GUYS, with all this new hullabaloo, lets keep things on track here: WE HATE OPIE, NOT JOE DEROSA.

0  2014-09-11 by clarkiswhite

Don't lose focus.


No, I've always hated DeRosa. I'm just glad others are finally seeing him for the cowardly bitch that he is. He's not funny and the only thing he brings to the show to make him somewhat interesting is he has to talk about wanting to blow Bailey Jay. He isn't funny and he has nothing to offer. He's a flabby LA alt comic worried about what his "black friends" would think. He's a spineless cunt and I hope he's killed.

Finally something new in this sub.

I have enough hate to go around.

Hate is an infinite commodity.

Opie is great to make fun of, but Joe is way more sensitive and easier to get to.

I have no reason to hate Opie. The new incarnation of the show isn't entertaining to me but I don't hold that against him, I just listen to archived shows. Right now I'm making my way through 2011 and I don't find him annoying in the slightest.

I pity Opie - I hate DeRosa