My view on the Derosa thing

3  2014-09-11 by ComedyDeathRay

I love Ant, I think he is honestly one of the funniest people on the planet. But I don't agree with Jimmy's whole "Loyalty" stance. We don't live in some mafia movie, If Joe realized Ant is a real racist and doesn't want to be associated with him, whats wrong with that? Jim kept hammering the point that Ant's thoughts and views were based on his disgust for all the biased media.

Cmon, Swastika shirts, going on a white power podcast, his bands lyrics like "Don't wanna be a monkeys uncle, living like a nigger in a concrete jungle"

Now before you lose your shit, none of that bothers me, but I don't expect anyone else (including Joe) to have to accept it.


Joe doesn't owe Anthony blind loyalty - he can disagree with him all he likes.

But, if you are a real friend of the guy (and these guys were legit friends away from the show) - you do not go on another show and gossip about Anthony and how he offended you.

If you have some issue with Anthony, pick up the phone and address it. Don't run around like a wash-woman and bad mouth people who have no idea you're upset.

the problem with joe, is that he always had the mentality of a gossiping cunt

That's what a real friend would do, but I bet Joe took all the slams over the years to heart and saw Anthony as no friend of his, just a business transaction that is irreverent to him on the West Coast.

I don't really think you can call it gossiping. It's been over two months and I believe it was Joe Rogan who first brought up the question.

This kind of idiocy on both sides is probably why guys like Bill Burr and Louis CK have mostly stayed silent throughout the whole Ant firing saga.


This kind of idiocy on both sides is probably why guys like Bill Burr and Louis CK have mostly stayed silent throughout the whole Ant firing saga.

This. Props to both for just leaving it alone, and ignoring the complaints that they're not publicly supporting Ant.

Joe is a whiny crybaby. I learned that when he was struggling with his homosexuality that came out when he was confronted with Bailey Jay. He's just making the Ant thing about him, to get pity fucks. I really don't give a fuck. And, if you think most of the comics don't gossip like washerwomen when they hang out in clubs, you're hopelessly naive.

Anyone got a link to the Bailey/Derosa thing? That had to be....awkward, lol. Was everybody in the studio tense and uncomfortable? Love that kinda shit.

I agree he did take the whole I text him and he didn't respond thing very personal and it was a bit gossipy. But friendships end all the time, I don't think him realizing I don't wanna be friends with this person warrants the bashing hes getting. I may be wrong or in the minority, but I could give 2 fucks about who does and doesn't like Ant.

The truth is Joe doesn't give a shit about what Anthony said on twitter or why he got fired.

The issue is that Joe the Narcissist is massively butt-hurt that a guy in the throws of a personal & professional crisis didn't immediately respond to a text message & didn't take the time to white-knight for him on twitter when he was getting trolled.

Oh and Joe blaming Anthony for things that he had absolutely no control over, how is Anthony supposed to know a funeral was going on at the time?

Blaming Anthony for a fan protest that was initiated to try and get Sirius XM to re-hire him.

"Misinterpreting" a tweet as malicious? Spare me that bullshit too. Joe knows Anthony very well, he knows how Anthony talks.

Everything else was just Joe playing the part of "bitter ex-girlfriend."

Anthony was shocked, because he thought he had a loyal friend in Joe. He didn't realize that Joe was a narcissistic creep who takes minor oversights that Anthony made during a period of crisis and transformed it into a massive case of butt-hurt, all in his head.

Swastika shirts

Come on, its funny and done in jest. Intent is always key.

going on a white power podcast

First, it was an oversight. Second, even if they knew it was, so what? JS Mill argues that open dialgue must be had in a society for it to prosper

You Americans have become so culturally sensitive as a society, that you dont even realize that it has permeated your thought process. Its a little scary actually.

It may have been an oversight (though, that's probably just a cover), but the things Ant said on that show were pretty fucked up. He's was basically insinuating that there is something naturally deficient in black people, and that's why their civilizations haven't prospered as much as the white man's. Africa's lack of progress is worth looking at, but you don't just jump to the monkey explanation.

"It was an oversight that non-white supremacists found out about my appearance on that radio show"

You Americans have become so culturally sensitive as a society, that you dont even realize that it has permeated your thought process. Its a little scary actually.

Self censoring, it's the Rod Serling interview all over again.

Because everything is dissected, we've mastered the limbo of avoiding anything controversial. Positivity and acceptance is more important than honesty. People are a fucking joke.

You Americans

You sound like a smug cunt.

I understood the "I don't want to be associated with a racist" thing. That's his opinion and right.

Like most of us though, Ant was "funny racist" but when you saw the tweets that caused the firing, you realized, "oh shit, he is actually racist"

But then, Joe took it further and acted like he was some hurt girl that didn't get attention and was scared of what his progressive LA friends would think. That's where he came off as a petty douche

I never saw the pictures or videos of Anthony killing and enslaving from one race to another or even holding up people for their EBT cards. Perhaps he intimated a ceiling of achievement for certain pigmentations but nothing I'd call him a racist for.

Come to think of it, there are many Joe DeRosas on this here virtual message board. Even with a similar indoctrination you silly gooses relish one of your own being vivisected for entertainment purposes.

I will be pitching a TV pilot soon because of this, we will be hanging a variety of animals to measure their thrashing movements. First will be a Giraffe from a crane. I expect it to be a hit in the Liberal demographics.

Just because you used a thesaurus to write this, doesn't make you sound intelligent or funny

You exchanged a well-formulated opinion for a string of fancy words, hoping nobody would notice how dumb you are

Kinda like how KISS put on make-up and costumes to cover up their shitty music. What KISS is to rock-music, is what you are to intellectual thought

You're right Elias, when the machine breaks down, we break down. I'll start with hanging something most people are neutral towards like a hippopotamus. I'll defer to this place going forward as I tweak my liberal geared tv formula.

You're insane to think he's a racist, just sad. The fact that somebody can be as intelligent as him and make points so clearly, but because you can horribly misconstrue tweets so it doesn't matter, is just depressing. You're part of the problem.

"They aren't people"

gee, how I horribly misconstrue things.

I love Ant, but I disagree with some of his views. I don't really care, because he makes me laugh.

So how am I part of the problem, faithful sycophant?

Ant would say "they aren't people" refers to violent people not black people.

Joe is on Ants show calling in right now

Like Joe, the "Political Cesspool" radio interview was where Ant completely lost me. Not the fact he appeared on the show, it was the things he was saying. He might as well have been the co-host. Jimmy explaining away the interview with "People interview Charles Manson..." was a really sad grasp at logic.

Better than DeRosa's pizza and candy metaphors

pretty sure Ant has admitted he's a racist many times, the way Joe conducted himself is the real issue

I don't care if it bothers you the point is he's not a racist. Just stop. It's getting pathetic.

I thought the same thing during Jimmy's speech. Loyalty doesn't factor in. If Ant's a screaming racist and you have proof of that, you're not obligated to treat him with kid gloves because he's had you over his house a few times. The Anthony lovetrain is in full effect here, so of course we're all taking Ant's side on this.

The real bad thing about Derosa's appearance was how dramatic he was about Ant ignoring his texts and all that. Derosa completely spiraled into sensitive girlfriend mode during that interview. I don't find Derosa entertaining and never did, but Ant is a true, hateful racist of the worst kind, and if a guy wants to air that publicly, I don't fault him.

hateful racist of the worst kind

Oh my, I didn't know Anthony went around killing black people.

Fair enough. I just meant that he attempts to hide how extreme of a racist he is. His whole "I use statistics and logic" argument is a frivolous, shitty cover for the fact that he believes blacks are genetically inferior in some way. It's underneath everything he ever says about them, but he's smart enough to not go that far.