did anyone upload Jimmy's free appearance on TACS?

0  2014-09-12 by thatsnotwhatimsaying

yeh i'm a cheap fuck that can't pay for it, also on the other side of the world so it's hard to keep in sync

what are u a boy band or sumtin? tss


7 dollars. You can afford it. Each live show goes into the archives immediately and you can watch any show from the inception any time you want.

They have paypal now as well.

Just do it.

He was asking about the FREE show stupid.

so was I retard. It was only free for live and wasnt uploaded to any mainstream sites

You are without a doubt the worst cunt associated with the Cumia show, and I sincerely hope you, through various hijinks and foibles, become a fucking vegetable. Okay, fuck your mother, have a shitty day.

muppet. How does it feel being constantly miserable?

Skip a trip to McDonald's to pay for it.

He said he's NOT in America. So there's only a 21% chance he eats at McDonalds with any regularity.

wait a minute, how much harder is it just b/c you live outside the US have anything to do with anything?

beacuse of the time zones, a 4pm show in New York would be a 6am show where I am

The special free shows are only technically free when it's streaming live. The Best of's are the only thing that is free downloadable content. And if you've been on this subreddit for a while you should know you just don't post new topics asking everyone where to illegal d/l shit. If you're going to ask you're probably better off PM'ing specific people directly who'd might know.

That's a great point. How do these fucks buy drugs?

didn't know it was only free when streaming, wasn't asking where I could illegally download shit either, just thought it was fair game because it was initially free

$7 stop letting the terrorists win. Subscribe cheapass. When you pirate you help those who got Ant taken off the air win.

Shhhh.... dont use the P word.