So how'd it go?

0  2014-09-11 by Turbofist

Didn't listen to the show today. How'd you silly pests do with your opie phone blast?


Wouldn't you know it, the phone screener software was down. Of all the bad luck...

But yet Opie was able to identify the callers names and their locations. Hmmm....


Oh yeah, but the screening software must have been working despite Opie saying it was broken because he knew their names and their locations prior to picking up. Sal wasn't there to screen calls as he was out sick.


They didn't seem to take many calls today. But I didn't try and call, so I don't know.

Uhm yes because broken things never get fixed and the God damn fucking phones haven't been an issue for over a year or anything. There was one day they had to go home 2 hours early because the studio equipment is so shitty. You're a moron that's reaching now.

Would you shut the fuck up already. I SAID the show was good today and Opie was tolerable. You happy, little boy?
