrassed.

Was it recorded/uploaded? I'd like to listen to that

"The hate for this video is pretty strong" Opie says as he's laughing nervously. Him acting like he's smarter than the people disliking the video is fucking enraging, what a stupid cunt.

"It's SUPPOSTOO get dislikes, you idiots!" http://youtu.be/Q46iQn5VZTQ?t=9m25s Yep...sure...

My skin is crawling.

"People cannot see this, but I've got my thumbs down. I'm literally giving this a thumbs down in person. As it was playing, Opie was looking down in shame."-Jim Norton at 9:05


Do you have an underwater phone?

Sort of, he's a water buffaler

"You're supposed to hate it dummies"

Is mad when people hate it

That's some solid logic there Opester

Shrugs shoulders I just saw someone say it here a few weeks ago. Ask Stevey/Logan.

actually it's quite shock jocking

This is the one thing that has astonished me. Why hasn't anybody called on air and asked him about all of these terrible Youtube bombs? Not Ant or Jim, anybody on the staff

Because doing would result in a bitchfit and pissiness that lingers for years. At best. At worst it could be your job. So everyone who criticizes him is treated like a guy who screams "AIIIIIIIIIIDSS"

I had it on mute and it still annoyed me.

Haven't even clicked on it and I'm still bothered.

I don't own a computer and I'm livid

I was pissed about this last week.

Oh my God, this is absolutely mortifying.

I made it 5 seconds and shut it off.

This has the feel of a guy who just got his first piece of editing software and just made a random clip he had on his computer to try it out. If I saw this on another channel I would think it was an anti-smoking ad.

The amount of ball lickers getting a RT from this idiot is baffling


That's what infuriates me and made me hate him more than anything. The fucking MAJORITY of his social media commentary is positive. If a handful of people fuck with him, as ANY celebrity would have, that's all he concentrates on or talks about. Even today with Opie hate at an all time high, the majority of his shit is positive. But if 2 people say something, we're all "haters," and he'll bitch about us on the air daily. Daily.

Anybody else want to hop on the "Jimmy's a total cunt if he re-signs" bandwagon?

Unless he's got some weird "douche-shrapnel bukkake" fetish, he's gotta tap the fuck out of this abortion.

Know who loves this video? Loves the Internet Guy! I bet he would find this hysterical!

Another hit video for the pimply faced teens who run Viral Spiral!

WTF!? This face is clearly photoshopped.
This one too

his mouth is making the "oooooo" sound, as in "Oooooo this new Opie video is gonna suck"

Agreed. No British guy looks like that. Or is called Damian

Wasn't the guy who played Brody on Homeland and Captain Winters on band of brothers named Damian Lewis? He's British.

I know Mrs. Hughes had a couple kids, but DAMN!

...but BAM!

Why is Opie plugging this unfunny whale of a hole?
Is viral spiral responsible?

I actually fell pretty sorry for this pig. OPIE'S the star she hitched her wagon to?

FUCK this lady acts like me and my friends in 5th grade, this shit is beyond terrible.


That don't make no sense.

He does a lot of videos with this awful woman. The only close-to-enjoyable one was Occupy Wall Street, when she mocked the protestors.

I like Opie, but viral marketing just isn't his forte.

Neither is hosting an interesting radio show.

he is just trolling now


And not very well.

And punt.

That felt like 10 minutes. Wow that was awful.

thAyrn iS coOmeDy iN mY heAdpHonEs

chip here, this is fucking hilarious, she kills me


By "comic" do you mean "unfunny cunt" ?

fawkin funni

If chippah really existed even he would think it sucks a bag of dicks

The new "click this link" video.

Her name is Kelley Lynn a NY "comic". http://twitter.com/kelleyiskelley

She should team up with the fat guy that was at Anthony's house on July 5, the one Fred From Brooklyn always tweets about.

This will be the next new fucking disaster that Opie brings in, thinking that it's funny. Lady Di, Sandy Kane, and now Pizza the Hut.

Holy fuck I hate this

You know, since he's had her in several videos, I assume she's a close friend.

I'm surprised he associates with someone so unattractive. He seems like a really shallow guy.

He IS shallow; the "houmah" (tsss) revolves around her being a pig. Haven't you seen her other Opie-directed vids? He's a dick-head.

Honestly, I've only ever been able to get through 15 seconds or so of the vids with her in them.

They're just... stupid.

wow... douche and chills all in one. hoof!

Is that fat balding bitch Opies side piece?

Not hating, just like Patrice always said, get yourself some "side"

Just please Opie, stop, we are begging you. Most of us "haters" want to like you.

Stop it...

ooof, thats a doozy

confirmation bias

Who is he paying to make these videos?

Actually if you must know, he's been recruited by a viral video company from England, Viral Spiral.

Um... ahhh...what?

Who is this person that has been in all of these videos? Why does she agree to them? I had to turn it off about 20 seconds in.

She wants attention.

She needed da money!

when is he going to realize that this woman is not funny at all

Hey! Watch your mouth! Opie Knows Comedy!! Remember?; He's been in radio since he was 18!

Never mind the fact that I've seen funnier 9/11 videos than the Horse Shit Opie is feeding us.

Reminds me of every awful open mic'r I see trying to do a "character" on stage, but they forget the part where it's supposed to be funny.

To his credit, I'm usually angered by society when I go to YouTube and see what the "hot" videos are.

Opie isn't necessarily appealing to O&A fans if he really wants to be "viral", he is appealing to Jean Lundergaard and her Todd Show listening friends who latch on to any dumb video on YouTube.

and we're supposed to be believe he is responsible for the success of the radio show??

Has Opie's wife always been that fat or did she let herself go after she gave birth to the kids?

BTW: anyone notice the topical "Ice Bucket Challenge" reference?

Thats the opster, always the topical relevant references YUCKK

The Philly Crew is pumping up the Opster's numbers.

he made himself look so much like a huge ass when that guy called in

Is Father Dorris upvoting?

And if its really really bad, "That's the Bit" and his humor has passed you by.

even if he makes a mil a year that comment means he doesnt think anyone will make 83k their whole life lol he's been hanging out with those philly welfare leaches too much

He really is the fucking Kim Kardashian of radio.


At one time he had enough talent to host his own show on a small Long Island station.

Kim K has never had ANY talent other than the "talent" she displayed in her sex tape.

Philly crew member here. Any video with fatso in it is horrible. Thumbs down

Sort of, he's a water buffaler

If only Opie were the one to be fired.