Let's Talk Turkey.

0  2014-09-12 by [deleted]

People have been going back and forth about Jimmy going to TACS in terms of money and also Anthony's finances in general. I thought I'd put my feelings out there and see if anyone agrees, where I'm totally wrong, where I'm right, whatever. Ok here we go:

Concerning Jimmy going to TACS

We know for a fact Ant has subs in the tens of thousands since it's been said by people from the show, and there are other examples I can't think of now that helped me get to this figure, but I've sat at 50,000 subs for Anthony. That's what I feel is a safe estimate. Going off of that...

50,000 subs x $6 a month (lowering the average monthly rate of $6.95 for the people who got year and 6-month long discounts) = 300,000 a month in income

300,000 a month x 12 months a year = 3,600,000 a year of total income, forgetting advertisers (and taxes).

Let's say 2.5 million goes to Ant, he's left with 1.1 million to dish out to Keith (let's say 250,000 a year? I know it may seem high, but maybe?) now we have 850,000 left. Rat? Who knows, maybe around 30,000 if he stays for a year? Doesn't Sam Roberts make around that? Let's get crazy and say Rat makes 50,000 a year, now we have 800,000 left. Lets take out half (we want to guess high here, just to be on the lower side for income, since I might have underestimated Ant's cut) for occasional help and equipment. 400,000 left. That's enough to give Jim a nice hefty portion for a few shows a month. Maybe 300,000 dollars a year for Jim. Or let's say I even overestimated and Ant takes 2 million instead of 2.5? Either way, despite insurance situations, it's a good gig for Norton.

Finally, it's not Sirius, which is mornings, most days and twice as long. Jimmy would be working OCCASIONALLY (way more occasionally than at Sirius) from 4-6pm and would be putting himself out there and also working with Ant. It makes perfect sense for him to do. Leave Sirius (where there waits an assured pay cut) do more other work and frequent Ant's show.

EDIT: This doesn't include the fact that Jim will obviously bring in lots more revenue for the show, so you can imagine then. Quite possibly 50% more onto all the figures here


Turkey's overated, give me a ham and cheese and a cup of coffee and I'm good. But what do I know.

Eh meat & potatoes

Hot ham-n-cheese?

If jimmy went to the show id subscribe in a heartbeat so I think you should definitely be able to almost double ants subs if Jim was on the show every day. The fact that this whole forum is filled with 100s of o&a fans that listen to the show daily and hate opie shows how Much people love Jim. So I'd say Jim raises ants subs at least 25%

Yea I agree.

All of a sudden he talks English. How bout this, let's talk TURKEY. Eight thousand. Imgur

Good job crunching those numbers. However, if we look at the statistics concerning the reliability of predictions coming from this subreddit, and the general lack of knowledge anyone here has about Ant's finances, we can say with certainty that you're wrong as fuck.

Thanks, but the little info I have comes from facts, tens of thousands of subs has been confirmed by the show, and that is the price of a sub, with a little taken off for discounts

Facts are meaninglesswhen you got shit between your ears.

Ant can save money and pay Jim directly in prostitutes and HotCan beverages and foodstuffs.

I thought this was going to be about Todd Pettengill phone scams.

"This is Trannyfucker Lesbianhair! I ordered spaghetti and meatballs but you gave me spaghetti and SCORPIONS, turkey!"

You're trying to say Ant would pay Keith several times more than Jimmy? You're a fuckin' Bobo.

You guys are fucking retarded I love TACS but Ant does not have 50k subs. Just imagine if they had 5k are they really going to admit that? fuck no, Keith and Joe do goofy shit like pretend that they don't know that the stream is on and just happen to mention that "oh wow we have 40k subs we'll get 100k in no time." Yeah that was not planned at all. Also, Opie is a faggot.

Jim coming on with essentially double the subs. At the least it would hit 75,000. Adjust ur figures accordingly

I won't because I'm talking about assumptions on what they have right now. I forgot to mention that though, I meant to include it, will edit

If Anthony is making that much right now on his show, they are stupid for not planning the O&A podcast to start on October 4th.

The subs would easily be double that, probably triple or more. I know a lot of fans subscribed, but ALL other fans who haven't would subscribe if the show got back together.

If they were bringing in 7million. Take 1.5 each for O&A, leaves 5.5. Give 1m to Jim. 4.5m to cover costs, and crew. With that they could afford to pay their entire staffs merged together.

But maybe they don't want to work together right now? Opie already said he wouldn't do anything that isn't stationed in NYC and I think he feels like he needs to prove himself now since so many fans are seeing him stink without Ant. He's got an ego to protect.

I would be happy with a nice pastrami on rye, with mustard and cheese.

Your post was TL;DR but I saw a dollar sign so I figured another fucking amateur mathemetician was plying his fucking genius on the internet.


I read it, I was being a smart ass. Why are you doing Anthonys accounting?

Are you Keith and trying to figure out your cut? I'd give you a pass then. Maybe....Nooo

But your making up fucking numbers in your head, I was trying to be nice and not call you an asshat gossip girl.

Where do you get your sub numbers from toolbag?

Stop it, you are the one making yourself look like a clown, not me.

I think they said that their goal was 25k subs and they flew past that, but were still in the tens of thousands.
