Stop, you're spilling it!

143  2014-09-11 by fervt


Great touch putting Jimmy in the painting.

Nice catch!

Jimmy Eisenhower is a great touch.

Chippah Eisenhowah...I dunno just riffin.

Tss Tss I'm like Ike or sumfin.

Tss Eisenhower, what about ears-nose-and-throat-enhower. FAWK yeah

Tsst Cold War why don't u put on a jacket or sumpting? Double Koreas, cocksucka.


its from "The Godfather"


I'm still not tired of this. I don't know if I ever will be.

Obama looks ambivalent to Colin's spillage. It's a good job it wasn't grape soda.

Obama would have slurped it off the table.

I didn't even see Colin let alone Jimmy. Jesus christ I'm dumb as shit.

Jim and Ant have ruined the Godfather for me. I start laughing when Vito shits the bed in the garden.

Those two have made that movie a laugh for me.

Haha I love how they're all looking at him so serious!

Look at that ****** sitting next to him like he belongs there.

edit: Sorry this is meant for the TAC subreddit.

This is pure awesome. Brilliant!

Fuck me, Colin knows the POTUS?

Cool pic, I would think it was a photoshop if I didn't use my knowledge of pixels and other graphic things too complicated for rubes like you all to understand to discern its validity.

Now you see why we caught Bin Laden, they asked Colin.

lol.... jimmy, was like a lot of people i recognize in this.

"This shit's PHOTOSHOPPED!!"


Nice catch!