Didn't you all bash Anthony for the NASA comments he made on that show?

0  2014-09-12 by MarshallWatts

I don't know why you guys pretend that Anthony isn't a racist; he simply is. A brilliantly funny and witty racist, but a racist none the less. So why is Derosa being bashed so much for stating the same problems with Anthony's views that you all had. I agree that he is an insecure whiny baby, but he can be that and still be correct about Anthony. Derosa being a bitch and Anthony being a racist are not mutually exclusive.


Using the current accepted definition of what a racist is, yea he is a racist. I just completely disagree with the currently accepted definition of what a racist is. To me racism is automatically judging a person as lesser than yourself based solely on the color of their skin. The current definition of racism is essentially any comment made about a race or culture that isn't positive.

Racist isnt the right term but he is obsessed with black people. He has a great dislike of black people. If i had a radio show and I got a great deal of my content talking about members of your family every time they did something stupid or wrong you would think I had a problem with your familly. I hope this makes sense and it is just the feeling I get from him over the years. I still find him funny a lot of the time but when he claims he is just using facts and is being logical I do roll my eyes.

Ok, here we go. Anthony asserts that there is a disproportionate amount of crime in the black community. What is more, he denies poverty as a cause of this immense amount of violence and crime. So when one does that, the alternative is that blacks are born with a predisposition for violence, which in my years of listening to him he has both explicitly and implicitly implied. This fits in with he choice of verbiage such as savage. I love Anthony, he is a comic genius. But let's call it what it is, he is a racist. Which is whatever, cause im not even saying he's a bad person. Plus how can you ignore his NASA comments?

But it is a FACT that there is a disproportionate amount of crime in the black community, even when poverty is controlled for. I dont have the myriad of links to back it up, but I believe a poster on here by the name of nixonrichard posts them all the time.

The reason for this doesn't HAVE to be that their skin tone causes violence, and in fact that is an absurd thing which Anthony would never argue. Anthony would argue I believe that the culture in the black community that shuns law enforcement, blames as many of their problems on racism and whites as possible and glorifies violence and misogyny in popular black entertainment are a root cause. I dont consider it racist to criticize black culture and its effects. Many do.

If there was a meaningful conversation in the black community trying to address these problems i'd keep my white mouth shut and defer to them, but all I see are a few old black men who mention these things and then get mocked and ridiculed for not blaming whites and racism for the problems in the black community. No one really speaks out and gets any traction. When a black person criticizes black culture they are called an Uncle Tom, and when a white person criticizes black culture they get called racist. Whenever you have something that is above all criticism, you know there is some major bullshit going on.

Even when poverty is controlled for

These studies do not exist. You made it up, or you read it on a forum somewhere.

They don't exist because you would be called racist for doing that study.




It's too late for me to do the math for you but the numbers are pretty damning for the idea that poverty correlates directly with propensity to commit crimes(especially violent ones). Also, the FBI crime statistics considers all hispanics white people so that inflates whitey's numbers even more. Here's just a snippet: In 2011 black people committed more murders than almost all other races combined. When it comes to robberies it's not even close.

Bonus: https://i.imgur.com/OMwAaWW.jpg?1

Conclusion: Statistics be racist, yo.


Even if you could read into it enough to prove that he thinks blacks are born with a propensity towards violence, that still isn't racist in my opinion. Its a (possibly inflated) attempt to arrive at some kind of conclusion based on a problem that black leaders have admitted exists. Its still a dialogue.

That simply isn't racism. If it is, the word racism means nothing and you've set the civil rights movement back 50 years.

He may be racial and bigoted, but hes not a racist. Theres nothing wrong with being racial and bigoted either, there's actually something to admire about it in the context of the current world we live in.

Well i think Ronnie B articulated it best when he said Anthony is racist on a macro level and not micro. That would explain his friendship with Patrice and how well he got along with other black guests.


He's said he doesn't give a shit if he's labeled "racist". YOU insist on labeling him as such, and then say it's "whatever" (not important anyway?). What the fuck is your point?

That him being a racist does not detract from my enjoyment of him.


I feel like I've said this a million times, but it's not about DeRosa disagreeing with Ant. It's about quietly dumping a friend without at least talking to him first and then gossiping about it on someone else's show. He abandoned his friend during a rough time and then tried to make it about himself by saying he felt like Ant had wronged him for not doing some twitter bullshit. Furthermore, he implied that anyone who goes on Ant's show and doesn't debate him about race is somehow supporting what Ant says, which is a retarded position to take. He basically acted like a little baby, back stabbing, bitch boy.

Who gives a fuck? All four of my parents are just as racist, if not more so, than Anthony, and I still love them.

Who gives a fuck? Hitler was just as racist, if not more so, than Anthony, and I still love him.

I'm one of the people that bashed Ant here for his stupid NASA comments. I don't agree with a lot of the things he says but the difference is I'm still a fan and I currently sub his show. Also, if Ant, I don't know, helped me with my career and was my drinking buddy I wouldn't go around publicly bashing him and whining like a victim. But that's just me. I'm also a DeRosa fan and have seen him perform but his whining and backstabbing the last two days is ridiculous.

Because if DeRosa's problem with Anthony was the racism, he would have just cut Ant off after he was fired and that would have been the end of it.

Rogan unravelled DeRosa's lies quickly as that panicky ostrich bodied lump immediately divulged the real reason he is mad at ant: an unresponded text and a mean tweet.

He wouldn't have sent Ant a supportive text in the first place if the racism bothered him that much.

an unresponded text and a mean tweet.

It's like people never listened to an episode of Uninformed. He's a very sensitive boy.

I think DeRosa is every bit as much a racist as Ant. Ant's racism is based on seeing what is happeing in the black communty. Joe's racism against fellow whites is based on his white liberal guilt. Listen to some of the stuff he said on Rogan. He has become a whiny SJW crybaby.

This sub has no attention span, and everyone jumps on a new bandwagon every month or so. Right now we're in love-Anthony mode, so we ignore the fact that Derosa actually had some fair points. Ant is a complicated guy, because he's clearly a virulent racist, but he covers it up well with humor and fallacious arguments. It puts people in a tough spot about whether to support him or not.

I don't blame Joe for writing him off.

Who ever said he wasn't?

I only saw one chinaman in that launch control. No gaijin allow. Gaegogi will provide energy for push. JUCHE!

If your college professor asks you to dance you better say never, because a dance with a propagandist might last you forever.

'I don't know why you guys pretend that Anthony isn't a racist; he simply is.'

This is the point where your argument loses it's validity

Ok, here we go. Anthony asserts that there is a disproportionate amount of crime in the black community. What is more, he denies poverty as a cause of this immense amount of violence and crime. So when one does that, the alternative is that blacks are born with a predisposition for violence, which in my years of listening to him he has both explicitly and implicitly implied. This fits in with he choice of verbiage such as savage. I love Anthony, he is a comic genius. But let's call it what it is, he is a racist. Which is whatever, cause im not even saying he's a bad person. Plus how can you ignore his NASA comments?

Who gives a fuck? Hitler was just as racist, if not more so, than Anthony, and I still love him.

They don't exist because you would be called racist for doing that study.




It's too late for me to do the math for you but the numbers are pretty damning for the idea that poverty correlates directly with propensity to commit crimes(especially violent ones). Also, the FBI crime statistics considers all hispanics white people so that inflates whitey's numbers even more. Here's just a snippet: In 2011 black people committed more murders than almost all other races combined. When it comes to robberies it's not even close.

Bonus: https://i.imgur.com/OMwAaWW.jpg?1

Conclusion: Statistics be racist, yo.

Racist isnt the right term but he is obsessed with black people. He has a great dislike of black people. If i had a radio show and I got a great deal of my content talking about members of your family every time they did something stupid or wrong you would think I had a problem with your familly. I hope this makes sense and it is just the feeling I get from him over the years. I still find him funny a lot of the time but when he claims he is just using facts and is being logical I do roll my eyes.