We get it, you guys don't like Joe DeRosa.

0  2014-09-11 by FaroutIGE

He didn't attack Anthony personally, he spoke on their relationship and what happened between them on social media when he was on Rogan's show, and they obviously hashed it out today.

For a group of insensitive free speech comedy heads, this sub really jumped the shark bashing Joe DeRosa today. Ant never needed any of you to be this bitter.


I wish you could be banned from Reddit for stupidity.

from the country FTFY

Prime example of the hyperbolic bullshit this sub has been flinging lately. Just ask yourself why you are taking it more personally than Ant.

I'm not. Prime example of stupidity.

Prime example of a racist circlejerk really

I don't think it's a particular hate for Joe as much as a dislike for the way he went about it.

Understand that Ant's ballwashers are an intense group,they will go after anyone who makes even the slightest critical comment about him.

Oh yeah I got that experience firsthand on twitter a couple weeks ago.

Are you going to cry like Joe?

are you sad still

The positive side to Ant's firing is the purge of all THOSE scum from this sub, freeing up the room to do what we do best. Hating Opies guts.

Free speech means we get to call him a cunt for saying cunty things.

That's actually not what free speech is.

How do you define it then?

Freedom of Speech means that your government is not going to come after you for saying things that some people might find shitty.

And I can make a thread about how hypocritical and childish it is.

It's much more childish to start a thread hoping to get karma. You don't respect free speech unless you agree with it. We get it. Go finish your geometry homework.

start a thread hoping to get karma

you realize that not everyone does things the way you do things right


Shame, shame, shaaaaameee. Shame on you!

Shame on Joe right? The hypocritical state of this sub, man. I'm with you.

Who is this "We" you're speaking for?

whoever else is tired of the bitching and faux lynch mob

Voice of a generation. Thank you for your service.

np sry for interrupting your meaningless anger

Honestly, it doesn't anger me. It was between Anthony and Joe. I thought Joe was a bit of a jackass about it, but again, not my problem. It does however prove that some people in this sub just need stuff to be angry about. I hate Opie with a passion, but I try and have a sense of humor about my hatred for him.

I feel like a major portion of Ants fans are 30 or 40 something white guys that have pent up aggression from years of inability to gain a victim's designation. When life sucks, you must externalize it or admit you suck. Ant became a victim and achieved an untouchable martyrdom with these guys. FFS just look at this thread lol...

I'm a 30/40 something white guy and I've had plenty of opportunity to admit that at times in my life I have sucked. We all get dealt shit hands from time to time. Anthony took his shit hand and capitalized on it. He refused to allow being a victim destroy him. Some of us here could learn a thing or two from that. Life sucks from time to time.

Oh yeah I got that experience firsthand on twitter a couple weeks ago.

The positive side to Ant's firing is the purge of all THOSE scum from this sub, freeing up the room to do what we do best. Hating Opies guts.