A rant about this subreddit

0  2014-09-11 by [deleted]

(Formatting will suck because i am on mobile). This sub reddit turned into shit. Everybody is angry. You all want to destroy a show you've listened to for years. Yes o&a as a show is over. But why would u want to piss opie off. The people in this subreddit complain an complain like a bunch of bitches. Yes o&j sucks but why would you want to destroy friendships. I dont get you pests. All you every do is gossip. "BILL DIDNT STICK UP FOR ANT, JOE DEROSA IS A FAGGOT FOR DISAGREEING WITH ANT."quit it you bitches. Most of you are grown ass men with jobs. Most of you are acting like girls in the school yard. Cut the crap, if you dont like o&j... Stop listening. Go somewhere else. Ive never seen a group of men complain 24/7 like what we have in this subreddit. I understand this is a place where you can talk about the show. But holy shit if your hate isn't directed at opie, then its directed at roland or sam. id love to see how you guys would've reacted if o&j was stellar. Your moms box. Im out


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and act like this isn't a troll post even though it's so fucking stupid.

You're wrong to assume that everybody on this sub shares the same opinion. gsbird, thermitepaint, benjamin22, streetkingz and I'm sure a bunch of other people still love the show and defend it whenever they can. I hate the show now but you can see there are people here who don't.

Opie's flaws have been pointed out a hundred and one times at this point, if you genuinely see no issue with him then go to /r/opieradio you delusional whiner. As for the other shit you said, nobody wants to destroy friendships on the show, and it was only a very small bunch of idiots blasting Burr for not saying anything on twitter, which he pointed out on the Montreal Show.

You've actually learned each others names? Eww

At least this Opie saga is bringing people together.

I don't notice the different usernames, the whole subreddit reads like one angry dickhead on a rampage.

I can read yes, not sure why that disgusts you.

You are the only angry dickhead on a rampage here.


Most people on this subreddit are pissed off. I agree o&j is not good. Im not on anybody's side. Im not defending opie. Im not saying to be happy an act like everything is amazing. Its not, the show is a wreck. I agree opie is not funny. For every 1 good joke he has 15 stinkers. My problem is that a majority of the posts on this subreddit are negative.

Better delete your comment then, since it includes negativity about Opie.

DAMN! Your are right. But in all seriousness. Im not an opie fan, a jimmy fan,or an ant fan. I like them all equally. They all bring something to the table. But my entire point is that most(I'm saying most so that you don't get confused) of the post on this subreddit are negative. I have no idea why the negative people still listen. This subreddit can be very entertaining. I love the jokes you people come up with. Like for example the uncle paul posts, how you guys do chip, and how we attack other radio shows during jocktober. Enough with the negative shit.

Pardon my language sir, but I hope you stub your toe

and Puerto Ricans are known for positivity? GOOD DAY SIR.

Holy shit, i have no comeback for that lol. Damn that was good!

I guess you people aren't all bad. You were AJ Sopranos impetus to try weight training swimming. Not sure what the bag on his head was about though.

We've seen how the sub reacts when the show is good. Positively.

I may be a grown ass man but I definitely do NOT have a job!

"I've never seen people complain 24/7"-Typed on the internet, the biggest bitchfest in history, while complaining about people.

What an autistic lack of self-awareness. Opie, is this you?

Opie, is this you?

Good one


I thought it was.

The YMB means he can't come back, right? That makes this boring rant totally worth it.

Thanks for saying what needed to be sayed.

I thought it was.