Joe AND Keith need a good trashing

0  2014-09-11 by LouisCGhey

First off, Joe needs to get rid of his avatar that makes him look like a dead Bolivian Socialist, and Keith needs to be reminded that just because Joe can put him in one of his skits where he wears sleeveless shirts, doesn't give him the right to stab Anthony in the back, and steal Ant's hashtag [I know not robbing the white man is hard, but fuck you Keith].


Keith was messing around. It was very obvious. Even jimmy favourited the picture keith posted about the bitch who hit anthony. Besides he said what many of us said in one of his tweets ''anthony is a very funny guy, i wish he could stop talking about race and just be funny''

The real back stabber here is derosa

Derosa the social justice warrior

Oooooh look at how not racist I am

Oooooh look at what a guilty white person I am

Oooooh please accept me hollywood

It's a lot of weight for poor Joe to carry on his non-existent shoulders!

"Dead Bolivian socialist" fucking killed me! You're a funny guy.

How bad is Opie though

thats what I'm saying

I just saw your account is 2 years old, your dedication is awe inspiring.



doesn't give him the right to stab Anthony in the back, and steal Ant's hashtag [I know not robbing the white man is hard, but fuck you Keith].

oof. i think you should be trashed for not knowing that Keith is trolling. Ant's dick is so far down your throat. You actually said that someone stole Ant's hashtag. A fucking hashtag.
