What has Joe accomplished?

8  2014-09-11 by okconsumer

I don't get what he wanted from all this, all he did was alienate his fan base


He wanted more black friends.

He lost all dignity.

I've never won a friend of any ethnicity by being a white guilt white knight.

White2 Knight

white guilt white knight.

My favorite VU song.


He just released a new album, maybe this was predetermined?

It's funny because a LARGE base of DeRosa's audience is absolutely O&A fans. He's never done anything else to attract any semblance of a fan base than this show. He's stupid.

Since you asked, I'm a big DeRosa fan. I can understand he sounds really whiny at times, especially in large doses. But here's why I like him: He has like 5 comedy albums, and two of them are legitimately great. The Depression Auction and You Will Die.


I also really loved his series he did with Nikki Glaser, it reminded me of Louie, except I thought it was better than Louie it was actually funny. That "What Are We Waiting For?" series was awful, it was all over the place, despite the terrific guest stars. The Nikki Glaser webseries was simple and funny and true to life.

His short film Cheat was pretty well directed and funny too.

Joe did the absolute best movie breaks on O&A, especially with Ant and Patrice.

Here's the clip that made me a fan of Derosa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3_fkPkLXrA

Derosa's a comic who's performed at Carnegie Hall, opening for Bill Burr. He also opened for Louis CK, Patton Oswalt, and Patrice O'neal, among others. You don't get to do that if you're a bad stand-up.

Finally, the number one reason I like Joe is because he's the most relatable guy on O&A. We've all been whiny manchildren at times. Joe is just a great punching bag who you can relate to, but who also hits back well.

Joe's the archetypal sad sack.

Although that candy dish analogy really was the fucking worst.

Great clip


"...Before this gets back to Jeffery Ross, I don't have a problem with him anymore"


ohhhhh, Opie

I liked Opie on this break.

I completely agree. I can't defend his trashing of Ant. But Joe has given us some of the best segments over the years, and he's one of my favorite people to have on


None of that is good and I don't care who you've opened for, his stand up isn't good. I don't find him relatable at all, he's delusional and is funny to listen to when he's throwing a hissy fit. He's also almost always wrong on anything he tries to discuss, which is why his main appeal on any show for years has been his delusional neuroticism, not his brilliant comedy. He even did a show called Uninformed with Bill Burr, this was my favorite thing he did, but it was more laughing at him. Often in the show he thought, despite the title of the show, that he was really making good solid points, continuously driving Bill to profound disappointment.

He wanted to speak his actual opinion?

Has anyone ever seen one of his specials or seen him perform live? The only exposure I've ever had to Derosa is on the O&A show, and I was never impressed, meaning, he's never made me laugh. He plays the victim role well, but other than that, what does he have to offer?

I've seen him live a bunch, Im in LA and he does spots all over. He's ok, he's always good for a few, but nothing like insanely funny. I do always love that he trashes LA right to the LA audience, Im from NY and that shit makes me laugh. The funny thing is every time I say hi to him after, he goes "Do you think they hated me?" Ha ha. Fuckin Joe.

I live in NYC and I saw him last month. Before the show started he was at the bar making eye contact with people hoping to get recognized. I saw him take some pics with tourists. He was kind of preening like everyone was looking at him. They weren't.

you almost have to respect his honesty, because nothing good will come of this.

Who the fuck is Andy Kindler? I've literally never heard of him.

Joe is a bit of a manic teenage girl and just like every other teenage girl Anthony's been in contact with, first they suck his dick, then they act like cunts and get cut off, and somewhere down the road the bridge is somewhat mended.

Rogan? Oh Shoulderless Jamtits McGillicutty.

Not as much as Anthony has.

Ant has more fame in his basement than Joe does getting on planes every day.

He has daddy issues and Andy Kindler is his new daddy.

I've never heard him mentioned anywhere besides on O&A and this subreddit. Without being a fan of O&A I never would've heard of him.

i have to listen to the o&j response because when i listened to joe&joe clip it sure didnt sound like he was bashing ant.

He has done a live show on Comedy Central, released CD's, made podcasts, appeared in TV shows, made an internet series. What of those have you done?

They've all dreamt of touching tit not their own.