whats everybody up to this weekend?!

0  2014-09-12 by opiesucks

ooOOoo Dish!


Transcending into deeper depression and obesity

Listening through classic O&A to find subtle Opie fails to post here come Monday, what else?

Masturbating and cutting myself while mouthing the lyrics to "she will be loved" by that terrible Maroon Five band

Destiny. Bagel Bites. Porn. Tears.

I'm planning to continue my decade-long streak of just generally being a worthless sack of shit. You?

I'm also going to spend a few hours mulling over whether or not my new flair needs spaces (it does.)

At least you're aware of your awfulness.

Increased alcohol use, playing Postal 2. My video game backlog spans decades.

Have fun peeing on innocent bystanders. Love that game.

If you happen to have Soldier of Fortune 2, get a few knife kills for me.

Gonna hit the road with Bobo for a Godard film festival, am looking forward to his thoughts on how Godard's post-structuralist aesthetic was reflected in the formalism of his nonlinear montage technique.

Playing some tunes tonight. Some drinks and some smoke and hopefully a little golfing on sunday. Cheers fellas

i'm going to laminate my kneecaps

Brothers bachelor party in NYC. Hello kitchen. Anyone wanna hang?

Traveling to the Ukraine for some casual ethnic cleansing.


Not listening to Opie.

I have to do legs today :(


College football. Managed to get Monday off so I'll probably take my car in for service then. Gotta stay up til the post office opens and ship like 5 eBay auctions. I'm basically someone's aunt.

I put on my slobbo shirt and went down to the all you can eat buffet.

Sure was nice to get out of that truck for once, yee haw. I then went home,I lifted my wifes fatroll up and tried to find her pussy. I jizzed in her fat roll, then put on Sirius XM talk for wholesome clean entertainment.

That fucking Opie guy is hilarious.

Gonna see 2U and pull a Nathan Gale

RIP Darrell Abbott