Could someone upload Jimmy talking about Derosa?

28  2014-09-11 by okconsumer

I couldn't listen today and I'm eager to hear his ramblings


What I learned from Nikki Glaser's comments is that Joe is a big baby. Twitter people are being critical of him, he's at a funeral, and he falls to pieces over it and misdirects that emotion at Anthony? What a bitchy weeping woman Joe DeRosa is.

Not to be conspiracy guy but clearly the call was a set-up so they could get into the subject without bringing it up themselves AND it was the same guy that defended Opie during Jerry's call.


Someone from the sales dept. perhaps?

A prepburger insider guy reference, impressive.

I love what Jimmy had to say about it - rational, concise and objective.

He acknowledged on twitter what a longwinded ass he was about this. At least Jimmy can take criticism and turn it into funny, unlike his co-host.

Ant has on multiple occasions given Kieth the Cop crap for 'booking me on that show' meaning the alleged 'white supremacist' podcast.

Media Matters 4 America and Talking Points Memo started pushing that narrative and that Anthony said horrible racist things on it. He didn't. He said nothing that was to the level of a typical Toure or Dyson or Rev Al rant on MSNBC.

DeRosa is more worried about how he looks, and about his butthurt feelings than the truth. And he's let the progressive propaganda machine give him the out he needed. Fuck him.

Derosa sure went all hollywood pretty fucking quickly.

I think it's safe to say Jimmy hates Joe Derosa.

The best part is opie says his, " it was never black and white" expecting laughter. Gets silence. But says "seriously".

that's a good line though

DeRosa was butthurt and was being an career opportunist in exploiting this for his own selfish agenda.


Or, around what time in the show was it?

Ugh. Horrible. Listening to Jimmy and Opie using Patrice as this "wise arbiter of what someone really believes" Anthony knew exactly what that podcast was that he called into

did Opie really plunk down a caller in the middle of that? WTF? Jimmy had to stop and tell him to get rid of the guy.

It was kind of a important topic they were on. But no lets go to Bob from whothefuckcares, Virginia.

Jesus Christ he sucks.

Wow, haven't heard the show since Ant was fired, but Jimmy has matured!! Sounds like original thought!

Whose the hole ?

nikki glaser she's funny

she also dated derosa and knows how much of a baby boy he really is

For a hole, maybe. For a comedian, no.

Who's. A contraction of who is. Whose. The possessive.


Is this what Jimmy sounds like on the O&J show? Is he serious Jimmy all the time? It's horrendous.


Edit: this is just what Dorosa said about Ant.

Um there's no Jimmy there, Lady Di.

Oops. Sorry! Thought you were looking for what DeRosa said about Ant.

No, he was looking for what Jimmy said about Derosa. That would be why the title was "Could someone upload Jimmy talking about Derosa?"

"Where's Joe?? Is this Jim? Is Jay Mohr in there somewhere??"

BTW, Other than Jimmy, and to an extent Sam, this show has become unlistenable. The over-eager comics auditioning for 3rd mic and the lack of any direction are stifling. Jimmy on Ant's show was amazing.

I hope Opie signs back up and tries to do Opie, Vos and Bonnie the Hole show. He deserves it.

Bonnie isn't a hole you moron.

Amazingly, it's actually been up for a while. You guys are so quick with uploading this stuff.


fuck off

Oh you. Such a card!

